In theory the process of Bayesian inference is straightforward. After specifying a complete Bayesian model we condition the joint distribution over model configurations and observed data on a particular measurement and then quantify inferences with the resulting posterior expectation values. This theoretical elegance, however, rarely carries over into practice. Reasoning about sophisticated models is certainly challenging, and explicitly specifying and communicating those models is even more difficult. Moreover, even if we can precisely define our model then we have to struggle to accurately estimate the corresponding posterior expectation values.

Stan is a comprehensive software ecosystem aimed at facilitating the application of Bayesian inference. It features an expressive probabilistic programming language for specifying sophisticated Bayesian models backed by extensive math and algorithm libraries to support automated computation. This functionality is then exposed to common computing environments, such as R, Python, and the command line, in user-friendly interfaces.

In this case study I present a thorough introduction to the Stan ecosystem with a particular focus on the modeling language. After a motivating introduction we will review the Stan ecosystem and the fundamentals of the Stan modeling language and the RStan interface. Finally I will demonstrate some more advanced features and debugging techniques in a series of exercises.

The hope is that with a strong foundational understanding you too will be asking for more Stan.

1 Prologue

The scope of the Stan project is large enough that it can be overwhelming for new and even advanced users. Its massive cultural influence can make it seem even less accessible.

Before going into any depth let’s first motivate the basic functionality of Stan with a simple example.

1.1 Model

Our first interaction with Stan as a user will be to specify a complete Bayesian model. This requires defining the observational space, \(y \in Y\), the model configuration space, \(\theta \in \Theta\), and then a joint probability density function over the product of these two spaces, \[ \pi(y, \theta). \] Because probability density functions can be awkward to work with in practice we will instead specify our model through the log probability density function \[ \log \pi(y, \theta). \]

Let’s consider, for example, an observational space consisting of the product of \(N\) real-valued components, \[ y = \left\{y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N} \right\}, \] and the independent observational model \[ \pi(y \mid \theta) = \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{normal} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1). \] We then fill out the complete Bayesian model with a prior model on the lone parameter of our model configuration space, \[ \pi(\theta) = \text{normal} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1). \]

The joint probability density function of our complete Bayesian model is then given by \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y, \theta) &= \pi(y \mid \theta) \, \pi(\theta) \\ &= \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{normal} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1) \cdot \text{normal} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1), \end{align*} \] or, more pedantically, \[ \pi(y, \theta) = \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{normal_pdf} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1) \cdot \text{normal_pdf} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1), \] where “normal_pdf” refers a normal probability density function.

The log joint probability density function that will specify in the Stan Modeling Language is then \[ \begin{align*} \log \pi(y, \theta) &= \log \Bigg( \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{normal_pdf} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1) \cdot \text{normal_pdf} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1) \Bigg) \\ &= \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \log \Big( \text{normal_pdf} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1) \Big) + \log \Big( \text{normal_pdf} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1) \Big) \\ &= \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \text{normal_lpdf} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1) + \text{normal_lpdf} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1) \end{align*} \] where now normal_lpdf refers to the natural logarithm of the normal probability density function.

1.2 Stan Program

The Stan modeling language specifies each element of a Bayesian model through programming blocks. First the data block defines the components of the observational space,

data {
  int N;
  real y[N];

Then the parameters block defines a parameterization of the components of the model configuration space,

parameters {
  real theta;

Finally the model block defines the target log probability density function by adding up each contributing log probability density function into a global target accumulator variable,

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0, 1);
  for (n in 1:N)
    target += normal_lpdf(y[n] | theta, 1);

Altogether these blocks define a Stan program that represents our complete Bayesian model,

data {
  int N;
  real y[N];

parameters {
  real theta;

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0, 1);
  for (n in 1:N)
    target += normal_lpdf(y[n] | theta, 1);

1.3 Interface

Once we have specified our model we need to evaluate the components of the observational space on their observed values and compute the corresponding posterior expectation values. The conditioning and probabilistic computation is handled by the core libraries of Stan that convert a given Stan program into an executable program capable of evaluating the log posterior density function and its gradient function in order to run a high-performance implementation of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. All of this machinery, however, is concealed behind an interface into which users input the observed data and from which they receive algorithm output and diagnostics.

In this case study I will demonstrate a Stan user exprience through the RStan interface to the core Stan libraries. Our first step is to load the RStan library and configure some settings that we’ll explore in more depth later.

Loading required package: StanHeaders
Loading required package: ggplot2
rstan (Version 2.19.2, GitRev: 2e1f913d3ca3)
For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()).
To avoid recompilation of unchanged Stan programs, we recommend calling
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)            # Cache compiled Stan programs
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) # Parallelize chains

Next we read in the values of the observed data from an external file.

input_data <- read_rdump("data/")

The read_rdump function formats the observed data into a list which will then get consumed by RStan.

[1] 1.2281958 1.0374739 1.2964399 1.2617497 0.5873726

[1] 5

We can now call the main RStan command which conditions our joint model on the observed data and runs Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to estimate expect values. In order to ensure reproducible behavior I make sure to set an explicit seed for Stan’s internal pseudo random number generator.

fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/intro.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)

The returned stanfit object contains information about our model and, most importantly, all of the output of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.

Even with an algorithm as powerful as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo we have to be careful to check the available diagnostics for any indication of bias. Here I’m using a script that automates the checks in my personally recommended diagnostic workflow from the contents of the stanfit object.

util <- new.env()
source('stan_utility.R', local=util)

[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

Without any indications of problems we can move on to using the samples output by Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to construct Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. A summary of default estimators and related quantities, including the means and quantiles of the component marginal distributions, is given by the print function.

Inference for Stan model: intro.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

       mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta  0.90    0.01 0.41  0.07  0.62  0.92  1.18  1.69  1503 1.00
lp__  -6.69    0.02 0.71 -8.80 -6.86 -6.41 -6.23 -6.18  1912 1.01

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:12 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

For more bespoke estimators we can access the samples contained in the stanfit object directly using the extract function.

params <- extract(fit)

By default Stan runs four parallel Markov chains each with 1000 iterations in their main sampling phase. This corresponds to 4000 total samples with which we can work.

[1] "theta" "lp__" 

Using these samples we can, for example, construct histograms to visualize the marginal posterior distributions for each component of the model configuration space, in this case just the one theta.

c_dark <- c("#8F2727")
c_dark_highlight <- c("#7C0000")

hist(params$theta, breaks=seq(-4, 4, 0.25),
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-4, 4), xlab="theta", yaxt='n', ylab="")

2 The Stan Ecosystem

Mindful of the basic functionality of Stan we can now develop a much more comprehensive understanding of the Stan ecosystem and each of its components. The Stan ecosystem can roughly be decomposed into a language library, a math library, an algorithm library, and a set of interfaces.

The user experience begins with the specification of a Stan program that defines the target probability distribution.

Within Stan the language library parses a given Stan program into a high-performance C++ program with the math library defining the C++ functionality.

The resulting C++ model representation is then compiled into an executable program that implements a suite of computational algorithms defined in the algorithm library.

Finally the interfaces interact with that executable program, providing data and configurations while receiving and organizing algorithm output.

The C++ backend allows for very fast computation, especially on commodity hardware like desktop and laptop computers. Moreover, the automated parsing of a Stan program into a C++ program, and then an executable program, gives users the benefit of that performance without limiting their modeling freedom or requiring any knowledge of C++ itself.

Unfortunately this approach is not without its costs. In order for Stan to be able to compile models on the fly the user has to not only install a C++ toolkit on their computer but also direct the interface to that toolkit. Furthermore new features and improvements often require that users regularly update their toolkits. Installing and maintaining a C++ toolkit is a relatively advanced task, and the specific instructions can vary wildly from operating system to operating system, especially compared to the relatively straightforward installation of packages in environments like R and Python. The Stan development team puts untold numbers of hours into streamlining this process, but it is still likely to be the source of most difficulties when first acclimating to Stan.

With that in mind, let’s go into a little more depth about each element of the Stan ecosystem.

2.1 The Stan Language Library

The Stan Language Library consists of the specification of the Stan Modeling Language and its translation into a C++ function that exposes the target log probability density function. We will go into much more depth about the structure of the Stan Modeling Language in Section 4.

The Stan compiler, also known as the Stan parser, translates or transpiles – most people in the Stan community tend to use parse, compile, translate, and transpile as synonyms even though there are subtle differences between each – a Stan program into a C++ program. The compiler recently underwent a complete rewrite which in the near future will allow for much more sophisticated analysis and manipulation of Stan programs during this compilation process.

2.2 The Stan Math Library

In order to use a C++ program output by the compiler all of the expressions in that program need to have well-defined implementations. The Stan Math Library implements an expansive set of C++ functions from basic mathematics to linear algebra and probability theory to more advanced features like ordinary differential equation and algebraic equation solvers.

Critically the Stan Math Library also implements automatic differentiation for all of its functions. Automatic differentiation is a technique for efficiently evaluating the exact values of the gradient of a C++ function at a given set of inputs. This means that every Stan program defines both a target log probability density function and the corresponding gradient function without any additional effort from the user. This then allows the use of extremely effective gradient-based algorithms like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo without the user having to pour through pages upon pages of analytic derivative calculations.

The cost of automatic differentiation is only a small overhead relative to the cost of the evaluating the C++ function itself, but that overhead can be important in performance-limited circumstances. A key feature of advanced Stan use is identifying programming patterns with excessive overhead and replacing them with code that leads to more efficient automatic differentiation.

2.3 The Stan Algorithm Library

The Stan Algorithm Library contains three gradient-based C++ algorithms that implement some form of probabilistic computation for models specified by Stan programs. A high-performance implementation of dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo serves as the workhouse of the Stan Algorithm Library. Also included are a limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno optimizer for point estimation and a highly experimental version of automatic differentiation variational inference, or ADVI.

The flexibility of the Stan Modeling Language is critical for the specifying the sophisticated models that live on the frontiers of applied statistics, but that breadth also stresses even the most advanced algorithms. Ultimately the user is responsible for verifying that a given algorithm has yielded estimation sufficiently accurate for their application, using whatever diagnostics are provided. Extensive theoretical and empirical work have verified that the dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm in Stan is robust to a diversity of Stan programs with diagnostics that clearly identify failures. Modal estimation using the optimizer and variational estimation using ADVI have proven to be much more fragile, with failures manifesting in subtle ways that are often hard to diagnose.

We will be working with dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo exclusively in this case study and beyond.

2.4 The Stan Interfaces

The Stan Interfaces expose all of the functionality of the Stan ecosystem to users in a given computing environment while abstracting away most of the implementation details. A basic Stan interface accepts a Stan program as a string or text file along with data from the local environment, runs a Stan algorithm, and then returns the algorithm output to the local environment. In other words users can use the functionality of their favorite computing environment to prepare the input data and analyze the algorithm outputs while the computation is automated behind the abstraction of the interfaces.

CmdStan is the most lightweight interface closest to the core C++ functionality. CmdStan consists of a series of makefiles that allow a Stan program to be compiled into a executable program within a command line environment. Algorithm output is streamed to text files which can be analyzed both during and after the running of an executable. Because CmdStan is so lightweight it adds little overhead to the core algorithms and consequently is especially useful in performance-limited applications. The proximity to the core libraries also means that CmdStan typically exposes new language and algorithm features first.

The most popular interfaces are RStan and PyStan. These interfaces are integrated directly into the R and Python environments. Algorithm output is stored in memory instead of an external file making it easier to analyze after the fact but also preventing it from being analyzed while the algorithms are running. The tight integration between these interfaces and their target environments makes for a smooth user experience, but it does introduce some computational overhead. Moreover this approach is much more challenging for software development. This difficulty, for example, has recently manifested in long delays for updates to the RStan and PyStan interfaces relative to the core library and CmdStan.

Finally there is a large collection of interfaces that expose CmdStan through other computing environments, such as Julia, Mathematica, Matlab, and more. Recently CmdStanR and CmdStanPy have been introduced to expose CmdStan in R and Python directly, complementing the more integrated functionality of RStan and PyStan.

One of the advantages to this organization, especially the domain-specific modeling language, is the ease with which one can move an analysis from one environment to another. This is especially helpful when working with large, diverse teams supporting multiple analysis pipelines.

3 Probabilistic Programming

Earlier I defined Stan as a probabilistic programming language without actually defining what a probabilistic programming language is. Unfortunately as probabilistic programming has become more popular over the past decade so too have the diversity of its interpretations. These different interpretations can make it challenging to understand the properties of a particular language while also complicating comparisons between different languages.

The one unifying aspect of probabilistic programming is the use of computer programs to represent probability distributions and their transformations under various operations. Ambiguities arise, however, when specifying exactly which probability distributions and probabilistic operations are within the scope of a given probabilistic programming language.

Ideally a probabilistic programming language would be able to specify every possible probability distribution over every possible ambient space, along with every possible probabilistic operation from expectations to pushforwards and conditionings.

Unfortunately the space of all possible probability distributions is littered with distributions whose probabilities cannot be computed, even in principle. At the very least any practical language has to be restricted to the space of computable probability distributions.

Within the space of computable probability distributions most languages focus on product distributions.

The space of product distributions can be further broken down by whether or not the component spaces are continous, discrete, or a mixture of the two.

Even with a restriction to product spaces a critical limitation of probabilistic programming is which operations we can faithfully implement in practice. The design of a probabilistic programming language has to carefully balance the extent of the language with the reality of the probabilistic computation.

3.1 All In

Many probabilistic programming languages originating in theoretical computer science are concerned with the challenge of effectively specifying probability distributions and their operations, but not so much the accurate implementation of those operations. While there are many important research questions confronted by these languages, their theoretical focus has to be taken into account when they are brought into the proximity of practical applications.

The extent of these languages can be massive, spanning nearly every computable probability distribution and probabilistic operation. These languages are of limited use in practice, however, because most of the programs one can write in them can’t be evaluated accurately, at least not without infinite computation. A probabilistic algorithm can always be applied to evaluate these programs, but if the output of those algorithms doesn’t implement the probability theory with small, quantifiable error then we have no idea how faithful that output will be.

We often take for granted that a computer will be able to accurately implement the operations encoded in our programs. That cavalier attitude is usually safe, but when the implementations become less trustworthy programming becomes much, much harder. Just ask anyone who has struggled with the difference between the exact arithmetic of the real numbers and how addition and multiplication are actually implemented in floating point arithmetic.

A key design feature of more practically minded probabilistic programming languages is the restriction of distributions and operations to those within the scope of accurate computation. Given the state-of-the-art in probabilistic computational algorithms, this essentially limits the scope of useful probabilistic programming languages to the computation of conditional expectation values. That said, some people are more optimistic and one should recognize that this isn’t a universal opinion.

3.2 Graphic Design

There are many possible designs for specifying conditional probability distributions, each based on different representations of probability distributions.

For example probability distributions over product spaces can be represented with directed graphical models. Consequently we can use graphical models as the basis for a probabilistic programming language. The use of univariate directed graphical models was pioneered by the BUGS project [@LunnEtAll:2009], the first probabilistic programming language popular in applied statistics.

One benefit of univariate directed graphical modeling languages is that the detailed conditional structure in each program encodes a tremendous amount of information about the target distribution that can then be exploited by not only users but also other computer programs. This facilitates automated static analysis of a given program that can identify ways to implement or even optimize probabilistic computation of the implied probability distribution. BUGS utilized this structure to automatically compute the Markov blanket around each parameter and define conditional updates needed to implement Gibbs samplers.

This structure, however, comes at a cost. Because only a relatively small subset of probability distributions can be represented by univariate directed graphical models, any probabilistic programming language designed around this structure will have a fundamentally limited expressibility.

