In my previous case study I introduced probability theory but treated probability distributions as monolithic objects given to us by some higher mathematical power. To really take advantage of probability theory in practice we’ll need to build probability distributions from the ground up, and conditional probability theory will prove to be a vital tool in that construction.

This case study will introduce a conceptual understanding of conditional probability theory and its applications. We’ll begin with a discussion of marginal probability distributions before introducing conditional probability distributions as their complement. Then we’ll examine how different conditional probability distributions can be related to each other through Bayes’ Theorem before considering how all of these objects manifest in probability mass function and probability density function representations. Finally we’ll review some of the important practical applications of the theory.

1 Compressing Probability Into Marginal Distributions

A projection operator, \(\varpi: X \rightarrow Y\), maps points from a total space \(X\) to points in a base space \(Y \subset X\). All of the points in \(X\) that project to the same base point \(y \in Y\) form a fiber attached to \(y\), \[ F(y) = \left\{ x \in X \mid \varpi(x) = y \right\}. \]

The total space then decomposes into the union of these fibers, \[ X = \cup_{y \in Y} F(y), \]

which then collapse to the base space under the projection operator. Moreover, under reasonable conditions all the fibers, regardless of their base point, will look like the same fiber space, \(F\),
\[ F(y) = F, \forall y \in Y. \]

Under those same reasonable conditions, a \(\sigma\)-algebra on \(X\) naturally defines a \(\sigma\)-algebra on \(Y\) and the projection operator is measurable with respect to the two. Consequently any joint probability distribution on \(X\) will transform into a unique marginal probability distribution on \(Y\). More commonly we say that we marginalize out the fibers, \[ \mathbb{P}_{\pi_{*}} [ B ] = \mathbb{P}_{\pi} [ \varpi^{-1}(B)], \] where \[ \varpi^{-1}(B) = \cup_{y \in B} F(y). \]

By pushing a probability distribution on \(X\) along the projection operator we compress all of the probability along the fibers onto the corresponding base points and lose all of the information about how probability is distributed along the fibers themselves.

This process is a bit more straightforward when we are dealing with a product space, \(X \times Y\), where each point can be identified with the components \((x, y)\). Any such product space is naturally equipped with the component projection operators \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \varpi_{X} :\; &X \times Y& &\rightarrow& \; &X& \\ &(x, y)& &\mapsto& &x& \end{alignat*} \] and \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \varpi_{Y} :\; &X \times Y& &\rightarrow& \; &Y& \\ &(x, y)& &\mapsto& &y&. \end{alignat*} \]

The \(X\)-projection \(\varpi_{X} : X \times Y \rightarrow X\) compresses all points in the product space with the same \(X\)-component to the corresponding point in \(X\), loosing all information about the \(Y\)-components. Consequently every fiber is a copy of \(Y\), \[ F(x) = \varpi_{X}^{-1}(x) = Y. \]

In particular the product space decomposes into the union of many copies of \(Y\).

At the same time the \(Y\)-projection \(\varpi_{Y} : X \times Y \rightarrow Y\) compresses all points in the product space with the same \(Y\)-component to the corresponding point in \(Y\), loosing all information about the \(X\)-components.
Every fiber with respect to the \(Y\)_projection is then copy of \(X\), \[ F(y) = \varpi_{Y}^{-1}(y) = X. \]

Consequently the product space also decomposes into the union of many copies of \(X\)!

Pushing a distribution defined on \(X \times Y\) forwards along \(\varpi_{X}\) compresses all probability along \(Y\) to give a marginal probability distribution over \(X\) defined by \[ \mathbb{P}_{\pi_{X*}} [ B ] = \mathbb{P}_{\pi} [ \varpi^{-1}_{X}(B) ] \] Equivalently, pushing that same distribution forwards along \(\varpi_{Y}\) compresses all probability along \(X\) to give a marginal probability distribution over \(Y\) defined by \[ \mathbb{P}_{\pi_{Y*}} [ B ] = \mathbb{P}_{\pi} [ \varpi^{-1}_{Y}(B) ] \]

Consider, for example, the three-dimensional space, \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\), whose component spaces we typically denote axes with the labels \(X\), \(Y\), and \(Z\), \[ \mathbb{R}^{3} = \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} = X \times Y \times Z. \] The coordinate functions serve as projection operators onto the three axes; for example the \(x\) coordinate identifies the position in \(X\). Marginalizing out \(X\) transforms a probability distribution over \(X \times Y \times Z\) into a probability distribution over the two-dimensional space, \(Y \times Z = \mathbb{R}^{2}\). Further marginalizing out \(Y\) then gives a probability distribution over the one-dimensional space, \(Z = \mathbb{R}\).