This limitation may not be significant for the simple models one encounters when first learning probabilistic modeling, but it becomes increasingly problematic as one matures into more sophisticated modeling techniques, especially those employing components spaces with multidimensional constraints.

3.3 Propensities for Densities

Another useful representation that probabilistic programming can exploit are probability density functions in a given parameterization of the ambient space. Languages where probabilistic programs specify a parameterization and probability density function are extremely expressive, capable of capturing all probability distributions within the scope of univariate directed graphical languages and much more. The only limitation to the expressiveness of these languages is a restriction to finite-dimensional ambient spaces.

At the same time probability density functions provide only a monolithic representation of a probability distribution that doesn’t necessarily reveal any of its internal structure. This limits the potential for static analysis and some automated operations. For example if we specify a probability distribution over a product space with a joint probability density function then we won’t always be able to automatically construct an explicit conditional decomposition, and hence be unable to apply any algorithms that require such a decomposition.

A probability density function does, however, provide sufficient information for many probabilistic computational algorithms, in particular Markov chain Monte Carlo. Given a probabilistic program that evaluates the target probability density function these algorithms can generate estimates of expectation values. In fact most of these algorithms need only unnormalized probability density functions that differ from the target probability density function by only a constant, \[ \bar{\pi}(x) \propto \pi(x). \] Consequently an even more general target for a probabilistic programming language is an unnormalized probability density function, which I will refer to from here on is as density function.

Requiring only a density function has the added benefit of enabling probabilistic operations like conditioning. As shown in my product distribution case study, we can generate an unnormalized conditional probability density function by evaluating a joint probability density function at the conditioning variables. Consequently when supported by algorithms that require only density functions a probabilistic programming language can automatically implement conditioning and the estimation of conditional expectation values.

This is particularly useful for inferential applications as it allows for the evaluation of posterior expectation values once a density function for the complete Bayesian model, and values for the observed data, are provided.

The expressiveness of probability density functions does come at the expense of some ambiguity. Because many probability density functions will correspond to the same probability distribution, many probabilistic programs in such a language will encode equivalent information. Each of those programs, however, might interact with a given computational algorithm differently, introducing the need to find a program that works best with a given algorithm.

3.4 Savile Row

Another important design choice in a probabilistic programming language is whether or not to embed it within another ambient, non-probabilistic programming language, like R or Python. Embedded languages can take advantage of the existing infrastructure and programmer familiarity of the ambient programming language, making them less intimidating for users. On the other hand embedded languages have to work around the structure of the ambient language which often requires compromising on the probabilistic aspects of the design.

In particular embedded languages may have to exclude popular aspects of the ambient language that are not consistent with the probabilistic programming paradigm, potentially confusing new programmers who don’t have the intuition for which features persist into the embedded language and which do not. Moreover embedded languages will be entirely inaccessible for programmers not familiar with the ambient language in the first place.

Bespoke, or domain specific, probabilistic programming languages are designed from the ground up with probability theory in mind. This singular focus allows domain specific languages to be self-contained, exposing all of the desired probabilistic objects and operations without any irrelevant language features. Domain specific languages are also independent of any existing language or environment, allowing them to be used in a wide variety of existing analyses. The cost of these features, however, is an increased burden on new users who have to learn yet another programming language in order to implement their inferences.

3.5 The Ascent of Stan

A common feature of state-of-the-art algorithms, like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, is their utilization of differential information about a target distribution to maximize the possibility of accurate computation while also increasing the sensitivity of algorithm-specific diagnostics. The Stan Modeling Language is a domain specific probabilistic programming language designed to complement these algorithms by specifying not just any density function but differentiable density functions defined over continuous product spaces.

Continuous product spaces are vast span the majority of statistical applications, but this restriction does limit the scope of the language. What can’t be captured, however, are largely probability distributions that we cannot faithfully compute anyways.

A Stan program defines a product space consisting of unbound continuous components and bound continuous and discrete components, and an unnormalized probability density function over that product space. When evaluated at the bound variables this density function defines an a continuous, unnormalized conditional density function over the unbound variables suitable for algorithms like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.

4 The Stan Modeling Language

With its context in the Stan ecosystem and world of probabilistic programming a bit more clear, let’s take a much deeper look at the structure of the Stan Modeling Language. Because programming models is a large part of the Stan user experience, a thorough comprehension of the language is critical to the most effective use of Stan.

The Stan Modeling Language is an imperative, strongly and statically typed, domain specific probabilistic programming language that defines a log probability density function through programming blocks. That…well that was a lot of words. In this section we’ll explore each of them more carefully and explain why they are important to the design and use of the language.

4.1 Specifying a Target Density Function

Stan provides a general framework for estimating expectation values with respect to conditional probability distributions over continuous spaces. Each Stan program specifies the bound variables that define the discrete and continuous component spaces on which we condition, \[ y_{1}, \ldots, y_{M} \in Y_{1} \times \ldots \times Y_{M} = Y, \] free variables that define the continuous components of the conditioned ambient space, \[ \theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{N} \in \Theta_{1} \times \ldots \times \Theta_{N} = \Theta, \] a target density function over both, \[ \bar{\pi}(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{M}, \theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{N}), \] and any functions whose expectation values might be of interest, \[ g: Y \times \Theta \rightarrow \mathbb{R}. \]

Typically a joint density function is constructed with the chain rule of probability theory as the product of many conditional probability density functions. For example we might have the conditional decomposition \[ \begin{align*} \bar{\pi}(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{M}, \theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{N}) &= \quad \prod_{m = 1}^{M} \bar{\pi}(y_{m} \mid y_{m + 1} \ldots, y_{M}, \theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{N}) \\ & \quad \cdot \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \bar{\pi}(\theta_{n} \mid \theta_{n + 1} \ldots, \theta_{N}). \end{align*} \] The product of many density functions, however, is prone to underflowing to zero due to the limited resolution of computer arithmetic which can result in unstable numerical results.

Stan avoids this numerical instability by specifying not a target density function but rather the natural logarithm of a target density function, \[ \text{target} = \log \bar{\pi}(\tilde{y}_{1}, \ldots, \tilde{y}_{M}, \theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{N}), \] which converts multiplications into additions that are easier to handle on computers. The example from above, for example, would become \[ \begin{align*} \text{target} &= \log \bar{\pi}(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{M}, \theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{N}) \\ &= \quad \sum_{m = 1}^{M} \log \bar{\pi}(y_{m} \mid y_{m + 1} \ldots, y_{M}, \theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{N}) \\ &\quad + \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \log \bar{\pi}(\theta_{n} \mid \theta_{n + 1} \ldots, \theta_{N}). \end{align*} \]

Specifying a log density function has the additional benefit of requiring only the logarithm of each component density. This is particularly helpful when drawing from a toolbox of exponential family probability density functions whose logarithms are particularly efficient to evaluate, \[ \begin{align*} \log \frac{ \exp \left( \sum_{m = 1}^{M} \lambda_{m} \, T_{m}(x_{n}) \right) } { Z(\lambda_{1}, \ldots, \lambda_{M}) } \nu(x) &= \quad \sum_{m = 1}^{M} \lambda_{m} \, T_{m}(x_{n}) \\ &\quad - \log Z(\lambda_{1}, \ldots, \lambda_{M}) \\ &\quad + \log \nu(x). \end{align*} \]

Because addition is commutative any reordering of the conditional density function contributions specifies exactly the same target distribution. The exact order of contributions used in a Stan program can be chosen to maximize clarity or, in some cases, to optimize performance.

Because Stan programs define only unnormalized probability density functions any two Stan programs that differ only by the addition of a constant also define exactly the same target distribution. This allows us to, for example, drop any expensive normalizing constants from the component density function to reduce the cost of evaluating a Stan program.

This invariance to constants also implies that free variables that do not influence the target density function by the end of a Stan program are implicitly endowed with uniform density functions. For example \[ \text{target} = \log \bar{\pi}(y_{1}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) = \log \bar{\pi}(y_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) + \log \bar{\pi}(\theta_{2} \mid \theta_{1}) \] is equivalent to \[ \text{target} = \log \bar{\pi}(y_{1}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) = \log \bar{\pi}(y_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) + \log \bar{\pi}(\theta_{2} \mid \theta_{1}) + \log \bar{\pi}(\theta_{1}) \] where \(\log \bar{\pi}(\theta_{1})\) equals any constant value. Consequently a carelessly written Stan program can introduce unexpected uniform density functions and, because those density functions are often problematic, the Stan programs themselves can manifest less than ideal behavior.

4.2 Basic Syntax

In this section we’ll review the basic syntax of the Stan Modeling Language, focusing on the statements, variables, and scopes that we use to build up a given target density function.

4.2.1 Statements

As with any computer program a Stan program is comprised of a sequence of statements, each of which is comprised of expressions that define some action to be carried out by a program such as defining a new variable or performing a mathematical operation.

Unlike languages such as R and Python that use whitespace characters – spaces, tabs, and newlines – to separate statements, the Stan Modeling Language separates statements with a semicolon character ;. This means that Stan programs are not affected by whitespace characters, which can then be freely introduced to make Stan programs easier to read based on one’s personal style.

Any code following two successive forward slash characters, //, is ignored in a statement and hence not executed when the program is run. This allows for the inclusion of comments to document a Stan program.

The Stan Modeling Language is an imperative programming language, meaning that each statement is evaluated in the order in which they appear in a program. This means that statements in well-defined Stan programs can depend only on previous statements that have already been executed. This imperative structure is shared with languages like R and Python, but it is not as universal in the probabilistic programming world. Because of structural differences like these care is constantly required when comparing Stan programs to programs in different probabilistic programming languages!

Stan programs can be organized with control flow statements that allow the programmer to direct the execution of a program. These statements include for loops which evaluates a statement multiple times.

for (n in N1:N2) {
  // Statements executed for each N1 <= n <= N2

The statements within the braces are executed once for each value of the integer-valued iterator, n, within the range N1:N2, spanning N1, N2, and all of the integers in between them. Conditional statements evaluate one of two branches depending on the value of a condition,

if (condition) {
  // Statements evaluated if condition is true
} else {
  // Statements evaluated if condition is false

4.2.2 Variables and The Stan Type System

From a computer science perspective a variable is a reference to some value defined in the process of evaluating a program. This can include input variables defined at the beginning of the evaluation, intermediate variables defined during the evaluation, and output variables returned by the program at the end of the evaluation. The input variables to a Stan program are the components of the ambient product space \(Y \times \Theta\) and the main output variable is the target log density function evaluated at those inputs.

Stan includes real or continuous variables that take values within subsets of the real numbers, \[ v_{\mathrm{Real}} \in U \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{N}, \] and discrete variables that take values within subsets of the integers, \[ v_{\mathrm{Discrete}} \in V \subseteq \mathbb{Z}^{N}. \] The Stan Modeling Language does not include variables that intrinsically take values in any other spaces, including for example topologically distinct spaces like spheres, torii, and Steifel manifolds of orthogonal matrices.

The Stan Modeling Language is strongly and statically typed. Strong typing means that every variable has a well defined type while static typing means that the type of a variable cannot change once it has been defined. This rigid structure requires care from the programmer to ensure that the variable types across a program are consistent with each other, but that rigidity also provides the structure needed for the Stan compiler to be able to not only analyze each Stan program for subtle mismatches and errors but also provide precise, detailed error messages.

The structure of the output space, in particular how it embeds within the real numbers or the integers, defines the type of the variable. The Stan Modeling Languages features an elaborate collection of variable types that encode a variety of rich structure to facilitate the construction of sophisticated models. In this section we’ll review the Stan type system, starting with the basic one-dimensional primitives and multidimensional derived types. Variable Declaration Statements

Variables are introduced to a Stan program with declaration statements that specify a variable type and an identifier which gives the variable a name that can be referenced in the program. For example

type1 variable1;

defines a variable of type type1 that can be referenced with the name variable1. Declaration and definition statements define bound variables with explicit values all in one line.

type1 variable1 = 5;

Because the Stan Modeling Language is an imperative language variables have be defined before they can used; a Stan program can’t look ahead to the end of the program to figure out what value it needs to have at the beginning of the program! For example the following code can’t be executed because the bound variable1 has not yet been defined.

type1 variable2 = function(variable1);
type1 variable1 = ...;

To respect the imperative structure of the language we need to define variable1 first.

type1 variable1 = ...;
type1 variable2 = function(variable1);

Note that input variables are not given values within a Stan program but rather by the algorithms that evaluate a Stan program. Consequently they can be used within a Stan program without specifying explicit values. Primitive Variables

The two elementary types in the Stan Modeling Language are real and int which takes values in the one-dimensional real line and the one-dimensional integers, respectively. When a Stan program is converted to a C++ function real variables assume double precision floating point C++ types and int variables assume 32-bit signed integer C++ types.

real variables are initialized to NaN by default in order to make uninitialized variables more disastrous, and hence easier to identify based on runtime behavior. int variables cannot take a NaN value so instead they are default initialized to -2147483648, the minimum integer value.

Derived types build upon these primitive types by compounding multiple primitive variables together, introducing additional structure, or both. Linear Algebraic Variables

Linear algebra concerns vectors, matrices, and the operations between them. Importantly vectors and matrices are not just collections of real numbers but rather are complemented with shape information that determines exactly how they can interact with other vectors and matrices.

The Stan Modeling Language incorporates linear algebra with vector[N], row_vector[M], and matrix[M, N] types. A vector[N] type defines a collection of \(N\) real variables corresponding to a column vector in linear algebra, while a row_vector[M] type defines a collection of \(M\) real variables corresponding to a row vector, or dual vector, in linear algebra. Similarly a matrix[M, N] type corresponds to the \(M \times N\) real variables that comprise a \(M\)-by-\(N\)-dimensional matrix. Within Stan a vector[N] variable and a matrix[N, 1] variable are equivalent, as are a row_vector[M] variable and a matrix[1, M] variable.

The shape encoded in each of these types allows Stan to verify when a linear algebraic statement is well-posed and when it is not. For example because we can’t multiply two vectors together in linear algebra, the code

vector[5] a;
vector[5] b;
a * b;

will fail to compile. We can, however, multiply a row vector by a column vector which means that

row_vector[5] a;
vector[5] b;
a * b;

is valid and allowed by the Stan compiler.

Stan can also check compatibility of the dimensions in a linear algebraic calculation, but only at runtime since the dimensions may not be defined until then. For example the following code is well-posed if \(M = N\).

matrix[M, M] T;
vector[N] a;
T * a;

During execution when M and N are guaranteed to have explicit values Stan will check that they match and terminate execution if they don’t.

A literal row vector is defined by square brackets. This allows row vector variables to be declared and defined in a single statement, for example

row_vector x[5] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];

In order to declare and define a column vector we have to transpose the literal row vector with the transposition operator, ',

vector x[5] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]'; Constrained Variables

Constrained variables take values in restricted subsets of the real numbers or integers. These variables are incredibly important for statistical modeling but they also introduce a substantial amount of complexity, especially in exactly how the constraints are implemented. We’ll return to a proper treatment of constrained variables in Section 6. #sec:types Array Variables

Organization of variables becomes more critical as Stan programs become more sophisticated. In particular it quickly becomes ungainly to declare large collection of variables one at a time instead of all at once. The array type in the Stan Modeling Language serves as a container for any other type to simplify the structure of Stan programs.

A type in the Stan Modeling Language is elevated to an array of that type by appending a set of dimensions after the variable name. For example while

real x;

defines a single real variable

real x[N];

defines a collection of \(N\) real variables. These variables can then be accessed individually by subsetting the variable on given index,

real a = x[5]; // Extract the fifth element of the real array x

Array types can have up to seven dimensions. For example real x[N] is a one-dimensional real array with \(N\) elements while real y[L, M, N] is a three-dimensional real array with \(L \times M \times N\) elements. Higher-dimensional arrays are implemented recursively as arrays of lower-dimensional arrays. This means that, for example, y[l] returns a two-dimensional array with \(M \times N\) elements for each 1 <= l <= L,

real y[L, M, N];
real z[M, N] = y[1];

while y[l, m] returns a one-dimensional array for each 1 <= l <= L and 1 <= m <= M,

real y[L, M, N];
real z[M, N] = y[1];

real a[N] = y[1, 1];
real b[N] = z[1]; // Equivalent to a

One-dimensional real arrays are similar to vectors and row vectors, and two-dimensional real arrays are similar to matrices, but arrays are just containers and lack the shape information that defines the linear algebraic types. Consequently arrays cannot be used in linear algebra operations and hence the types are not equivalent despite their structural similarity. The only operations native to arrays in the Stan Modeling Language are element-wise operations that act on each element in an array individually and reductions that reduce an array to a single value.

For example we can’t multiple a two-dimensional real array by a one-dimensional real array like we can multiple a matrix by a vector,

real X[N, N];
real y[N];
X * y; // undefined

but we can add two arrays of the same dimension together by adding their individual elements together,

real x[N];
real y[N];
real z[N] = x + y; // z[n] = x[n] + y[n] for all 1 <= n <= N

Importantly Stan allows arrays to be derived from any base type. For example we can have arrays of vectors

vector[K] v[N]; // Collection of N, K-dimensional vectors
v[5]; // Fifth vector in the collection
v[5][1]; // First element of fifth vector in the collection
v[5, 1]; // Equivalent to v[5][1]

as well as arrays of integers int y[N] and even matrices, matrix[J, K] m[N].

The curly brace character defines a literal array variable that can be used to declare and define an array in a single statement, for example

real x[5] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};

Similarly higher dimensional arrays can be declared and defined through nested literal arrays,

real x[2, 2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} };

4.2.3 The Stan Math Library

The Stan Math Library provides a wealth of functions and operations that facilitate the construction of sophisticated models with a surprising efficiency of code. Critically each of the functions and operations exposed in the Stan Math Library supports automatic differentiation that algorithmically evaluates derivatives of a Stan program at the same time that it evaluates the program itself, without any input required of from user.

In this section I review the basic features of the Stan Math Library and refer the reader interested in further detail to the Stan Functions Reference. Probability Library

In order to support probabilistic model building the Stan Modeling Language has an extensive library of probability distributions implemented with probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, and pseudorandom number generators. To help organize all of these functions the probability library adopts a suffix-based naming convention that groups functions into families of corresponding probability distributions.

name Name of family
name_lpdf Logarithm of probability density function (for continuous spaces)
name_lpmf Logarithm of probability density function (for discrete spaces)
name_cdf Cumulative distribution function
name_ccdf Complementary cumulative distribution function
name_lcdf Logarithm of cumulative distribution function
name_lccdf Logarithm of complementary cumulative distribution function
name_rng Pseudorandom number generator

Because products of probability density functions within the same family are so common in probabilistic modeling, many of the functions in the Stan probability library have been designed to handle not only scalar inputs but also container inputs, including vectors, row vectors, and arrays. When encountering container inputs these functions check for consistent dimensions and then broadcast the function evaluation across each of the inputs and, in some cases, reduce the individual evaluations to a single value. This broadcasting functionality is also known as vectorization.

For example the vectorization of log probability density functions evaluates a log probability density function at each input and returns the resulting sum. In code

real target_lpdf = 0;

real y[5];
real mu[5];
real sigma[5];

for (n in 1:5) {
  target _lpdf += normal_lpdf(y[n] | mu[n], sigma[n]);

is equivalent to

real target_lpdf = 0;

real y[5];
real mu[5];
real sigma[5];

target _lpdf += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

Vectorization can handle any combination of containers and scalars provided that the containers have consistent dimensions. For example

real target_lpdf = 0;

real y[5];
real mu;
real sigma[5];

for (n in 1:5) {
  target _lpdf += normal_lpdf(y[n] | mu, sigma[5]);

is equivalent to

real target_lpdf = 0;

real y[5];
real mu;
real sigma[5];

target _lpdf += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);


real target_lpdf = 0;

real y[5];
real mu;
real sigma[10];

target _lpdf += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

would fail to compile due to the mismatch in dimensions between y and sigma.

While vectorization of log probability density functions is always accompanied by a final sum, the vectorization of other functions in the probability library are not. For example some pseudorandom number generators have been vectorized, but these vectorized functions return an entire array of samples.

real y[5];
real mu[5];
real sigma[5];

real samples[5] = normal_rng(y | mu, sigma);

Vectorization not only reduces code, and hence the potential for typos and bugs, but also allows the underlying automatic differentiation to use more efficient calculations that reduce memory and processor costs. The more proficient one is with vectorization the better Stan programs one will be able to write. Linear Algebra Library

The Stan Math Library features an extensive linear algebra library comprised of functions and operations applicable to linear algebra types. In addition to the basic algebraic operations of addition and multiplication the library also includes matrix inversion, division, and most of the popular matrix decompositions. Advanced Features

Often models are specified not explicitly but rather implicitly, with some parts defined only indirectly as the unknown solutions to a given equation. The Stan Math Library supports these implicit parts with functions that accept the defining equations as inputs before solving them to acquire the desired values while also computing the derivatives to support automatic differentiation. These implicit functions support non-stiff and stiff ordinary differential equations, algebraic equations, one-dimensional integrals, and more.

More recently the math library has expanded to include support for parallel processing over multiple CPUs and GPUs. Some functions will automatically parallelize if GPU resources are available and the Stan interface has been properly configured. Multiple CPUs can be exploited with the map_rect function which allows users to organize computation into groups which are then parallelized with any available CPU resources. These functionalities can be particularly important for scaling the large Stan programs.

4.2.4 Scopes

Statements in the Stan Modeling Language are organized into scopes which encapsulate where in a Stan program local variables are well-defined. Within a scope variables can be defined, accessed, and manipulated, but once that scope ends those local variables go “out of scope” and can no longer be accessed by the program.

In the Stan Modeling Language scopes are defined by the brace or “curly bracket” characters, { and }. For example an anonymous scope is defined as

{ // Begin anonymous namespace
  real local_variable; // Defined only within the braces
} // End anonymous namespace
// local_variable has gone out of scope and can no longer be accessed

Anonymous scopes are useful for encapsulating local calculations that we don’t want to contaminate the rest of the program.

Scopes can also be nested, with variables defined in any outer scopes accessible in addition to those defined locally to the current scope.

real variable;
{ // Begin anonymous namespace
  real local_variable1; // Defined only within the first set of braces
  // both variable and local_variable1 are accessible within the first set of braces
  { // Begin nested anonymous namespace
    real local_variable2; // Defined only within the second set of braces
    // variable, local_variable1, and local_variable2 are 
    // all accessible within the second set of braces
  } // End nested anonymous namespace
  // local_variables2 has gone out of scope and cannot be accessed
} // End anonymous namespace
// local_variable1 has gone out of scope and cannot be accessed
// Only variable remains defined

Unlike in most other imperative programming languages, in the Stan Modeling Language local variables have to be defined at the beginning of each scope before any other non-declarative statements. For example the following code will not compile because the second statement is not a variable declaration.

  real variable1 = 5;
  variable1 /= 2;
  real variable2 = exp(variable1);

To ensure a well-defined Stan program we have to declare all local variables first before any other statements.

  real variable1 = 5;
  real variable2;
  variable1 /= 2;
  variable2 = exp(variable1);

Language features like functions, conditional statements, for loops, and while loops all define local scopes. For example a for loop defines a local scope executed at each iteration of the loop.

for (n in 1:N) {
  // Local scope that is executed at each iteration
  real local_variable;
// local_variable out of scope not and no longer accessible

Similarly a conditional statement defines a local scope for each execution branch,

if (condition) {
  // Local scope that is executed if condition is true
  real true_variable;
} else {
  // Local scope that is executed if condition is false
  real false_variable;
// Both true_variable and false_variable are out of scope

Control statements can also be written without braces, in which case the scope defaults to just the statement that immediately follows.

if (condition)
  variable = 1; // Implicit scope for true branch
  variable = -1; // Implicit scope for false branch

Some Stan programmers prefer to always use braces to reduce any ambiguity in the code, for example replacing the previous code with

if (condition) {
  variable = 1; // Explicit scope for true branch
} else {
  variable = -1; // Explicit scope for false branch

Others use braces only when the local scopes require more than one line of code. The preference for one or the other is not defined by the Stan Modeling Language but is instead a matter of programming style.

4.3 The Block Structure of a Stan Program

In many programming languages a program is comprised of any sequence of statements to be executed. A Stan program, however, is comprised of a particular sequence of statements that define an ambient product space and target log density function over that space.

To enforce a clear organization, enhance readability, and reduce programming errors Stan programs are organized into distinct programming blocks, each with a particular responsibility in the specification of a probability space. In this section we’ll review each block, their motivation, and their functionality.

4.3.1 Functions Block

As programs become larger and more complex they tend to repeat the same coding patterns over and over again. The more repetition the more vulnerable the program will be to coding errors. One can limit this risk, however, by defining the repeated behavior just once in a function that can be used over and over again instead of copying the entirety of the repeated behavior.

The functions block in Stan collects user-defined functions that serve as building blocks for more sophisticated programs. Each function is defined by its signature, which defines the input and output variables, and its body, which passes the output variables in a return statement.

For example consider a functions block consisting of the single function baseline.

functions {
  real baseline(real a1, real a2, real theta) {
    return a1 * theta + a2;

Here the signature of the function is

real baseline(real a1, real a2, real theta)

indicating that the function inputs the three real variables a1, a2, and theta and outputs a real value. The body is given by

return a1 * theta + a2;

which indicates that the returned value is equal to a1 * theta + a2.

By appending a function with the suffix _lpdf or _lpmf a user can define their own probability density functions that the Stan compiler will treat exactly the same as the probability density functions in the probability library. Likewise appending the suffix _rng allows users to define their own pseudo-random number generators.

4.3.2 Data Block

The data block defines a set of bound variables whose values are determined by the external environment in with a Stan program is run. How these values are read from the external environment is determined by the specific interface being used.

From the perspective of the language the data block simply consists of a sequence of variable declarations. These variables cannot be given values and no other statements can be included beyond those declarations.

For example the following code requires that a value for the real-valued variable y is provided by the interface before the program can be run.

data {
 real y;

In the context of Bayesian inference bound variables parameterize the observational space and their values identify the outcome of a particular measurement. The bound variables in the data block aren’t the only bound variables in a Stan program, however, so it’s best to think of the data block as the “external data” block.

Variables defined in the data block can be accessed in every block that follows in a Stan program. Consequently the data block can be considered a leaky scope that allows all of its variables to cascade into the blocks below.

4.3.3 Transformed Data Block

The transformed data block defines code that is executed before the target log density function is defined. This allows, for example, the definition of useful constants or preprocessing of the variables read in through the data block. Code within the transformed data block follows the rules of a scope, with variables having to be defined before any code but, like the data block, those variables leak into all of the blocks that follow.

Because the bound variables defined in the transformed data block can be independent of those defined in the data block, they too can contribute to the observational space in the context of Bayesian inference. Consequently the transformed data block is perhaps better interpreted as the “internal data” block.

For example, this code defines a real variable sigma that can be used in the rest of the program.

transformed data {
  real sigma = 1;

4.3.4 Parameters Block

The parameters block specifies free variables which in turn define the components of the conditioned ambient space \(\Theta \mid y\). Like the data block the parameters block consists of a list of variable declarations and no other statements. Unlike the data block, however, these variables are not given explicit values by the user. Instead the Stan algorithms provide values as necessary for estimating expectation values.

To ensure differentiability of the conditioned target density function only real variables can be defined in the parameters block.

In the Bayesian inference context free variables defined in the parameters block parameterize the model configuration spaces, hence the naming convention.

For demonstration purposes let’s consider two real variables in the parameters block.

parameters {
  real a1;
  real a2;

4.3.5 Transformed Parameters Block

Often there are functions of the parameters that are not only useful for building up the target log density function but also define expectation values of interest in a given analysis. The Stan Modeling Language accommodates these functions with the transformed parameters block.

Bound variables declared and defined in the transformed parameters block define the output of functions over the ambient product space \(Y \times \Theta\) defined by the variables in the data, transformed data, and parameters blocks. As with those blocks, the scope of these variables cascades into all of the blocks that follow.

What makes the transformed parameters block so important is that the value of the variables declared here will automatically be saved by the Stan interfaces so that the expectation values of the functions they represent can be estimated.

Sometimes local variables are helpful intermediaries for computing variables in the transformed parameters block. In order to take advantage of these without saving them to Stan output you can hide them in anonymous scopes. For example

transformed parameters {
  real x;
    real y = 5;
    x = exp(y);

would save the variable x but not the variable y.

Continuing from the code we’ve already introduced, let’s define a transformed parameter block using the function defined in the functions block along with the two variables defined in the parameters block.

transformed parameters {
  real mu = baseline(a1, a2, 0.5);

4.3.6 Model Block

With all of the groundwork laid in the previous blocks the Stan program is finally ready to specify the target log density function in the model block.

The model block exposes an implicit target variable which stores the contributions to target log density function. This variable can be modified through an infix sum, target +=, which adds the output of the subsequent expression to the current target variable. The target variable cannot be accessed in any of the other blocks.

The target variable itself is implicitly initialized to the zero. Because Stan programs define only an unnormalized log density function this initialization means that an empty model block implies a constant density function over the ambient product space \(Y \times \Theta\), which then implies a constant conditional density function over the conditioned ambient space, \(\Theta \mid y\).

Unlike the previous blocks the model block is a proper scope. All variables defined in the model block are local to the model block and cannot be accessed anywhere else.

So far we have defined the free variables a1 and a2 and the bound variables y. Let’s say that want to specify the joint probability density function \[ \begin{align*} \pi(a_{1}, a_{2}, y) &= \pi(y | a_{1}, a_{2}) \, \pi(a_{1}) \, \pi(a_{2}) \\ &= \text{normal} (y \mid \mu(a_{1}, a_{2}), \sigma = 1) \, \text{normal} (a_{1} \mid 0, 1) \, \text{normal} (a_{2} \mid 0, 1) \end{align*} \] through the log probability density function \[ \begin{align*} \log \pi(a_{1}, a_{2}, y) &= \log \pi(y | a_{1}, a_{2}) + \log \pi(a_{1}) + \log \pi(a_{2}) \\ &= \log \text{normal} (y \mid \mu(a_{1}, a_{2}), \sigma) + \log \text{normal} (a_{1} \mid 0, 1) + \log \text{normal} (a_{2} \mid 0, 1). \end{align*} \] We can encode this target density function in our Stan program by adding each of these log probability density functions to the implicit target variable.

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

The Stan algorithms will take care of conditioning this joint density function on the value of y defined in the external environment to give the desired unnormalized conditional density function \[ \bar{\pi}(a_{1}, a_{2} \mid y) \propto \pi(a_{1}, a_{2}, \tilde{y}). \]

Because addition is commutative the order in which we add each component log density function to target does not change the target distribution specified by the Stan program. In other words the model blocks

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);


model {
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);


model {
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);


model {
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);


model {
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);


model {
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);

all specify exactly the same probability distribution function.

The target += notation is nice because it makes the affect of each statement on the target log density function explicit. On the other hand it tends to generate character-dense Stan programs that can be hard to read. Consequently the Stan Modeling Language offers some syntactic sugar that can make programs easier to scan.