2 Conditional Probability Distributions

Projection operators allow us to transform a probability distribution over a space to a probability distribution on some lower-dimensional subspace. Is it possible, however, to go the other way? Can we take a given marginal probability distribution on a subspace and construct a joint probability distribution on the total space that projects back to that marginal? We can if we define a probability distribution over all of the fibers in order to specify the information lost in the compression to the marginal distribution.

A conditional probability distribution defines a probability distribution over each fiber, \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \mathbb{P}_{F \mid Y} :\; &\mathcal{F} \times Y& &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(B, y)& &\mapsto& &\mathbb{P}_{F \mid Y} [B, y]&. \end{alignat*} \] where \(\mathcal{F}\) is the induced \(\sigma\)-algebra over the fiber space under the usual regularity conditions on the projection operator that we’ve been assuming.

Evaluated at any \(y \in Y\) the conditional probability distribution defines a probability distribution over the corresponding fiber. On the other hand, when evaluated at a given subset \(B \in \mathcal{F}\) the conditional probability distribution becomes a measurable function from \(Y\) into \([0, 1]\) that quantifies how the probability of that set varies as we move from one fiber to the next.

Together with a marginal distribution, \(\pi_{Y}\), we can then implicitly define a joint probability distribution over the total space by specifying the probability of any set on \(X\). First we decompose the set along the fibers by taking its intersection with each fiber.

We can then compute the probability allocated to each of these intersections using the conditional probability distribution, \[ p(y) = \mathbb{P}_{F \mid Y} [A \cap \varpi^{-1} (y), y] \]

This yields a real-valued function on the base space, \(p : Y \rightarrow [0, 1]\) and in order to aggregate all of these probabilities together to compute the total probability allocated to the set \(A\) we take the expectation of this function, \[ \begin{align*} \mathbb{P}_{X} [ A ] &= \mathbb{E}_{Y} [ p(y) ] \\ &= \mathbb{E}_{Y} [ \mathbb{P}_{F \mid Y} [A \cap \varpi^{-1} (y), y] ]. \end{align*} \] The induced joint distribution on the total space is consistent in the sense that if we push it forward along the projection operator we recover the input marginal distribution with which we started.

To reinforce these ideas let’s consider how conditional probability distributions manifest on a product space, \(X \times Y\), with respect to the \(Y\)-projection \(\varpi: X \times Y \rightarrow Y\). As we saw in the previous section, in this case the fiber space is \(X\).

In this case the conditional probability distribution is a collection of probability distributions over \(X\) indexed by the base point \(y \in Y\), \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \mathbb{P}_{X \mid Y} :\; &\mathcal{X} \times Y& &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(B, y)& &\mapsto& &\mathbb{P}_{X \mid Y}[B, y]&. \end{alignat*} \]

We can use this probability distribution to lift a marginal distribution on \(Y\) to a joint distribution on \(X \times Y\) implicitly by providing probabilities to any well-behaved subset \(A\) of \(X \times Y\) in three steps. First we decompose \(A\) into stripes formed by intersecting \(A\) with each fiber.

We then compute the probability allocated to each of these intersections using the conditional probability distribution, \[ p(y) = \mathbb{P}_{X \mid Y} [A \cap \varpi^{-1} (y), y] \]

Finally we aggregate these fiber probabilities together into a total probability on the joint space by taking an expectation, \[ \begin{align*} \mathbb{P}_{X \times Y} [ A ] &= \mathbb{E}_{Y} [ p(y) ] \\ &= \mathbb{E}_{Y} [ \mathbb{P}_{X \mid Y} [A \cap \varpi^{-1} (y), y] ]. \end{align*} \]

3 Representations of Conditional Probability Distributions

Because conditional probability distributions are just collections of regular probability distributions they admit the similar representations. We just have to allow those representations to vary with the conditioning base point. To avoid some technical subtleties we’ll limit our consideration here to product spaces, \(X \times Y\).