Sampling statements rearrange and simplify target += statements by replacing the target += with a ~, moving the unconditioned variables to the left of the ~, and removing the _lpdf or _lpmf suffixes entirely. For example the statement

target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

would be replaced by the sparser statement

y ~ normal(y | mu, sigma);

When a Stan program defines a target density function through a conditional decomposition these sampling statements are often equivalent to the sampling statements used in directed graphical modeling languages to define the conditional densities at each node. The Stan Modeling Language, however, does not enforce this equivalence. For example the code

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(x | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(x | 0, 1);

is not compatible with any conditional decomposition but it does define a perfectly valid target log density function. In fact with some algebra one can show that this is equivalent to

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(x | 0, 1 / sqrt(2));

There is one last subtlety when using sampling statements. The probability density functions defined in the Stan Modeling Language are properly normalized by default, but when they are used with a sampling statement constant normalizing terms are automatically dropped. This can speed up execution but it will also shift the final value of the target log density. This doesn’t influence the target distribution specified by the Stan program, but it can cause confusion when the Stan program is compared to other specifications of the same distribution.

4.3.7 Generated Quantities Block

The generated quantities block is used to define statements that are executed after algorithms are run. Bound variables declared in this block can be used to capture functions with relevant expectation values as well as pseudorandom samples conditioned on the variables defined in the parameters block.

Because the generated quantities block is the last block in a Stan program it has nowhere for its scope to leak, so it can be considered a proper, self-contained scope just like the model block. Unlike the variables defined in the model block, however, the value of every variable declared in the main scope of the generated quantities block is saved in the Stan output. As with the transformed parameters block any unwanted variables in the generated quantities block can be hidden inside anonymous scopes.

The generated quantities and transformed parameters block have somewhat overlapping functionality; they both allow the user to define variables that depend on the parameters, and anything else in scope, whose values are saved in the Stan output. Variables declared in the transformed parameters block, however, are in the scope of the model block and hence have to be evaluated every time the target log density function is evaluated. On the other hand the variables in the generated quantities block are not needed in the model block and can be evaluated only after each iteration of an algorithm, for example after each transition of Markov chain Monte Carlo.

Ultimately the practical difference between the two blocks is that variables defined in the generated quantities block are computed less often and hence are less costly to the execution of the Stan program than variables defined in the transformed parameters block. If you have a complicated variable that you want to save in the Stan output and have available for the computation of the target log density function then define them in the transformed parameters block. Otherwise defining it in the generated quantities block will be more computationally efficient.

Unlike the transformed parameter block the generated quantities block can make use of pseudorandom number generators which allow the generation of exact samples conditioned on the current values of the free parameters. In the context of Bayesian inference, for example, this allows one to compute posterior predictive samples within the Stan program itself.

If we wanted to compute posterior predictive samples for the model we’ve been defining so far then we could introduce the generated quantities block

generated quantities {
  int y_predict = normal_rng(mu, sigma);

4.3.8 Everything In Its Place

Putting all of these blocks together defines a full Stan program specifying a target probability distribution and various functions of interest whose expectation values will be estimated by the algorithms in the Stan Algorithm Library.

functions {
  real baseline(real a1, real a2, real theta) {
    return a1 * theta + a2;

data {
 real y;

transformed data {
  real sigma = 1;

parameters {
  real a1;
  real a2;

transformed parameters {
  real mu = baseline(a1, a2, 0.5);

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(a1 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(a2 | 0, 1);
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

generated quantities {
  int y_predict = normal_rng(mu, sigma);

Not all of the programming blocks are necessary in any given Stan program, but whichever blocks are included must follow this order. Indeed this order mirrors the order in which the blocks are actually executed.

When we run Stan the data block is executed first, declaring variables and using external values from the external environment to define their values. Immediately afterwards the transformed data block is executed. Importantly these two blocks are executed only once.

The parameters block is only a definition, but the transformed parameters and model blocks are run every time the target log density function needs to be evaluated by the Stan algorithms, at whichever parameter values they deem fit. These evaluations are typically frequent and so the overall cost of executing a Stan program will typically be dominated by the operations in these two blocks. If you’re looking to optimize a Stan program then prioritize more efficient code in these two blocks first!

Once an algorithm has finished an iteration the generated quantities block is executed and all of the current values of the variables in the parameters, transformed parameters, and generated quantities blocks are stored in the Stan output.

These interacting functionalities are summarized in the following table. “Cascading” scope here refers to a scope that extends to all following blocks, but not any previous blocks.

Block functions data transformed data parameters transformed parameters model generated quantities
Frequency NA Once Once NA Per Density Evalution Per Density Evalution Per Iteration
Variable Scope NA Cascading Cascading Cascading Cascading Local Local
Defines Expectation Values? NA No No Yes Yes No Yes
Modify `target`? No No No No No Yes No
Use PRNGs? NA NA Yes No No No Yes

5 Demonstrating Stan for Probabilistic Computation

Before considering advanced features of the Stan Modeling Language or Bayesian applications, let’s first demonstrate how to use Stan for abstract probabilistic computation. Using RStan we’ll specify a target log probability density function without any particular interpretation and estimate some expectation values.

Our ambient space will be be comprised of \(N + 1\) real-valued component spaces parameterized by the variables \(\{ y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N} \}\) and \(\theta\). The target probability density over this product space will be given by a conditional decomposition \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, \theta) &= \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N} \mid \theta) \cdot \pi(\theta) \\ &= \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \pi(y_{n} \mid \theta) \cdot \pi(\theta) \\ &= \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{normal} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1) \cdot \text{normal} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1). \end{align*} \]

Our Stan program will then need to define the log probability density function \[ \begin{align*} \log \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, \theta) &= \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \log \pi(y_{n} \mid \theta) + \log \pi(\theta) \\ &= \sum_{n = 1}^{N} \log \text{normal} \, (y_{n} \mid \theta, 1) + \log \text{normal} \, (\theta \mid 0, 1). \end{align*} \]

5.1 Setting up RStan

To fit any Stan program we have to work through one of the interfaces. Here we’ll use RStan, the R interface to the Stan libraries.


RStan has a few recommended configurations that CRAN policy does not allow the package itself to set, so the responsibility falls on us as users. The first recommended configuration is to turn on auto_write.

rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)            # Cache compiled Stan programs

With this setting active RStan will cache the compilation of any Stan program, reusing the existing executable if the same Stan program is fit again with different data or a different algorithmic configuration.

To determine whether a Stan program has changed RStan compares the output of a hash function that maps the text of the program to an almost unique number.
If the number is the same as when the Stan program was first compiled then the cached executable is reused, otherwise it is recompiled.

Sometimes this hash comparison will fail, however, and RStan will recompile even if a Stan program has not actually changed. This occasional inconvenience avoids dangerous side effects that can crash an entire R session. For technical reasons the hash function used by RStan also has trouble if the Stan program does not end with an empty line; if you want to exploit caching then you’ll want to end all of your Stan programs with an empty line for safety.

The second recommended configuration enables parallelism.

options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) # Parallelize chains

When running Hamiltonian Monte Carlo RStan will run each Markov chain on its own processor core, allowing them to run in parallel instead of serially. parallel::detectCores() detects the number of available cores on your computer and will utilize all of them if you run as many Markov chains as available cores. Take care, however, as this monopolization of computational resources can make your computer unusable for anything else until the Markov chains finish. If you want to use your computer for other processes while the Markov chains are running, say…watching Netflix, then you may want to set mc.cores to a number less than parallel::detectCores().

By default RStan will run some diagnostics to verify the accuracy of a fit, but to implement my own personal recommended diagnostics you’ll need to import my stan_utility script. Here I source the script within a local environment that avoids name clashes with any other packages that might also have been imported in the global R environment.

util <- new.env()
source('stan_utility.R', local=util)

This local environment contains a suite of diagnostic functions that we will be using extensively in this case study and beyond.

[1] "check_all_diagnostics" "check_div"             "check_energy"         
[4] "check_n_eff"           "check_rhat"            "check_treedepth"      
[7] "parse_warning_code"    "partition_div"        

While we’re here let’s also set up some lovely colors for plotting.

c_light <- c("#DCBCBC")
c_light_highlight <- c("#C79999")
c_mid <- c("#B97C7C")
c_mid_highlight <- c("#A25050")
c_dark <- c("#8F2727")
c_dark_highlight <- c("#7C0000")

c_light_trans <- c("#DCBCBC80")
c_light_highlight_trans <- c("#C7999980")
c_mid_trans <- c("#B97C7C80")
c_mid_highlight_trans <- c("#A2505080")
c_dark_trans <- c("#8F272780")
c_dark_highlight_trans <- c("#7C000080")

c_green_trans <- c("#00FF0080")

5.2 An Initial Stan Program

The Stan program

data {
  int<lower=1> N; // Number of ys, supplied by interface

parameters {
  real y[N];  // Probabilistic variables y
  real theta; // Probabilistic variable theta

model {
  // Add conditional probability density for the ys
  // given theta to the joint log probabilty density
  // with incremental contributions in a loop
  for (n in 1:N)
    target += normal_lpdf(y[n] | theta, 1);
  // Add marginal probabiltiy density for theta
  // to the joint log probability density
  target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0, 1);

implements the target probability density function that we introduced above. Note that we’re defining a joint density function but not actually conditioning it on any variables – a Stan program can specify conditioning but it doesn’t have to!

To fully define this model we need to specify \(N\), the number of \(y_{n}\), that is defined in the data block. RStan accepts values for variables in the data block through a list.

N <- 3
input_data <- list("N" = N)

Specifying data in a list local to the current R environment, however, will prevent those using Stan through other interfaces from being able to replicate the results. In order to store these values in a platform-independent format RStan provides the stan_rdump function to save local values and the read_rdump function to read saved values into the current environment. We’ll take advantage of these functions later.

Given our initial Stan program and the data values we can now estimate expectation values with the stan function. This function reads in the Stan program from the local text file normal1.stan, transpiles it into a C++ program, compiles that program into an executable that runs the Stan algorithms, and then runs dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo by default. Depending on your machine and version of RStan the compilation step can take up to a minute, so have patience while Stan works out how to run your Markov chains really, really fast.

fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/normal1.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)

Other than specifying the file containing our Stan program and the list containing the dimension N we’re also specifying the pseudorandom number generator seed that will be used to configure our Markov chains. Setting this to an explicit number ensures reproducible behavior, at least on the same machine, operating system, and versions of R, RStan, and any other dependencies. There is little more frustrating than triggering a bug that you can’t reproduce because you don’t know which seed was used!

There are many more options available to configure how Stan is run. To explore the full range of possibilities run ?stan in your R session.

Once Stan has compiled and run the given Stan program is returns a stanfit object which contains, amongst other things, all of the output of the algorithm that was run. In this case that includes all of the samples generated by our Markov chains, as well as diagnostic information specific to dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.

Before using the samples we can diagnose any signs of transient behavior in the Markov chains by using the functions provided in the stan_utility script. These functions, for example, allow us to check diagnostics one at a time.

[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

We can also be a bit more economical with our code and check all of the above diagnostics with a single call.

[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

Once we’re confident in the exploration of our Markov chains we can use them to construct Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. Estimators for the projection functions of the free variables defined in the parameters block and any auxiliary functions defined by bound variables in transformed parameters and generated quantities blocks are automatically constructed with the print function.

Inference for Stan model: normal1.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

       mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
y[1]  -0.01    0.04 1.42 -2.69 -0.99 -0.02  0.92  2.77  1625    1
y[2]  -0.01    0.03 1.42 -2.79 -0.99 -0.01  0.93  2.76  1804    1
y[3]  -0.03    0.03 1.41 -2.73 -0.98 -0.05  0.93  2.76  1632    1
theta -0.02    0.03 1.01 -1.95 -0.71 -0.03  0.67  1.97  1451    1
lp__  -5.64    0.03 1.35 -8.87 -6.36 -5.34 -4.61 -3.93  1554    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:13 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

The function stansummary also provides the same functionality.

We can also access the Markov chain output ourselves using the extract function.

params <- extract(fit)

The sampled values of each variable are accessed by name; here we see that params has the keys y and theta as expected, but also lp__ which is the log target (unnormalized) density function evaluated at each sample.

[1] "y"     "theta" "lp__" 

Keying params the variable theta returns the sampled values. By default RStan runs four Markov chains each for 1000 main sampling iterations, resulting in 4000 sampled values.

[1] 4000

One of the most useful features of the extract function is that it maintains the shape of multidimensional variables. For example instead of having to access each element of y one at a time we can access y all at once, returning a 4000 by 3 array of the component samples.

[1] 4000    3

Be warned, however, that due to some unfortunate historical precedents the extract function by default randomly permutes the samples based on the global R seed. Consequently the order of the samples returned by extract does not correspond to the iterations of any of the four Markov chains. We can avoid the permutation with the permute=FALSE option, but this completely changes the shape of the output from a list to a three-dimensional array! Variables are no longer accessible by name and multidimensional variables are split up into components.

nonpermuted_params <- extract(fit, permute=FALSE)
[1] 1000    4    5

For most uses of the samples order won’t matter, so we will begrudgingly accept the default permutation here while keeping it in mind for when we encounter less common circumstances where the order does matter.

One use case where the order doesn’t matter is visualizations like histograms, which we can use to visualize the pushforward distribution of the projection functions.

par(mfrow=c(2, 2))

hist(params$y[,1], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[1]", yaxt='n', ylab="")
hist(params$y[,2], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[2]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$y[,3], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[3]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$theta, breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="theta", yaxt='n', ylab="")

5.3 Using Vectorization

Our initial Stan program leaves a few things to be desired. Firstly we specify the log probability density function for each component of y one by one in a loop when instead we could use the vectorization of the normal log posterior density function. The vectorized program is shorter, easier to read, and ultimately faster due to the more efficient automatic differentiation enabled by the vectorized function.

data {
  int<lower=1> N; // Number of ys, supplied by interface

parameters {
  real y[N];  // Probabilistic variables y
  real theta; // Probabilistic variable theta

model {
  // Add conditional probability density for the ys
  // given theta to the joint log probabilty density
  // using the vectorized log probabilty density
  target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, 1);
  // Add marginal probabiltiy density for theta
  // to the joint log probability density
  target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0, 1);

To be pedantic let’s verify that we get equivalent results. First we fit this new Stan program and check diagnostics.

fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/normal2.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

Two Markov chains with only small perturbations between them tend to quickly decouple and appear uncorrelated. This implies that even seemingly irrelevant changes to how a target log density function is computed can change the exact evolution of our Markov chains. Consequently we shouldn’t expect to get the same samples with this second program but rather samples that define equivalent estimators.

In particular all we can ask is that the difference between Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators is within the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard errors. Fortunately that appears to be the case here.

Inference for Stan model: normal2.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

       mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
y[1]   0.01    0.04 1.44 -2.88 -0.97  0.03  0.97  2.77  1489    1
y[2]   0.05    0.04 1.45 -2.81 -0.93  0.05  1.03  2.96  1385    1
y[3]   0.03    0.04 1.44 -2.78 -0.95  0.02  1.03  2.88  1395    1
theta  0.04    0.03 1.03 -2.01 -0.66  0.02  0.73  2.04  1105    1
lp__  -5.70    0.04 1.44 -9.32 -6.45 -5.37 -4.64 -3.91  1464    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:14 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Likewise the marginal histograms for each variable look the same.

params <- extract(fit)

par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
hist(params$y[,1], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[1]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$y[,2], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[2]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$y[,3], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[3]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$theta, breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="theta", yaxt='n', ylab="")

5.4 Using Sampling Statements

Our vectorized program is more efficient, but it still reads a bit awkwardly due to the target += statements. We can make our Stan program a little more elegant by instead employing sampling statements.

data {
  int<lower=1> N; // Number of ys, supplied by interface

parameters {
  real y[N];  // Probabilistic variables y
  real theta; // Probabilistic variable theta

model {
  // Add conditional probability density for the ys
  // given theta to the joint log probabilty density
  // using equivalent sampling statement
  y ~ normal(theta, 1);
  // Add marginal probabiltiy density for theta
  // to the joint log probability density using
  // equivalent sampling statement
  theta ~ normal(0, 1);

Let’s run and verify equivalent computation one last time. First we fit.

fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/normal3.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

Then we peruse our Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators to check consistency with the output of the previous two programs.

Inference for Stan model: normal3.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

       mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
y[1]   0.02    0.04 1.41 -2.81 -0.90  0.04  0.96  2.81  1461    1
y[2]   0.00    0.04 1.39 -2.71 -0.93  0.01  0.96  2.64  1525    1
y[3]   0.01    0.04 1.37 -2.83 -0.90  0.04  0.94  2.62  1380    1
theta  0.01    0.03 0.99 -2.01 -0.65  0.04  0.68  1.90  1115    1
lp__  -1.98    0.04 1.48 -5.87 -2.65 -1.61 -0.93 -0.23  1709    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:15 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Finally we construct some visualizations to ensure that nothing has changed.

params <- extract(fit)

par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
hist(params$y[,1], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[1]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$y[,2], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[2]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$y[,3], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[3]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$theta, breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="theta", yaxt='n', ylab="")

5.5 Examining Additional Functions

Stan computes Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators for the projection functions of the variables defined in the parameters block, but what if there are other functions whose expectation values are of interest in an analysis? We could compute a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator ourselves using the output of the extract function, but then we’d be burdened with computing autocorrelations, effective sample sizes, and standard errors ourselves. Instead we can let Stan do the work by adding any additional functions to the transformed parameters or generated quantities blocks.

For example, let’s say that we were interested in the expectation of the exponential function \[ \exp_{\theta} : \theta \mapsto \exp(\theta). \] Because output of this function isn’t used for specifying the target log density function there’s no reason to include the function in the transformed parameters block. It is instead more appropriate in the generated quantities block.

data {
  int<lower=1> N; // Number of ys, supplied by interface

parameters {
  real y[N];  // Probabilistic variables y
  real theta; // Probabilistic variable theta

model {
  // Add conditional probability density for the ys
  // given theta to the joint log probabilty density
  // using equivalent sampling statement
  y ~ normal(theta, 1);
  // Add marginal probabiltiy density for theta
  // to the joint log probability density using
  // equivalent sampling statement
  theta ~ normal(0, 1);

generated quantities {
  // Save the exponential of theta for analysis
  real exp_theta = exp(theta);

Now we can then run and diligently check diagnostics, including the split \(\hat{R}\) and effective sample size of this new function.

fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/normal_gq.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

The print function now includes information about the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator for \(\exp_{\theta}\).

Inference for Stan model: normal_gq.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

           mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
y[1]       0.02    0.04 1.41 -2.81 -0.90  0.04  0.96  2.81  1461    1
y[2]       0.00    0.04 1.39 -2.71 -0.93  0.01  0.96  2.64  1525    1
y[3]       0.01    0.04 1.37 -2.83 -0.90  0.04  0.94  2.62  1380    1
theta      0.01    0.03 0.99 -2.01 -0.65  0.04  0.68  1.90  1115    1
exp_theta  1.63    0.06 2.14  0.13  0.52  1.04  1.97  6.69  1454    1
lp__      -1.98    0.04 1.48 -5.87 -2.65 -1.61 -0.93 -0.23  1709    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:16 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Likewise we can add a visualization of the pushforward distribution of the new function to our existing visualizations.

params <- extract(fit)

par(mfrow=c(2, 3))

hist(params$y[,1], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[1]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$y[,2], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[2]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$y[,3], breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="y[3]", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$theta, breaks=seq(-7, 7, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-7, 7), xlab="theta", yaxt='n', ylab="")

hist(params$exp_theta, breaks=seq(0, 60, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(0, 30), xlab="exp_theta", yaxt='n', ylab="")

5.6 Conditioning

So far our target density function has been a joint density function over theta and all of the components of y. In order to prepare ourselves for Bayesian inference applications, however, we’re going to need some experience with conditioning.

Let’s consider conditioning the joint density function on fixed values of the y. This requires either moving y from the parameters block to the transformed data block and giving each component a value, or moving the variables to the data block and passing in values from the R environment. Here we’ll introduce the values externally.

data {
  int<lower=1> N; // Number of ys, supplied by interface
  real y[N]; // Observed values of the ys, supplied by the interface

parameters {
  real theta; // Probabilistic variable theta

model {
  // Add conditional probability density for the ys
  // given theta to the joint log probabilty density
  // using equivalent sampling statement
  y ~ normal(theta, 1);
  // Add marginal probabiltiy density for theta
  // to the joint log probability density using
  // equivalent sampling statement
  theta ~ normal(0, 1);

generated quantities {
  // Save the exponential of theta for analysis
  real exp_theta = exp(theta);

We now need to augment the data list passed into the stan function with fixed values of each component of y.

y <- c(-1, -0.25, 0.3)
input_data <- list("N" = N, "y" = y)

When we fit this new program Stan will handle conditioning the joint density function on these fixed values, implicitly defining a conditional target density function which it will then use estimate the corresponding conditional expectation values.

cond_fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/conditional_normal.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

Indeed the expectation values for theta and exp_theta have changed, defined with respect to the conditioned target distribution instead of the original joint distribution.

Inference for Stan model: conditional_normal.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

           mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta     -0.24    0.02 0.50 -1.25 -0.58 -0.24  0.11  0.72  1057    1
exp_theta  0.89    0.01 0.47  0.29  0.56  0.79  1.12  2.05  1146    1
lp__      -0.97    0.02 0.70 -3.03 -1.11 -0.70 -0.52 -0.46  1930    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:18 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

The effect of the conditioning is most evident in the histograms of theta and exp_theta pushforward distribuitons which narrow relative to the previous Stan program.

cond_params <- extract(cond_fit)

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

hist(params$theta, breaks=seq(-4, 4, 0.25), prob=T,
     col=c_light, border=c_light_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(-4, 4), xlab="theta", yaxt='n', ylab="", ylim=c(0, 0.75))
hist(cond_params$theta, breaks=seq(-4, 4, 0.25), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, add=T)

hist(params$exp_theta, breaks=seq(0, 60, 0.6), prob=T,
     col=c_light, border=c_light_highlight, main="",
     xlim=c(0, 30), xlab="exp_theta", yaxt='n', ylab="")
hist(cond_params$exp_theta, breaks=seq(0, 60, 0.5), prob=T,
     col=c_dark, border=c_dark_highlight, add=T)

By itself the joint density function over theta and y defines a probabilistic relationship between the two functions. When we fix the values of y this relationship isn’t strong enough to completely fix theta as well, but it does constrain the resulting conditional probability distribution.

This conditioning process is how “learning” manifests in Bayesian inference. The complete Bayesian model defines a relationship between points in the model configuration space and points the observational space, and conditioning restricts the posterior distribution to only those model configurations consistent that are consistent with the measured observation.

6 Constraints

In Section 4.2.2. we reviewed the basic variables types in the Stan Modeling Language, but we saved the best types for last.

One of the most common problems in probabilistic computation is the implementation of constraints that arise naturally in statistical modeling. For example let’s say that we want to fit both the location and scale of a data generating process specified by the normal family of probability density functions. That requires a Stan program with both the location variable, mu, and scale variable, sigma, defined in the parameter block.

data {
  int N;
  real y[N];

parameters {
  real mu;
  real sigma;

model {
  mu ~ normal(0, 1);
  sigma ~ normal(0, 1);
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);

Probabilistic computational algorithms will then try to identify values of mu and sigma consistent with the specified data y. Because this Stan program doesn’t enforce the positivity of sigma, however, most algorithms will eventually encounter negative values of sigma where the target density function vanishes and the target log density function returns negative infinity. The Stan algorithms will ignore these infinite values so that the accuracy of expectation value estimators is unaffected, but the evaluations will waste precious computational resources.

We could try to explicitly enforce the positivity of sigma. For example we could take the floating point absolute value, or fabs, of sigma before evaluating the log density for y.

data {
  int N;
  real y[N];

parameters {
  real mu;
  real sigma;

model {
  mu ~ normal(0, 1);
  sigma ~ normal(0, 1);
  y ~ normal(mu, fabs(sigma));

Because fabs is a two-to-one function, however, the resulting target density function will be multimodal, making accurate computation even harder.

Another approach is to define a variable log_sigma and exponentiate it before evaluating the log density for y.

data {
  int N;
  real y[N];

parameters {
  real mu;
  real log_sigma;

model {
  mu ~ normal(0, 1);
  log_sigma ~ ???;
  y ~ normal(mu, log_sigma);

The challenge here is that we then have to work out what prior density function for log_sigma is equivalent to the original half-normal density function on sigma.

Keeping track of the bookkeeping needed to handle constraints is onerous and prone to error. Fortunately the Stan Modeling Language features variable types that automatically implement most of the constraints that arise in statistical modeling. When transitioning to more sophisticated models, these constrained types become some of the most powerful features in the language.

In this section we’ll review the constrained types in the language before going into more detail about how exactly constraints are implemented and the critical but subtle caveats that need to be taken into consideration when using these types in practice.

6.1 Constrained Types

Constrained types take values in structured subsets of the real numbers or integers, such as intervals.

A map to an interval of the real line stretching from some lower bound to positive infinity is defined by a lower-bounded real variable, real<lower=L>. Likewise we can define upper-bounded real variables, real<upper=U>, and interval real variables with both lower and upper bounds, real<lower=L, upper=U>. Similarly we can define lower-bounded discrete variables, int<lower=L>, upper-bounded discrete variables, int<upper=U>, and interval discrete variables, int<lower=L, upper=U>. In all cases the bounds are inclusive, with the intervals containing any finite boundary points.

These univariate constraints can also be added to container types. While vector[N] v defines a vector with N real-valued elements vector<lower=0>[N] v defines a vector of positive real-valued elements. Likewise we can construct arrays of any constrained type, such as an array of N positive integers, int<lower=0> u[N]. The only serious limitation when using constraints with containers is that the constraint has to be exactly the same for every element of the container.

Constraints become even more interesting when we consider multidimensional variables. For example, consider a variable taking values in the positive orthant of the \(N\)-dimensional real numbers along with the added constraint that each component sums to one. These constraints define a simplex that can be used to model a probability distribution over a finite number of elements. Enforcing such a constraint is challenging, but Stan users don’t have to worry about it because they can just use the simplex variable type, simplex[N]!

Similarly the Stan Modeling Language features an ordered[N] type consisting of N real-valued variables that are monotonically increasing, and a positive_ordered[N] type consisting of N real-valued variables that are monotonically increasing above zero.

Another common constraint encountered in statistical modeling is the positive-definiteness required of a covariance matrix. This constraint implies that of the \(N^{2}\) elements in a square covariance matrix only \(N \, (N + 1) / 2\) are actually independent. This constraint can be handled with some clever mathematics, or by employing the covariance matrix type, cov_matrix[N]. There are similar types for correlation matrices as well as Cholesky factors of both covariance and correlation matrices.

6.2 Constraint Implementation in the Parameters Block

When constrained variables are defined in the parameters block Stan is responsible for ensuring that any probabilistic computational algorithm respects the implied constraints. For example a Stan program with a positive variable in the parameters block shouldn’t let Markov chains drift into regions of the parameter space where this variable becomes negative.

In order to avoid constraint violations Stan automatically reparameterizes the conditioned ambient space such that the constraints vanish entirely! To do this each constrained type is paired with unconstraining and constraining transformations that map back and forth between the constrained space and an unconstrained reparameterization, \[ \begin{align*} \phi_{u} &: U_{c} \rightarrow U_{u} \\ \phi_{u}^{-1} &: U_{u} \rightarrow U_{c}. \end{align*} \]

For example a lower bound real variable real<lower=L> x can be unconstrained by applying the logarithmic transformation y = log(x - L) which maps the constrained interval to the entire real line. A point in this unconstrained space is mapped back into the constrained space with an exponential transformation x = exp(y) + L.

In order to fully reparameterize our conditioned probability space we need to construct the pushforward density function in the unconstrained space. This requires computing the determinant of the corresponding Jacobian matrix, \[ \pi(x_{u}, \phi_{u}(x_{c}) ) \cdot \left| \frac{ \partial \phi_{u} }{ \partial x_{c} } (\phi_{u}(x_{c})) \right|, \] or in terms of log density functions \[ \log \pi(x_{u}, \phi_{u}(x_{c}) ) + \log \left| \frac{ \partial \phi_{u} }{ \partial x_{c} } (\phi_{u}(x_{c})) \right|, \] where \(x_{u}\) denotes any unconstrained parameters and \(x_{c}\) denotes any constrained parameters. Stan complements the unconstraining transformations with the corresponding log Jacobian determinant. This allows Stan to automatically reparameterize the conditioned ambient space before applying any algorithms, and then map the results back to the constrained system before the output is given to the user.

Parameterization Target Density Function
Initialization $$x_{u}, x_{c}$$ $$\pi(x_{u}, x_{c})$$
Computation $$x_{u}, \phi_{u}(x_{c})$$ $$\pi(x_{u}, \phi_{u}(x_{c}) ) \cdot \left| \frac{ \partial \phi_{u} }{ \partial x_{c} } (\phi_{u}(x_{c})) \right|$$
Reporting $$x_{u}, x_{c}$$ $$\pi(x_{u}, x_{c})$$

6.2.1 What’s The Model Block Got To Do With It?

The support of a probability density function is the set of all points where the probability density function is nonzero. For example the support of a normal probability density function is the entire real line, while the support of a gamma probability density function is only the positive real line. When a probability density function is evaluated at a variable defined in the parameters block we have to take care to ensure that the range of that variable is consistent with the support of that probability density function.

If the range of the variable is larger than the support of the probability density function then algorithms will in general explore beyond the support, yielding vanishing probability densities and wasted computation. Unfortunately a Stan program cannot infer the constraints needed to avoid support violations from the model block; instead they have to be explicitly specified with constrained types in the parameters block.

For example consider the following Stan program with an inverse gamma probability density function evaluated at lambda.

parameters {
  real lambda;

model {
  lambda ~ inv_gamma(3, 9);
  N ~ poisson(lambda);

Remember that the sampling notation is just syntactic sugar for the equivalent Stan program.

parameters {
  real lambda;

model {
  target += inv_gamma_lpdf(lambda | 3, 9);
  target += poisson_lpmf(N | lambda);

In both of these Stan programs the model block specifies a target log density function, but not at which parameter values that target log density function will yield finite values. In this particular circumstance we can infer a conflict between the unconstrained variable lambda and the inverse gamma probability density function with only positive support, but this will not always be true. Because of the richness of the Stan Modeling Language, in
particular the indirection allowed by user-defined functions and the branching allowed by conditional statements, the Stan compiler cannot in general infer whether or not input variables will always be in the support of each probability density function that appears in a given Stan program.

To avoid evaluating the target log density function at improper values the user is solely responsible for specifying the necessary constraints in the parameters block.

parameters {
  real<lower=0> lambda;

model {
  target += inv_gamma_lpdf(lambda | 3, 9);
  N ~ poisson(lambda);

Evaluation of a log density function outside of its support may trigger a warning message at runtime, depending on the particular interface used.
Hamiltonian transitions that venture into constraint violations will also manifest as divergent transitions which we can then use to identify the problem.