3.1 Conditional Probability Mass Functions

When the components spaces \(X\) and \(Y\) are discrete we can represent the conditional probability distributions with conditional probability mass functions.

For example, a conditional probability mass function with respect to the \(X\)-projection is defined as \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \pi_{Y \mid X} :\; &Y \times X& &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(y, x)& &\mapsto& &\pi_{Y \mid X} (y \mid x)&. \end{alignat*} \] Giving a probability mass function for the marginal distribution, \(\pi_{X}(x)\), we can immediately construct a probability mass function for the corresponding joint distribution as \[ \pi_{X \times Y} (x, y) = \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) \pi_{X} (x). \]

Similarly, a conditional probability mass function with respect to the \(Y\)-projection is defined as \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \pi_{X \mid Y} :\; &X \times Y& &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(x, y)& &\mapsto& &\pi_{X \mid Y} (x \mid y)&. \end{alignat*} \] Giving a probability mass function for the marginal distribution, \(\pi_{Y}(y)\), we can immediately construct a probability mass function for the corresponding joint distribution as \[ \pi_{X \times Y} (x, y) = \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) \, \pi_{Y} (y). \]

We have two different ways to decompose joint distribution over a binary product space into a conditional distribution and a marginal distribution, but these two decompositions are not independent. Bayes’ Theorem defines a relationship between these two decompositions, allowing us to reconstruct one from another.

The manifestation of Bayes’ Theorem for probability mass functions follows from identifying the two different decompositions of the joint probability mass function, \[ \begin{align*} \pi_{X \times Y} (x, y) &= \pi_{X \times Y}(x, y) \\ \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) \, \pi_{X} (x) &= \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) \, \pi_{Y} (y), \end{align*} \] which we can manipulate to give \[ \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) = \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) \, \pi_{Y} (y) }{ \pi_{X} (x) } \] or \[ \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) = \frac{ \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) \, \pi_{X} (x) }{ \pi_{Y} (y) }. \] In words, given the marginal probability mass functions we can recover any conditional probability mass function from the other.

3.2 Conditional Probability Density Functions

Equivalently, when the components spaces \(X\) and \(Y\) are subsets of the real numbers we can represent the conditional probability distributions with conditional probability density functions.

For example, a conditional probability density function with respect to the \(X\)-projection is defined as \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \pi_{Y \mid X} :\; &Y \times X& &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(y, x)& &\mapsto& &\pi_{Y \mid X} (y \mid x)&. \end{alignat*} \] Given a probability density function for the marginal distribution, \(\pi_{X}(x)\), we can immediately construct a probability density function for the corresponding joint distribution as \[ \pi_{X \times Y}(x, y) = \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) \, \pi_{X} (x). \]

Similarly, a conditional probability density function with respect to the \(Y\)-projection is defined as \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \pi_{X \mid Y} :\; &X \times Y& &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(x, y)& &\mapsto& &\pi_{X \mid Y} (x \mid y)&. \end{alignat*} \] Giving a probability density function for the marginal distribution, \(\pi_{Y}(y)\), we can immediately construct a probability density function for the corresponding joint distribution as \[ \pi_{X \times Y} (x, y) = \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) \, \pi_{Y} (y). \]

The manifestation of Bayes’ Theorem for probability density functions follows from identifying the two different decompositions of the joint probability density function, \[ \begin{align*} \pi_{X \times Y} (x, y) &= \pi_{X \times Y} (x, y) \\ \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) \, \pi_{X} (x) &= \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) \, \pi_{Y} (y), \end{align*} \] which we can manipulate to give \[ \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) = \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) \, \pi_{Y} (y) }{ \pi_{X} (x) } \] or \[ \pi_{X \mid Y} ( x \mid y ) = \frac{ \pi_{Y \mid X} ( y \mid x ) \, \pi_{X} (x) }{ \pi_{Y} (y) }. \] In words, given the marginal probability density functions we can recover any conditional probability density function from the other.