For example let’s try to fit a Stan program that’s missing a positivity constraint on the lone parameter.

parameters {
  real theta; // Unconstrained declaration for theta

model {
  // Gamma density valid only for positive values of theta
  theta ~ gamma(1.25, 1.25);

After running we see a large number of divergent transitions.

fit1 <- stan(file='stan_programs/gamma1.stan', seed=4938483, refresh=1000)
Warning: There were 1461 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help. See
Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "1461 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (36.525%)"
[1] "  Try running with larger adapt_delta to remove the divergences"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

The location of these divergences is consistent with trajectories leaking past the constraint at theta = 0.

params <- extract(fit1)

partition <- util$partition_div(fit1)
div_params <- partition[[1]]
nondiv_params <- partition[[2]]

hist(nondiv_params$theta, breaks=seq(0, 8, 0.1), main="",
     xlab="theta", ylab="Probability Density", yaxt='n',
     col=c_mid, border=c_mid_highlight)
hist(div_params$theta, breaks=seq(0, 8, 0.1),
     col="green", border="darkgreen", add=T)

n_eff <- summary(fit1, probs = c(0.5), pars="theta")$summary[5]

sampler_params <- get_sampler_params(fit1, inc_warmup=FALSE)
n_leapfrogs <-, lapply(1:4, function(n) sampler_params[[n]][,'n_leapfrog__']))

n_eff_per_gradient1 <- n_eff / sum(n_leapfrogs)

To avoid problems we need to impose an explicit positivity constraint on theta.

parameters {
  real<lower=0> theta; // Constrained declaration for theta

model {
  // Gamma density valid only for positive values of theta
  theta ~ gamma(1.25, 1.25);

Indeed with this fix Stan samples the target distribution without any indication of problems.

fit2 <- stan(file='stan_programs/gamma2.stan', seed=4938483)

[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"
params <- extract(fit2)

hist(params$theta[params$theta < 8], breaks=seq(0, 8, 0.1), main="",
     xlab="theta", ylab="Probability Density", yaxt='n',
     col=c_mid_trans, border=c_mid_highlight_trans)

n_eff <- summary(fit2, probs = c(0.5), pars="theta")$summary[5]

sampler_params <- get_sampler_params(fit2, inc_warmup=FALSE)
n_leapfrogs <-, lapply(1:4, function(n) sampler_params[[n]][,'n_leapfrog__']))

n_eff_per_gradient2 <- n_eff / sum(n_leapfrogs)

Although both programs yield equivalent fits, the Stan program with the proper constraint is almost 10 times as efficient!

n_eff_per_gradient1; n_eff_per_gradient2
[1] 0.02085829
[1] 0.158767

6.2.2 Truncation

We saw that evaluating probability density functions with limited support on unconstrained variables results in computational inefficiency. Evaluating probability density functions with full support on constrained variables, however, can have much worse consequences.

Constraining the input variable implicitly truncates a corresponding probability density function, reducing its support to the values allowed by the constraint. Critically this reduced support changes the normalization of the probability density function.

With a truncation the integral of a probability density function is no longer unity, \[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mathrm{d}x \, \pi(x) \, \mathbb{I}[x \ge a] = \int_{a}^{\infty} \mathrm{d}x \, \pi(x) \ne 1, \] In order to ensure a unit integral over the new support we have to scale the initial probability density function by a new normalization, \[ \pi_{T}(x) = \frac{ \pi(x) }{ \int_{a}^{\infty} \mathrm{d} x' \pi(x') }. \]

If the new normalization depends only on constants then it will contribute only a constant to the target log density function, which can safely be ignored. When the normalization depends on functions of the parameters, however, then its disregard will modify the target distribution.

For example, consider the following Stan programs where the input to a normal probability density function, x is truncated below by the parameter a. In the first Stan program we don’t account for the modified normalization.

parameters {
  real a;          // Unknown truncation
  real<lower=a> x; // Constrained parameter

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(a | 0, 1);   // Truncation density
  target += normal_lpdf(x | 0, 1);  // Nominal target density

In the second Stan program we do.

parameters {
  real a;          // Unknown truncation
  real<lower=a> x; // Constrained parameter

model {
  target +=   normal_lpdf(a | 0, 1);  // Truncation density
  target +=   normal_lpdf(x | 0, 1);  // Nominal target density
  target += - normal_lccdf(a | 0, 1); // Corrected normalization

Fitting both of these Stan programs and comparing the fits we can see that they do not give equivalent results!

fit1 <- stan(file='stan_programs/truncation1.stan', seed=4938483)
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"
fit2 <- stan(file='stan_programs/truncation2.stan', seed=4938483, control=list(adapt_delta=0.85))
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"
hist(extract(fit1)$x, breaks=seq(-5, 5, 0.25),
     main='', xlab="x", ylab="Probability Density", yaxt='n',
     col=c_dark_trans, border=c_dark_highlight_trans, probability=T)
hist(extract(fit2)$x, breaks=seq(-5, 5, 0.25),
     col=c_light_trans, border=c_light_highlight_trans, probability=T, add=T)

Without the normalization to account for the “missing” probability density below a the first Stan program ends up with a target distribution biased towards higher values of x than the second Stan program.

When the truncation is set to a constant, however, the Stan programs with and without the normalization correction become equivalent once again.

transformed data {
  real a = 0.25; // Known truncation

parameters {
  real<lower=a> x; // Constrained parameter

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(x | 0, 1);  // Nominal target density
transformed data {
  real a = 0.25; // Known truncation

parameters {
  real<lower=a> x; // Constrained parameter

model {
  target +=   normal_lpdf(x | 0, 1);  // Nominal target density
  target += - normal_lccdf(a | 0, 1); // Corrected normalization
fit3 <- stan(file='stan_programs/truncation3.stan', seed=4938483, control=list(adapt_delta=0.85))
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"
fit4 <- stan(file='stan_programs/truncation4.stan', seed=4938483, control=list(adapt_delta=0.85))
[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"
hist(extract(fit3)$x, breaks=seq(0, 5, 0.25),
     main='', xlab="x", ylab="Probability Density", yaxt='n',
     col=c_dark_trans, border=c_dark_highlight_trans, probability=T)
hist(extract(fit4)$x, breaks=seq(0, 5, 0.25),
     col=c_light_trans, border=c_light_highlight_trans, probability=T, add=T)

One of the most common circumstances where the normalization correction can be ignored is when using folded probability density functions that are centered and truncated at zero. In particular the half-normal probability density function which folds the standard normal probability density function around zero is a widespread choice for the prior modeling of positive variables.

If we were being pedantic then we would write a half-normal probability density as

data {
  real<lower=0> sigma; 

parameters {
  real<lower=0> x; // Constrained parameter

model {
  target +=   normal_lpdf(x | 0, sigma);  // Nominal target density
  target += - normal_lccdf(0 | 0, sigma); // Corrected normalization

or equivalently

data {
  real<lower=0> sigma; 

parameters {
  real<lower=0> x; // Constrained parameter

model {
  target +=   normal_lpdf(x | 0, sigma);  // Nominal target density
  target += - log(0.5);                   // Corrected normalization

Because the normalization correction doesn’t affect the target log density function, however, then we can instead use the more sloppy program

data {
  real<lower=0> sigma; 

parameters {
  real<lower=0> x; // Constrained parameter

model {
  target += normal_lpdf(x | 0, sigma);  // Nominal target density

This shorthand is exceedingly common in Stan programming, even those used in introductory examples. Please feel free, however, to use the more pedantic form until you feel comfortable with exactly why this short cut works.

6.3 Constraint Implementation in the Other Blocks

Outside of the parameters block Stan is not responsible for how variables are defined; instead the variable values follow from the logic of the Stan program itself. Consequently Stan cannot guarantee that constraints will be satisfied for any constrained variable defined in any of the other programming blocks. What Stan can do, however, is check whether or not the constraints are valid.

In other words outside of the parameters block constrained variables serve as small unit tests that verify that a Stan program is behaving as expected. This allows a Stan program to not only better communicate its intended behavior to users but also terminate execution when invalid values are encountered in real time.

For example constrained variables in the data block validate any values provided by the interface environment. With the data block

data {
  int<lower=1> N;

Stan will execute the full program only if the value of N provided by the interface is greater than or equal to 1.

Similarly the following transformed data block will tell Stan to terminate execution if N2 is not positive.

transformed data {
  int<lower=1> N2 = square(N);

7 Using Stan for Bayesian Inference

After an enormity of patience we now have the foundations necessary for a demonstration of how Stan can implement Bayesian inference.

Consider a measurement resulting in a single, real-valued observation and an observational model spanning the entire family of normal probability density functions, \[ y \sim \text{normal} \, (\mu, \sigma). \] To specify a complete Bayesian model we need to complement this observational model with a prior model. Here I’ll take a unit-normal prior density function for mu and a half-unit-normal prior density function for sigma, \[ \begin{align*} \mu &\sim \text{normal} \, (0, 1) \\ \sigma &\sim \text{half-normal}(0, 1). \end{align*} \]

Before fitting a posterior distribution, however, we need an observation. Here let’s simulate one from one of the data generating processes in our observational model. We could simulate data directly in R, but if we simulate with a Stan program then we can more easily compare the simulation code to the Stan program that implements Bayesian inference while also making the simulations available to users of other Stan interfaces.

Here I’m going to use the generated quantities block to simulate data and save it to the Stan output. We could also simulate data in the transformed data block, but then those values wouldn’t be saved.

data {
  int N;

transformed data {
  real mu = 1;
  real<lower=0> sigma = 0.75;

generated quantities {
  // Simulate data from observational model
  real y[N];
  for (n in 1:N) y[n] = normal_rng(mu, sigma);

In this case we don’t have a target distribution to fit but instead just want to evaluate the auxiliary programming blocks. We can accomplish this in RStan by running with the fixed_param configuration. Notice that I use the additional settings iter=1, chains=1 because we just need a single simulation here.

N <- 1
simu_data <- list("N" = N)

simu <- stan(file='stan_programs/simulate_data.stan', data=simu_data,
             iter=1, chains=1, seed=4838282, algorithm="Fixed_param")

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simulate_data' NOW (CHAIN 1).
Chain 1: Iteration: 1 / 1 [100%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: 
Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 0 seconds (Warm-up)
Chain 1:                2.6e-05 seconds (Sampling)
Chain 1:                2.6e-05 seconds (Total)
Chain 1: 

We could just extract the simulated values into a list, but to allow other Stan users to use our simulation I’m going to store it in a text file readable by all of the Stan interfaces using the stan_rdump function.

y <- array(extract(simu)$y[1,])
stan_rdump(c("N", "y"), file="data/")

The data can then be read back in using the read_rdump function.

input_data <- read_rdump("data/")

Now we’re ready to fit our posterior distribution with estimates of all of the relevant posterior expectation values. Our Stan program specifies the complete Bayesian model with a joint density function over the data and the model configuration space.

data {
  int<lower=1> N; // Number of observations
  real y[N];      // Observations

parameters {
  real mu;
  real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
  // Prior model
  mu ~ normal(0, 1);
  sigma ~ normal(0, 1);
  // Observational model
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);

Note that we’ve been a bit careless and not included the constant normalization correction for the half normal density function!

Stan can now evaluate the joint density function on the observed data to give the posterior log density function up to normalization, which Hamiltonian Monte Carlo will then consume to guide efficient exploration of the posterior implied posterior distribution.

input_data <- read_rdump("data/")
fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/fit_data.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)
Warning: There were 205 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help. See
Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
Warning: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
Warning: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See

Even though this is an incredibly simple example let’s be diligent and make sure to check our diagnostic output.

[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "205 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (5.125%)"
[1] "  Try running with larger adapt_delta to remove the divergences"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

The dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm in Stan is supposed to be awesome. How is it breaking on such a simple example?!

To investigate the source of these divergent transitions let’s examine a scatter plot between our two parameters, also known as a pairs plot. To highlight any pathological behavior I’ll plot the non-divergent and divergent transitions in different colors, red for the former and green for the latter. Tagging the divergent transitions in RStan can be tricky, but fortunately the partition_div function in stan_utility takes care of all of the hard work for us.

partition <- util$partition_div(fit)
div_params <- partition[[1]]
nondiv_params <- partition[[2]]

plot(nondiv_params$mu, log(nondiv_params$sigma),
     col=c_dark_trans, pch=16, cex=0.8,
     xlab="mu", ylab="log(sigma)")
points(div_params$mu, log(div_params$sigma),
       col=c_green_trans, pch=16, cex=0.8)

We have come to our first encounter with a funnel geometry that will be back to haunt our computational nightmares over and over again. As sigma vanishes, and log(sigma) becomes more and more negative, the posterior density rapidly concentrates into a narrow region of the parameter space. This rapid concentration induces strong curvature which causes numerical Hamiltonian trajectories to become unstable and diverge.

What exactly, however, induces a funnel in this posterior density? The problem is a fundamental flaw in our experimental design. With only a single observation we aren’t sensitive to the breadth of the observations, and hence all values of sigma are consistent with the data. This manifests as a likelihood function that doesn’t depend on sigma at all, and a marginal posterior distribution that reduces to the prior model.

The single datum does, however, does inform mu. When sigma is large the datum only weakly informs mu and we get a wide posterior density function, but when sigma is small that datum becomes much more informative and the posterior density function strongly concentrates around the observed value of y.

This simple example demonstrates a pattern that we will see over and over again. Poorly-designed experiments manifest as likelihood functions that are identified only on certain subspaces of the model configuration space. Posterior density functions concentrating on those subspaces typically frustrate even the most advanced probabilistic computational algorithms. Consequently algorithmic problems often indicate problems with the fundamental design of a given experiment, especially when the algorithm is robust to other potential sources of problems.

Now that we’ve tracked the source of the divergent transitions to a poor experimental design what can we do? One approach would be to elicit more precise prior information about sigma and potentially inform a prior model capable of cutting off the worst of the funnel geometry near sigma = 0. Alternatively we can just change the experimental design entirely by collecting more than one observation.

To test the utility of an expanded measurement let’s simulate with five total observations instead of just the one.

N <- 5
simu_data <- list("N" = N)

simu <- stan(file='stan_programs/simulate_data.stan', data=simu_data,
             iter=1, chains=1, seed=4838282, algorithm="Fixed_param")

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simulate_data' NOW (CHAIN 1).
Chain 1: Iteration: 1 / 1 [100%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: 
Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 0 seconds (Warm-up)
Chain 1:                1.4e-05 seconds (Sampling)
Chain 1:                1.4e-05 seconds (Total)
Chain 1: 
y <- extract(simu)$y[1,]
stan_rdump(c("N", "y"), file="data/")

We can now (anxiously) fit to the new simulation.

input_data <- read_rdump("data/")
fit <- stan(file='stan_programs/fit_data.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483)

[1] "n_eff / iter looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "Rhat looks reasonable for all parameters"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations ended with a divergence (0%)"
[1] "0 of 4000 iterations saturated the maximum tree depth of 10 (0%)"
[1] "E-FMI indicated no pathological behavior"

Joyfully the divergent transitions are gone, and so is the funnel.

params = extract(fit)

plot(params$mu, log(params$sigma),
     col=c_dark_trans, pch=16, cex=0.8,
     xlab="mu", ylab="log(sigma)")

The information in the multiple observations has indeed proven to be sufficient to inform the likelihood function and avoid the funnel geometry, resulting in a posterior density function that is both informative and conducive to probabilistic computation.

This expanded measurement works well for the one model configuration from which we simulated our data, but that doesn’t imply that it will be sufficient for all of the observations that could be realized in a real measurements. To provide a more useful validation of the experimental design we have to calibrate against the entire prior predictive distribution of observations, a process described in more detail in my Bayesian workflow case study.

One of the delightful, albeit infuriating, aspects of Bayesian inference is that even simple examples like this can be dense with subtle if not outright counterintuitive behavior. When you’re trying to quantify all of the information available, and not just a summary, you can’t take anything for granted!