For example, a joint Gaussian probability density function on \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\) is given by \[ \pi(x, y) = \frac{1}{2 \pi \sigma_{x} \sigma_{y} \sqrt{1 - \rho^{2}} } \exp \left[ - \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{1 - \rho^{2}} \left( \left( \frac{ x - \mu_x }{\sigma_{x}} \right)^{2} - 2 \rho \frac{x - \mu_x}{\sigma_{x}} \frac{y - \mu_y}{\sigma_{y}} + \left( \frac{y - \mu_y}{\sigma_{y}} \right)^{2} \right) \right], \]

The probability density function for the marginal distribution on \(x\) is given by \[ \begin{align*} \pi(x) &= \int \mathrm{d}x \, \pi(x, y) \\ &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma_{x}^{2}}} \exp \left[ - \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{x - \mu_x}{\sigma_{x}} \right)^{2} \right] \end{align*} \]

with the corresponding conditional probability density function on \(y\) given by \[ \pi(y \mid x) = \frac{1}{ \sqrt{ 2 \pi \sigma_{y}^{2} (1 - \rho^{2}) } } \exp \left[ - \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{\sigma_{y}^{2} (1 - \rho^{2})} \left( y - \mu_y - \frac{\sigma_{y}}{\sigma_{x}} \rho (x - \mu_x) \right)^{2} \right]. \]

With a little bit of algebra one can show that Bayes’ Theorem gives \[ \begin{align*} \pi(x \mid y) &= \frac{ \pi(y \mid x) \pi(x) }{ \pi(y) } \\ &= \pi(x \mid y) = \frac{1}{ \sqrt{ 2 \pi \sigma_{x}^{2} (1 - \rho^{2}) } } \exp \left[ - \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{\sigma_{x}^{2} (1 - \rho^{2})} \left( x - \mu_x - \frac{\sigma_{x}}{\sigma_{y}} \rho (y - \mu_y) \right)^{2} \right]. \end{align*} \]

3.3 Mixed Representations

When the fiber space is discrete and the base space is real, or vice versa, a probability distribution on the total space admits a mixed representation comprised of a product of a conditional probability mass function and a marginal probability density function, or vice versa.

For example, a discrete fiber with a real base space defines a probability distribution over a joint product space that contains both discrete and continuous properties. Because discrete and real representations both take the form of functions, these mixed representations are straightforward to construct and utilize when computing probabilities and expectations on the total space. We just have to be careful to sum when appropriate and integrate when appropriate.

3.4 Sampling From Conditional Distributions

A sample from a joint probability distribution on the total space defines a sample for the marginal probability distribution on the base space once the sample has been passed through projection operator, \[ \left\{ \varpi(x), \ldots, \varpi(x_{N}) \right\}. \]

A sample from the total space, however, will not in general contain enough information to construct a sample from a conditional probability distribution over a specific fiber. The problem is that in most cases the joint sample will have a vanishingly small probability of falling into a given fiber.

Instead we have to first condition on a particular fiber and then generate samples from the corresponding probability distribution.

For example, to sample from a conditional distribution that admits a Gaussian probability density function in R we can do

mu_x <- 0
sigma_x <- 1
x <- 2

mu_y <- 0
sigma_y <- 1

rho <- 0.8

cond_mu <- mu_y + (sigma_y / sigma_x) * rho * (x - mu_x)
cond_sigma <- sigma_y * sqrt(1 - rho * rho)

N <- 10000
cond_samples <- rnorm(N, cond_mu, cond_sigma)

c_light <- c("#DCBCBC")
c_light_highlight <- c("#C79999")
c_mid <- c("#B97C7C")
c_mid_highlight <- c("#A25050")
c_dark <- c("#8F2727")
c_dark_highlight <- c("#7C0000")

x <- seq(-8, 8, 0.001)

plot(x, dnorm(x, cond_mu, cond_sigma), type="l", col=c_dark_highlight, lwd=2,
     xlab="x", ylab="Probability Density",
     cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.5, yaxt='n')

hist(cond_samples, breaks=seq(-8, 8, 0.1), 
     col=c_dark, border=c_mid_highlight, probability=T, add=T)

We can then use the conditional samples to compute conditional expectations, such as conditional means

identity <- function(y) {

cond_mean <- function(x, mu_x, sigma_x, mu_y, sigma_y) {
  cond_mu <- mu_y + (sigma_y / sigma_x) * rho * (x - mu_x)
  cond_sigma <- sigma_y * sqrt(1 - rho * rho)
  (mean(identity(rnorm(10000, cond_mu, cond_sigma))))

x <- seq(-8, 8, 0.001)
mu_y_x <- sapply(x, function(p) cond_mean(p, mu_x, sigma_x, mu_y, sigma_y))

plot(x, mu_y_x, type="l", col=c_dark_highlight, lwd=2,
     xlab="x", ylab="Conditional Mean of Y Given X",
     cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.5, yaxt='n')

3.5 Extra Credit: Bayes’ Theorem

Bayes’ Theorem is much deeper than its manifestation as a relationship between probability mass functions or probability density functions. Formally it provides a way of updating marginal distributions into conditional distributions on a product space, giving a way to unfurl the probability at a base point across the corresponding fiber.

Fundamentally Bayes’ Theorem defines a relationship between marginal expectations and conditional expectations. For example, \[ \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X}}[\lambda(x, y) \cdot f(x)] = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X \mid Y}}[f(x)], \] where the function \(\lambda\) is given by the Radon-Nikodym derivative \[ \lambda(x, y) = \frac{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y \mid X} }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} } (x, y). \] At the same time \[ \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{Y}}[\kappa(x, y) \cdot g(y)] = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{Y \mid X}}[g(y)], \] where \[ \kappa(x, y) = \frac{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{X \mid Y} }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{X} } (x, y). \]

This formal result clarifies that Bayes’ Theorem defines how a marginal distribution is updated to a conditional distribution based on information about the corresponding fiber.

Deriving the manifestation of Bayes’ Theorem for representations from this formal result is straightforward once the expectations are replaced by the appropriate calculations. For example, on a discrete space we have \[ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X}} [ \frac{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{X \mid Y} }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} } (x, y)\cdot f(x)] &= \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X \mid Y}}[f(x)] \\ \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X}} [ \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} (y) } \cdot f(x)] &= \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X \mid Y}}[f(x)] \\ \sum_{x \in X} \pi_{X}(x) \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} (y) } f(x) &= \sum_{x \in X} \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) \, f(x) \end{align*} \] which is true for any \(f\) if and only if \[ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) = \pi_{X}(x) \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} (y) }. \]

Similarly for real spaces, \[ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X}} [ \frac{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{X \mid Y} }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} } (x, y)\cdot f(x)] &= \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X \mid Y}}[f(x)] \\ \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X}} [ \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} (y) } \cdot f(x)] &= \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{X \mid Y}}[f(x)] \\ \int \mathrm{d} x \, \pi_{X}(x) \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} (y) } f(x) &= \int \mathrm{d} x \, \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) \, f(x) \end{align*} \] which is true for any \(f\) if and only if \[ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) = \pi_{X}(x) \frac{ \pi_{X \mid Y} (x, y) }{ \mathrm{d} \pi_{Y} (y) }. \]

4 Applications of Conditional Probability Theory

Ultimately it is conditional probability theory that provides the versatility to make probability theory an invaluable tool in applied problems.

4.1 Generative Modeling

Conditional probability distributions are critical when we want to construct sophisticated probability distributions over high-dimensional spaces. By reducing the specification of the ungainly joint probability distribution to a sequence of lower-dimensional conditional probability distributions and marginal probability distributions we can more easily reason about the structure of the distribution and better incorporate domain expertise.

This method of constructing a joint distribution from intermediate conditional probability distributions is known as generative modeling. A generative model might begin with only a few variables, but additional variables can then be introduced to expand the initial model into a higher-dimensional space. Each sequential addition affords the opportunity to analyze and understand the intermediate model before adding more complexity.

Here circles denote collections of variables while arrows denote conditional dependencies between those collections that would be specified by a particular conditional probability distribution function. A joint distribution that can be decomposed into distributions for individual variables in this way is also known as a graphical model.

At the same time we can exploit conditional probability theory to build a joint distribution in reverse. Here we start with a marginal distribution over some variables before replacing the marginal distribution with a distribution conditioned on new variables. We can then iterate, at each stage replacing the marginal distribution with an expanded distribution.