8 Debugging Stan Programs

Nothing familiarizes oneself with a programming language better than sitting down, typing programs in that language, and working through iteration after iteration of compiler and runtime errors caused by typos and other bugs. Unfortunately I do not have the power to make you, the reader, work through this process on your own. Instead we’ll have to explore some common bugs together.

In each case I encourage you to see if you can identify the bug, and even run the code yourself to investigate the problem, before continuing on to see the solution.

8.1 General Disarray

Let’s start with a relatively simple Stan program where the location of a normal target density function is specified by the dot product of two vectors.

transformed data {
  real a[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
  real b[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

Can you find any errors with this program before the Stan compiler does?

Here I just want to validate the Stan program itself and so instead of using the stan command, which parses, compiles, and runs, we’ll use the stan_model command which just parses the Stan program and compiles it into a C++ executable.

No matches for: 
  real[ ] * real[ ]
Available argument signatures for operator*:
  real * real
  vector * real
  row_vector * real
  matrix * real
  row_vector * vector
  vector * row_vector
  matrix * vector
  row_vector * matrix
  matrix * matrix
  real * vector
  real * row_vector
  real * matrix
Expression is ill formed.
 error in 'model3a986d447238_debug1a' at line 11, column 18
    10: model {
    11:   x ~ normal(a * b, 1);
    12: }
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, : failed to parse Stan model 'debug1a' due to the above error.

Apologies for the awkward formatting of the error message here – interactively it displays more like

No matches for: 
  real[ ] * real[ ]
Available argument signatures for operator*:
  real * real
  vector * real
  row_vector * real
  matrix * real
  row_vector * vector
  vector * row_vector
  matrix * vector
  row_vector * matrix
  matrix * matrix
  real * vector
  real * row_vector
  real * matrix
Expression is ill formed.
 error in 'model35477f37573c_debug1a' at line 11, column 18
    10: model {
    11:   x ~ normal(a * b, 1);
    12: }

The error message identifies a problem with line 11, in particular the expression a * b highlighted by the ^ character. Looking at the very beginning of the error message we see that the compiler is not happy about trying to multiple two real arrays together, which in hindsight makes sense because they don’t have the necessary shape! Error messages in Stan can be quite long; when running interactively make sure you scroll through your terminal to see the entire message!

The compiler also suggests some valid input types to the multiplication operator *, including row_vector and vector which are really what we should have been using all along. Let’s give that a try, changing a to a row_vector and b to a vector.

transformed data {
  row_vector a[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
  vector b[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

Is that program any better?

 error in 'model3a98464aee1d_debug1b' at line 2, column 13
     1: transformed data {
     2:   row_vector a[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
     3:   vector b[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
PARSER EXPECTED: <vector length declaration: data-only integer expression in square brackets>
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, : failed to parse Stan model 'debug1b' due to the above error.

Now the compiler is indicating that we’re missing a dimension specification after the row_vector type name in the declaration of a. Indeed linear algebra types require their dimensions to be specified as part of the type, before the identifier and not after the identifier as for arrays.

Let’s move the dimensions for both the row_vector type and the vector type into the right place and try again.

transformed data {
  row_vector[3] a = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
  vector[3] b = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

Now what happens?

Variable definition base type mismatch, variable declared as base type row_vector variable definition has base type real[ ] error in 'model3a981832cd4a_debug1c' at line 2, column 35
     1: transformed data {
     2:   row_vector[3] a = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
     3:   vector[3] b = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, : failed to parse Stan model 'debug1c' due to the above error.

Oooph. In the declaration statements for a and b we are trying to assign the literal real array, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} into the linear algebra types.
Arrays, however, lack the shape information needed. Unlike languages like R the Stan Modeling Language is very pedantic about its types, which allows the compiler to clearly communicate when mismatches occur.

So let’s try changing the literal arrays {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} to linear algebra literals.

transformed data {
  row_vector[3] a = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
  vector[3] b = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

Once again we cast our fates to the Stan compiler.

Variable definition base type mismatch, variable declared as base type vector variable definition has base type row_vector error in 'model3a984e60654c_debug1d' at line 3, column 31
     1: transformed data {
     2:   row_vector[3] a = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
     3:   vector[3] b = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
     4: }
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, : failed to parse Stan model 'debug1d' due to the above error.

So close! The literal [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] defines a row vector which is fine for the definition of a but it is inappropriate for b. To ensure the right shapes we have to transpose the literal row vector, transforming it into a proper vector type.

transformed data {
  row_vector[3] a = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
  vector[3] b = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]';

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

Will this be it?


Finally we managed to build a self-consistent Stan program. Keep in mind, however, that this is just the first step. A properly formatted Stan program does not imply that the algorithms will run efficiently or give meaningful expectation value estimates.

8.2 Uninitiated

Let’s try again, this time reducing a and b to scalar real variables and defining the latter in the model block instead of the transformed data block.

transformed data {
  real a = 5;

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  real b;
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

Anything stick out as problematic?

The Stan compiler will have no problems with this model, but there will be some pretty disastrous runtime errors that clog the screen. To make things more readable I’m going to capture the error output and isolate just the relevant part.

output <- capture.output(stan(file='stan_programs/debug2a.stan', chains=1, seed=4938483))
Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed.
error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done
Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1:   Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: normal_lpdf: Location parameter is nan, but must be finite!  (in 'model21e14c521761_debug2a' at line 11)

Chain 1: 
Chain 1: Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts. 
Chain 1:  Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model.
[1] "In addition: Warning messages:"                           

What’s happening here is that Stan is trying to initialize its Markov chains by finding random points in the parameter space where the target log density is finite. Unfortunately at each of the potential initial points it has tried the target log density function has returned a NaN output, which Stan tracked down to the location of the normal log probability density function on line 11.

The location is comprised of the product of a and b and to investigate further we can use the print function to display their values to the screen.

transformed data {
  real a = 5;

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  real b;
  print("a * b = ", a * b, ", a = ", a, ", b = ", b);
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

Again I’ll isolate just the relevant part of the output.

output <- capture.output(stan(file='stan_programs/debug2b.stan', chains=1, seed=4938483))
Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed.
error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done
Chain 1: a * b = nan, a = 5, b = nan

The product a * b is indeed ill-posed, and we can blame the variable b which itself has an ill-defined value. Looking back at our program we can now realize that we are only declaring b but not giving it a value! Consequently b is assigned the default initialization for real variables in Stan which is NaN. This default initialization insures that mistakes like forgetting to assign values to all of one’s intermediate variables are sufficiently disastrous that they will be harder to ignore.

All we have to do here is assign b an appropriate value,

transformed data {
  real a = 5;

parameters {
  real x;

model {
  real b = 4;
  x ~ normal(a * b, 1);

and try again.

stan(file='stan_programs/debug2c.stan', seed=4938483, chains=1, refresh=0)
Inference for Stan model: debug2c.
1 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=1000.

      mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
x    20.05    0.06 1.03 18.10 19.30 20.05 20.79 21.96   263 1.00
lp__ -0.53    0.03 0.72 -2.45 -0.68 -0.27 -0.07  0.00   443 1.01

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:34 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Now Stan has no problem initializing Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, or running it and constructing estimators for that matter.

Consider a similar Stan program where now we have multiple parameters.

transformed data {
  int N;
  real mu[N];
  for (n in 1:N)
    mu[n] = n;

parameters {
  real x[N];

model {
  x ~ normal(mu, 1);

What could go wrong?

stan(file='stan_programs/debug3a.stan', seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Error in new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, ...) : 
  Exception: Found negative dimension size in variable declaration; variable=mu; dimension size expression=N; expression value=-2147483648  (in 'model93daaceef3_debug3a' at line 3)
failed to create the sampler; sampling not done

The Stan compiler is upset that the array of location values is being given a negative size. More carefully examining the error message the size isn’t just negative, it’s hugely negative. As you become more experienced with Stan this number might become more familiar to you – it’s the smallest integer value which also happens to be the default initialization of integer variables.

Indeed we have once again carelessly declared but not defined a variable. Let’s remedy that by giving N an explicit value.

transformed data {
  int<lower=1> N = 10;
  real mu[N];
  for (n in 1:N)
    mu[n] = n;

parameters {
  real x[N];

model {
  x ~ normal(mu, 1);

Did that do the trick?

stan(file='stan_programs/debug3b.stan', seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Inference for Stan model: debug3b.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

       mean se_mean   sd   2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
x[1]   1.01    0.01 0.99  -0.91  0.33  1.01  1.68  2.94  7023    1
x[2]   2.00    0.01 1.01   0.04  1.32  1.99  2.67  3.98  8681    1
x[3]   2.99    0.01 1.00   1.05  2.31  3.00  3.65  4.95  8329    1
x[4]   4.00    0.01 1.02   2.04  3.30  4.01  4.70  6.00  7201    1
x[5]   5.00    0.01 0.96   3.14  4.33  5.00  5.64  6.87  7391    1
x[6]   6.00    0.01 1.02   4.02  5.30  6.00  6.69  8.00  8266    1
x[7]   6.98    0.01 1.01   5.00  6.29  6.98  7.68  8.93  6687    1
x[8]   8.01    0.01 1.00   6.08  7.34  8.00  8.67  9.97  7066    1
x[9]   9.01    0.01 0.99   7.07  8.33  9.03  9.71 10.93  7201    1
x[10] 10.01    0.01 1.03   8.01  9.31 10.00 10.69 12.05  8253    1
lp__  -5.03    0.05 2.22 -10.20 -6.30 -4.66 -3.41 -1.74  1908    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:38 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Yes, finally!

This kind of iteration through layers of bugs is quite common in Stan practice, even for advanced users. We are not alone in the struggle, however, as the Stan compiler is with us each step of the way.

8.3 Misery Index

Say that we’re coming back to an old analysis that used the previous Stan program, but because we weren’t diligent in our version control we can’t find the code anywhere and have to write it up again. To the best of our memory we program it again as follows.

transformed data {
  int N = 10;
  real mu[N];
  for (n in 1:N)
    mu[N] = n;

parameters {
  real x[N];

model {
  x ~ normal(mu, 1);

Do you see any differences between this and the previous Stan program?

Well Stan certainly does.

output <- capture.output(stan(file='stan_programs/debug4a.stan', chains=1, seed=4938483))
Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed.
error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done
Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1:   Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: normal_lpdf: Location parameter[1] is nan, but must be finite!  (in 'model21e122b15c28_debug4a' at line 13)

Chain 1: 
Chain 1: Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts. 
Chain 1:  Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model.

Once again Stan encounters runtime errors when trying to initialize Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Once again the error message suggests that the location parameters of the normal log probability density functions are to blame, so let’s give those a closer look with the print function.

transformed data {
  int N = 10;
  real mu[N];
  for (n in 1:N)
    mu[N] = n;
  print("mu = ", mu);

parameters {
  real x[N];

model {
  x ~ normal(mu, 1);

Now we run and isolate the relevant output.

output <- capture.output(stan(file='stan_programs/debug4b.stan', chains=1, seed=4938483))
Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed.
error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done
mu = [nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,10]

NaN? NaN?! How are we getting NaN in the first 9 elements of the mu array when we are explicitly assigning them values in the for loop over lines 4 and 5?

Only the last element of the array is being modified, which suggests that maybe we’re not indexing the array correctly. Let’s look a little bit closer.

for (n in 1:N)
  mu[N] = n;


mu[N] = n;



Gah! We are indexing mu on the size variable N instead of the loop iterator n as we should have been. Consequently each iteration of the loop just assigned a different value to mu[N] each time while leaving the other elements uninitialized.

These kinds of typos are frustratingly hard to see in your own code, so don’t hesitate to change fonts or ask someone else with a fresh set of eyes to review your program for any problems. When you see NaN output you can also be suspicious of the initialization of all of your variables, using print statements to track down any potential perpetrators.

In this case we want to replace mu[N] with the proper indexing mu[n].

transformed data {
  int N = 10;
  real mu[N];
  for (n in 1:N)
    mu[n] = n;

parameters {
  real x[N];

model {
  x ~ normal(mu, 1);

Did that do the trick?

stan(file='stan_programs/debug4c.stan', seed=4938483, chains=1, refresh=0)
Inference for Stan model: debug4c.
1 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=1000.

       mean se_mean   sd   2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
x[1]   0.96    0.02 0.98  -1.00  0.28  0.98  1.65  2.82  1805    1
x[2]   2.02    0.02 1.02   0.02  1.33  2.04  2.67  4.00  2227    1
x[3]   3.01    0.02 1.00   1.11  2.27  3.01  3.73  5.01  2408    1
x[4]   4.01    0.02 1.01   2.11  3.26  4.01  4.70  6.01  1741    1
x[5]   5.01    0.02 1.00   3.13  4.30  5.00  5.72  6.90  1742    1
x[6]   6.03    0.03 1.02   4.10  5.35  6.01  6.72  7.99  1599    1
x[7]   6.98    0.02 1.01   5.01  6.27  7.02  7.69  8.90  1666    1
x[8]   8.01    0.02 0.97   6.13  7.34  8.00  8.65  9.92  1575    1
x[9]   9.00    0.02 1.00   7.04  8.32  9.02  9.69 10.86  1707    1
x[10] 10.02    0.02 1.04   8.12  9.27 10.00 10.70 12.00  2084    1
lp__  -5.06    0.10 2.22 -10.13 -6.48 -4.64 -3.41 -1.63   465    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:39 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Relievingly, it did. We have survived another tragedy of errors.

8.4 If One Density Is Good, Then Two Should Be Better, Right?

When first start to play with Stan, vectorization can be confusing. In that case we might try to specify an independent product density function by adding each component density one at a time instead of using the vectorized density function.

parameters {
  real x[9];

model {
  for (n in 1:9)
    x ~ normal(0, 1);

Does that look right to you?

stan(file='stan_programs/debug5a.stan', seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Inference for Stan model: debug5a.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

      mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
x[1]  0.00    0.00 0.34 -0.66 -0.23  0.00  0.23  0.66  7629    1
x[2] -0.01    0.00 0.33 -0.66 -0.22  0.00  0.20  0.62  7060    1
x[3]  0.00    0.00 0.33 -0.66 -0.21  0.00  0.21  0.64  6592    1
x[4]  0.00    0.00 0.33 -0.65 -0.21  0.00  0.22  0.65  7175    1
x[5]  0.00    0.00 0.33 -0.65 -0.23 -0.01  0.22  0.65  8003    1
x[6]  0.00    0.00 0.33 -0.66 -0.22  0.00  0.21  0.66  7683    1
x[7]  0.00    0.00 0.34 -0.65 -0.23  0.00  0.22  0.64  7868    1
x[8] -0.01    0.00 0.34 -0.66 -0.23 -0.01  0.21  0.66  6907    1
x[9]  0.00    0.00 0.33 -0.65 -0.22 -0.01  0.23  0.64  7290    1
lp__ -4.45    0.05 2.07 -9.38 -5.65 -4.13 -2.93 -1.40  1955    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:41 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Now there are no compiler or runtime errors here, but if we’re being careful then we might notice that the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators are off. Each component projection function should have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one, but instead they have standard deviations of one third!

Is Stan returning inaccurate Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators here or did we make a subtle mistake in our Stan program? In this case, it’s the latter. The problem is that, while we wanted to avoid vectorization by adding component density functions in a loop, we actually repeated the fully vectorized density function in each iteration of that loop because we forgot to index the variable x!

Mathematically our Stan program does not define the probability density function \[ \pi(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{9}) = \prod_{n = 1}^{9} \text{normal} \, (x_{n} \mid 0, 1) \] but rather \[ \begin{align*} \pi(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{9}) &= \prod_{n = 1}^{9} \prod_{m = 1}^{9} \text{normal} \, (x_{n} \mid 0, 1) \\ &= \prod_{n = 1}^{9} \text{normal} \, (x_{n} \mid 0, 1 / 3), \end{align*} \] consistent with the Stan estimators.