Conditional sampling provides an immediate method of generating samples from generative distributions. We simply sample from the latent marginal distribution and then sample from each conditional distribution in succession.

S_x <- rnorm(N, mu_x, sigma_x)
cond_mu <- mu_y + (sigma_y / sigma_x) * rho * (S_x - mu_x)
cond_sigma <- sigma_y * sqrt(1 - rho * rho)
S_y <- rnorm(N, cond_mu, cond_sigma)

plot(S_x, S_y, col=c("#8F272720"), lwd=2, pch=16, cex=0.8,
     xlim=c(-4.5, 4.5), xlab="x", ylim=c(-4.5, 4.5), ylab="y")

This ancestral sampling technique is particularly useful when the intermediate conditional probability distributions are one-dimensional and admit procedures for efficient exact sampling.

Sampling from any of the conditional distributions not part of the generative structure, however, is more challenging as those conditional distributions have to be derived from Bayes’ Theorem. In these cases we often need to abandon exact sampling and instead focus on generating correlated samples with more advanced techniques like Markov chain Monte Carlo.

4.2 Bayesian Inference

Bayesian inference exploits conditional probability theory to construct a formal procedure for learning from data.

We start with a collection of probability distributions over the observational space, \(\pi(y ; \theta)\). Each model configuration \(\theta\) identifies a probability distribution that defines a mathematical narratives for how observations, \(y\). If we allow probability distributions to encode information about the parameter space, then the model configuration space also defines a conditional probability distribution, \(\pi (y \mid \theta)\) over the product space \(Y \times \Theta\).

Given a an explicit observation, \(\tilde{y}\), we can use Bayes’ Theorem to update a prior distribution, \(\pi(\theta)\), encoding domain expertise into a posterior distribution, \(\pi(\theta \mid \tilde{y})\), that quantifies how consistent the model configurations are with both our domain expertise and the observed data. Inferential queries about the observation process itself are then answered by expectation values of various functions.

In practice the delineation between the observational model, \(\pi (y \mid \theta)\), and the prior, \(\pi(\theta)\), is not always distinct and it is often easier to reason about the joint model, \[ \pi(y, \theta) = \pi(y \mid \theta) \, \pi(\theta). \] Simulating data from this joint model is then a straightforward application of ancestral sampling through the prior and then the observation model.

Generating samples from the posterior to approximate expectations is much more subtle. In practice we typically rely on Markov chain Monte Carlo to generate posterior samples, or other computational methods entirely.

5 Conclusion

As we saw in the previous case study probability distributions can encode useful information in many practical applications. What our initial coverage of probability theory doesn’t tell us how to do, however, is construct those probability distributions to encode specific information in the first place. It’s only with the introduction of conditional probability theory that we have the tools needed to develop probability distributions that encode the principled information we need to deploy them in practice.

6 Acknowlegements

I thank Aki Vehtari and Max Kesin for helpful comments and everyone who has attended my courses, especially those who contributed feedback.

A very special thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon: Aki Vehtari, Austin Rochford, Bo Schwartz Madsen, Cat Shark, Charles Naylor, Colin Carroll, Daniel Simpson, David Pascall, David Roher, Elad Berkman, Finn Lindgren, Granville Matheson, Hernan Bruno, J Michael Burgess, Joel Kronander, Jonas Beltoft Gehrlein, Joshua Mayer, Justin Bois, Lars Barquist, Marek Kwiatkowski, Maurits van der Meer, Maxim Kesin, Michael Dillon, Ole Rogeberg, Oscar Olvera, Riccardo Fusaroli, Richard Torkar, Sam Petulla, Sam Zorowitz, Seo-young Kim, Seth Axen, Simon Duane, Stephen Oates, Stijn, and Vladislavs Dovgalecs.

7 Original Computing Environment

writeLines(readLines(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".R/Makevars")))

CXXFLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native -march=native -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration
CXX=clang++ -arch x86_64 -ftemplate-depth-256

CXX14FLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native -march=native -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration -Wno-unknown-pragmas
CXX14=clang++ -arch x86_64 -ftemplate-depth-256