To specify a correct Stan program we can index x at the loop iterator.

parameters {
  real x[9];

model {
  for (n in 1:9)
    x[n] ~ normal(0, 1);

Now Stan’s Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators return the expected results.

stan(file='stan_programs/debug5b.stan', seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Inference for Stan model: debug5b.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

      mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
x[1] -0.01    0.01 0.97 -1.95 -0.65 -0.02  0.63  1.88  6616    1
x[2] -0.02    0.01 1.00 -1.96 -0.71 -0.01  0.65  1.93  6575    1
x[3]  0.01    0.01 0.99 -1.95 -0.66  0.02  0.67  1.91  8447    1
x[4]  0.02    0.01 1.00 -1.94 -0.66  0.02  0.69  2.00  7245    1
x[5] -0.02    0.01 0.97 -1.91 -0.70 -0.01  0.64  1.84  7456    1
x[6]  0.01    0.01 0.98 -1.92 -0.63  0.01  0.65  1.89  6862    1
x[7]  0.01    0.01 0.99 -1.96 -0.68  0.02  0.71  1.90  8475    1
x[8]  0.01    0.01 1.02 -2.00 -0.69  0.00  0.70  2.01  7844    1
x[9]  0.00    0.01 1.03 -2.01 -0.70 -0.01  0.70  1.99  7140    1
lp__ -4.48    0.05 2.08 -9.40 -5.64 -4.15 -2.98 -1.35  1866    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:44 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Alternatively we could avoid the loop entirely and use the vectorized normal log probability density function. We just have to make sure that we call it only once.

parameters {
  real x[9];

model {
  x ~ normal(0, 1);

This, too, yields the proper results.

stan(file='stan_programs/debug5c.stan', seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Inference for Stan model: debug5c.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

      mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
x[1] -0.01    0.01 0.97 -1.95 -0.65 -0.02  0.63  1.88  6616    1
x[2] -0.02    0.01 1.00 -1.96 -0.71 -0.01  0.65  1.93  6575    1
x[3]  0.01    0.01 0.99 -1.95 -0.66  0.02  0.67  1.91  8447    1
x[4]  0.02    0.01 1.00 -1.94 -0.66  0.02  0.69  2.00  7245    1
x[5] -0.02    0.01 0.97 -1.91 -0.70 -0.01  0.64  1.84  7456    1
x[6]  0.01    0.01 0.98 -1.92 -0.63  0.01  0.65  1.89  6862    1
x[7]  0.01    0.01 0.99 -1.96 -0.68  0.02  0.71  1.90  8475    1
x[8]  0.01    0.01 1.02 -2.00 -0.69  0.00  0.70  2.01  7844    1
x[9]  0.00    0.01 1.03 -2.01 -0.70 -0.01  0.70  1.99  7140    1
lp__ -4.48    0.05 2.08 -9.40 -5.64 -4.15 -2.98 -1.35  1866    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:47 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Errors like this are the most devious errors that you will encounter when using Stan. Because they don’t result in an invalid Stan program or improper target log density function they don’t result in compiler or runtime errors. They specify a completely reasonable target distribution, just not the target distribution that you wanted.

8.5 Invalid Input

So far all of our errors have been internal to Stan. Let’s see what can go wrong when trying to read in data from an external environment through a Stan interface.

In particular let’s modify the second Stan program we encountered in Section 8.2 to read in the dimension N externally.

data {
  int<lower=1> N;

transformed data {
  real mu[N];
  for (n in 1:N)
    mu[n] = n;

parameters {
  real x[N];

model {
  x ~ normal(mu, 1);

In order to run this program we have to define a value for N within our local R environment and pass it into Stan.

input_data <- list("M" = -10.5)

stan(file='stan_programs/debug6.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Error in new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, ...) : 
  Exception: variable does not exist; processing stage=data initialization; variable name=N; base type=int  (in 'model368b382a7561_debug6' at line 2)
failed to create the sampler; sampling not done

The error message says that the variable N doesn’t exist, which is frustrating because we definitely give Stan that value! Right?

Computers aren’t particularly creative, which also means that they’re not prone to lie. If Stan says that the variable has not been provided then it has probably not been provided. To be sure let’s check the input data.


Wait, where did N go?

[1] -10.5

Oh. Yeah. We defined the data with the variable M, not N, by mistake. Humbled, let’s fix our mistake and move on.

input_data <- list("N" = -10.5)

stan(file='stan_programs/debug6.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Error in new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, ...) : 
  Exception: int variable contained non-int values; processing stage=data initialization; variable name=N; base type=int  (in 'model368b382a7561_debug6' at line 2)
failed to create the sampler; sampling not done

Aaaaaargh! We got the variable name correct but our Stan program is expecting an integer value and we gave it a real value!

Some programming languages will automatically coerce a real into an integer, rounding or taking the ceiling or floor of the value, automatically. While convenient this also introduces effects that we haven’t explicitly specified which might very well cause undesired behavior later on. Stan wants you to be in control.

Flush with responsibility let’s specify exactly which integer we want Stan to use and try again.

input_data <- list("N" = -10)

stan(file='stan_programs/debug6.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Error in new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, ...) : 
  Exception: model368b382a7561_debug6_namespace::model368b382a7561_debug6: N is -10, but must be greater than or equal to 1  (in 'model368b382a7561_debug6' at line 2)
failed to create the sampler; sampling not done

The negative integer value that we gave to Stan violated the positivity constraint encoded in our Stan program. Without this constraint the negative value would have eventually triggered an error in line 6 when trying to use it as a dimension. Triggering the error at line 2, however, better identifies the source of the problem, while also communicating to others what inputs your Stan program requires.

We can’t stop now. Let’s try a positive integer and cross our fingers.

input_data <- list("N" = 10)

stan(file='stan_programs/debug6.stan', data=input_data, seed=4938483, refresh=0)
Inference for Stan model: debug6.
4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.

       mean se_mean   sd   2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
x[1]   1.01    0.01 0.99  -0.91  0.33  1.01  1.68  2.94  7023    1
x[2]   2.00    0.01 1.01   0.04  1.32  1.99  2.67  3.98  8681    1
x[3]   2.99    0.01 1.00   1.05  2.31  3.00  3.65  4.95  8329    1
x[4]   4.00    0.01 1.02   2.04  3.30  4.01  4.70  6.00  7201    1
x[5]   5.00    0.01 0.96   3.14  4.33  5.00  5.64  6.87  7391    1
x[6]   6.00    0.01 1.02   4.02  5.30  6.00  6.69  8.00  8266    1
x[7]   6.98    0.01 1.01   5.00  6.29  6.98  7.68  8.93  6687    1
x[8]   8.01    0.01 1.00   6.08  7.34  8.00  8.67  9.97  7066    1
x[9]   9.01    0.01 0.99   7.07  8.33  9.03  9.71 10.93  7201    1
x[10] 10.01    0.01 1.03   8.01  9.31 10.00 10.69 12.05  8253    1
lp__  -5.03    0.05 2.22 -10.20 -6.30 -4.66 -3.41 -1.74  1908    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Mar  9 15:57:53 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

We finally got it right!

Had we been more careful then we might have identified a valid input from the beginning, but when dealing with large, complex models even the most precise care can allow mistakes. Stan has been carefully designed to catch as many of these mistakes as it can to help you avoid as many errors as possible.

9 Best Practices and Recommendations

One of the challenges of probabilistic programming is that it combines all of frustrations of software engineering with all of the frustrations of statistics. That said, heeding the best practices from both fields can go a long way towards making your experience with Stan more pleasurable. Or at least less terrible.

From the probabilistic programming perspective model development is software development, and that development will be much easier when following software engineering best practices. Perhaps most critically we should all be using version control to keep track of our model changes. Even a simple analysis can require many iterations of a probabilistic model, especially when we’re prone to typos like those in Section 8. Without version control software to organize file history those iterations can quickly become unmanageable.

At the same analyses will be easier to manage when kept modular, with data and Stan programs kept in separate files from the analysis script. This not only makes it easier to organize the components of an analysis but also facilitates translation of analyses between interfaces. In particular, it makes it easier for others to find, read and comment on your Stan programs. Only the most generous soul will have the patience to search through a monolithic script to find a Stan program defined as a string just to help you debug a problem. Help others help you!

When developing a Stan program start simple and build incrementally and deliberately. New users have not only limited experience with the Stan Modeling Language but also limited experience with the breadth of modeling techniques available. Smaller, less ambitious programs, and the models they represent, are less overwhelming and more conducive to learning. Expand your models along with your expertise, focusing on a strong understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of any particular modeling technique before adding it to your repertoire. Indeed this modular approach to modeling techniques is the organizing principle for my case studies.

Statistically, never take the accuracy of a probabilistic computation for granted and be diligent with diagnostics at each stage of model development. If the computation explodes after expanding your model then you know to prioritize investigation of the new components and how they interact with the previous components. This focus is critical for effective debugging when your Stan programs really start to become elaborate and take advantage of everything the Stan Modeling Language has to offer.

In this case study I’ve only scratched the surface of the Stan ecosystem. To utilize the full functionality of Stan you should take the time to read through introductions with different perspectives and priorities as well as the official documentation. At the same time I highly encourage you to participate in the Stan user community.

Official Stan documentation is available on the Stan website. The Stan Functions Reference, which documents every function in the Stan Modeling Language, is an especially useful reference that I keep on hand at all times. Specific questions are best asked on the Stan Forums, where you can also find a wealth of information from previous questions and discussions.


I am indebted for the feedback from those who have attended my courses and talks.

A very special thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon: Abhishek Vasu, Adam Slez, Aki Vehtari, Alan O’Donnell, Alex Gao, Alexander Bartik, Alexander Noll, Allison, Anders Valind, Andrea Serafino, Andrew Rouillard, Andrés Castro Araújo, Anthony Wuersch, Antoine Soubret, Arya Alexander Pourzanjani, Ashton P Griffin, asif zubair, Austin Rochford, Aviv Keshet, Avraham Adler, Ben Matthews, Bradley Wilson, Brett, Brian Callander, Brian Clough, Brian Hartley, Bryan Yu, Canaan Breiss, Cat Shark, Chad Scherrer, Charles Naylor, Chase Dwelle, Chris Mehrvarzi, Chris Zawora, Cole Monnahan, Colin Carroll, Colin McAuliffe, D, Damien Mannion, dan mackinlay, Dan W Joyce, Daniel Elnatan, Daniel Hocking, Daniel Rowe, Danielle Navarro, Darshan Pandit, David Burdelski, David Pascall, David Roher, Derek G Miller, Diogo Melo, Doug Rivers, Ed Berry, Ed Cashin, Eddie Landesberg, Elizaveta Semenova, Ero Carrera, Ethan Goan, Evan Russek, Federico Carrone, Felipe González, Finn Lindgren, Francesco Corona, Ganesh Jagadeesan, Garrett Mooney, Gene K, George Ho, Georgia S, Guido Biele, Guilherme Marthe, Hamed Bastan-Hagh, Hany Abdulsamad, Haonan Zhu, Hernan Bruno, Ian, Ilan Reinstein, Ilaria Prosdocimi, Isaac S, J Michael Burgess, Jair Andrade Ortiz, JamesU, Janek Berger, Jeff Dotson, Jeff Helzner, Jeffrey Arnold, Jessica Graves, Joel Kronander, John Helveston, Jonathan Judge, Jonathan Sedar, Jonathan St-onge, Jonathon Vallejo, Joseph Abrahamson, Josh Weinstock, Joshua Cortez, Joshua Duncan, Joshua Mayer, Josué Mendoza, JS, Justin Bois, Juuso Parkkinen, Kapil Sachdeva, Karim Naguib, Karim Osman, Kazuki Yoshida, Kees ter Brugge, Kejia Shi, Kevin Thompson, Kyle Ferber, Kádár András, Lars Barquist, Leo Burgy, lizzie, Luiz Carvalho, Lukas Neugebauer, Marc, Marc Dotson, Marc Trunjer Kusk Nielsen, Mark Donoghoe, Markus P., Martin Modrák, Martin Rosecky, Matthew Kay, Matthew Quick, Matthew T Stern, Maurits van der Meer, Maxim Kesin, Michael Colaresi, Michael DeWitt, Michael Dillon, Michael Griffiths, Michael Redman, Michael Thomas, Mike Lawrence, Mikhail Popov, mikko heikkilä, MisterMentat, Nathan Rutenbeck, Nicholas Cowie, Nicholas Knoblauch, Nicholas Ursa, Nicolas Frisby, Noah Guzman, Ole Rogeberg, Oliver Clark, Oliver Crook, Olivier Ma, Onuralp Soylemez, Patrick Boehnke, Paul Oreto, Peter Heinrich, Peter Schulam, Pieter van den Berg, Pintaius Pedilici, Ravi Patel, Reed Harder, Riccardo Fusaroli, Richard Jiang, Richard Price, Robert Frost, Robert Goldman, Robert J Neal, Robert kohn, Robin Taylor, Sam Zimmerman, Scott Block, Sean Talts, Sergiy Protsiv, Seth Axen, Shira, Simon Duane, Simon Lilburn, Sonia Mendizábal, Srivatsa Srinath, Stephen Lienhard, Stephen Oates, Steve Bertolani, Steven Langsford, Stijn, Susan Holmes, Sören Berg, Taco Cohen, Teddy Groves, Teresa Ortiz, Thomas Littrell, Thomas Siegert, Thomas Vladeck, Tiago Cabaço, Tim Howes, Trey Spiller, Tyrel Stokes, Vanda Inacio de Carvalho, Vasa Trubetskoy, Ville Inkilä, vittorio trotta, Will Farr, William Grosso, yolhaj, Z, and ZAKH.


A repository containing the material used in this case study is available on GitHub.

The code in this case study is copyrighted by Michael Betancourt and licensed under the new BSD (3-clause) license:

The text and figures in this case study are copyrighted by Michael Betancourt and licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license:

Original Computing Environment

writeLines(readLines(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".R/Makevars")))

CXXFLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native -march=native -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration
CXX=clang++ -arch x86_64 -ftemplate-depth-256

CXX14FLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native -march=native -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration -Wno-unknown-pragmas
CXX14=clang++ -arch x86_64 -ftemplate-depth-256
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS  10.14.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] rstan_2.19.2          ggplot2_3.1.1         StanHeaders_2.18.1-10

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.3         pillar_1.4.2       compiler_3.5.1     plyr_1.8.4        
 [5] prettyunits_1.0.2  base64enc_0.1-3    tools_3.5.1        digest_0.6.18     
 [9] pkgbuild_1.0.2     evaluate_0.14      tibble_2.1.3       gtable_0.2.0      
[13] pkgconfig_2.0.3    rlang_0.4.2        cli_1.0.1          parallel_3.5.1    
[17] yaml_2.2.0         xfun_0.11          loo_2.0.0          gridExtra_2.3     
[21] withr_2.1.2        dplyr_0.8.3        stringr_1.3.1      knitr_1.26        
[25] stats4_3.5.1       grid_3.5.1         tidyselect_0.2.5   glue_1.3.0        
[29] inline_0.3.15      R6_2.3.0           processx_3.2.0     rmarkdown_1.18    
[33] purrr_0.3.3        callr_3.0.0        magrittr_1.5       codetools_0.2-15  
[37] matrixStats_0.54.0 ps_1.2.0           scales_1.0.0       htmltools_0.4.0   
[41] assertthat_0.2.0   colorspace_1.3-2   stringi_1.2.4      lazyeval_0.2.1    
[45] munsell_0.5.0      crayon_1.3.4