In order to apply probability theory in practice we need to be able to work with a given target probability distribution. More formally we need to be able to compute expectation values of relevant functions with respect to that target distribution or, more realistically, accurately estimate them. Unfortunately this is no easy task, especially when our ambient space exceeds a few dimensions and the target probability distribution concentrates into a typical set.

As we saw in my probabilistic computation case study, stochastic methods offer the possibility of quantifying high-dimensional target distributions with increasing accuracy given a corresponding increase in computation. In particular, stochastic methods efficiently compress the target distribution into a finite ensemble of samples that naturally concentrate within its typical set. Monte Carlo methods utilize exact samples to construct incredibly well-behaved estimators, but generating those exact samples is not feasible for most practical problems. Markov chain Monte Carlo generates correlated samples that share some of the same benefits as the Monte Carlo method under ideal circumstances but devolve to significantly worse behavior under less ideal circumstances.

Markov chain Monte Carlo is one of our best tools in the desperate struggle against high-dimensional probabilistic computation, but its fragility makes it dangerous to wield without adequate training. In order to use the method responsibly, and ensure accurate quantification of the target distribution, practitioners need to know not just how it works under ideal circumstances but also how it breaks under less ideal, but potentially more common, circumstances. Most importantly a practitioner needs to be able to identify when the method breaks and they shouldn’t trust the results that it gives. In other words a responsible user of Markov chain Monte Carlo needs to know how to manage its risks.

Unfortunately the Markov chain Monte Carlo literature provides limited guidance for practical risk management. Most introductory references, especially those coming from applied fields, oversimplify the method and give readers a treacherous overconfidence in the method which can facilitate a poor quantification, and hence understanding, of the target distributions they study. More formal treatments are more thorough but they’re also overwhelmed with intense technical detail that is largely irrelevant to practitioners. In this case study I attempt a compromise between these two extremes, introducing all of the important concepts needed to understand how Monte chain Monte Carlo performs in practice with clear motivations and without any extraneous technical detail. This compromise, however, will still be significantly more comprehensive than most introductory treatments so the reader should adjust their expectations accordingly. Provided you can estimate those expectations accurately, of course…

Before introducing Markov chain Monte Carlo we will begin with a short review of the Monte Carlo method. We will then continue to discuss Markov transitions that generate Markov chains, Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators derived from those Markov chains, and the delicate Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem that is critical for the practical utility of this approach. Finally we will discuss how these theoretical concepts manifest in practice and carefully study the behavior of an explicit implementation of Markov chain Monte Carlo. Section 2.4 and Section 3.3 expand on some more technical considerations but are not strictly necessary for practical use of Markov chain Monte Carlo any may be skipped. They do, however, connect the conceptual ideas introduced here to the more formal concepts in the statistical literature and are recommended for anyone looking for more context.

There is a large literature of Markov chain Monte Carlo that both compliments and contrasts with the presentation given here, and hence may prove useful to the reader. [1] is a nice high-level introduction while [2] and [3] collect a diversity of articles on some of the theoretical and practical aspects of Markov chain Monte Carlo, with lots of references to further literature. For a more theoretical treatment I recommend starting with the excellent review article [4] and the text [5] before considering the dense enchiridions, [6] and [7]. For a history of Markov chain Monte Carlo see [8].

1 Hello Monte Carlo Our Old Friend

Recall that an exact sampling mechanism is a procedure for generating arbitrarily long sequences of independent points in the ambient space, \[ \{ q_{1}, \ldots, q_{N} \} \in Q, \] such that the ensemble average of any real-valued, integrable function \(f\), \[ \hat{f}_{N}^{\text{MC}} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n = 1}^{N} f(q_{n}), \] is asymptotically consistent. More formally the pushforward distribution of the ensemble average converges to a Dirac distribution concentrated at the target expectation value, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \pi_{f^{\text{MC}}_{N}} = \delta_{\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f]}. \] In other words the ensemble average in this limit evaluates to the target expectation value, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \hat{f}_{N}^{\text{MC}} = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f], \] for all but a potentially finite number of realized samples. These ensemble averages are denoted Monte Carlo estimators.

By construction these exact samples concentrate in the typical set of the target distribution, or the target typical set. As the sample size grows they define increasingly refined quantifications of that geometry.

Importantly samples provide an accurate quantification even as the target typical set becomes relatively narrow in higher dimensions. This robustness to the specific geometry of the typical set helps explain why Monte Carlo estimators have no apparent dimensionality dependence – all of the hard work needed to scale with dimension has already been absorbed in the generation of the exact samples.

Asymptotic consistency, however, isn’t particularly useful in practice because we’ll never be able to generate infinity large ensembles with our finite computational resources. For Monte Carlo estimators to be practical we need to know how they converge to the limiting Dirac distribution. Fortunately the finite ensemble behavior of Monte Carlo estimators can also be quantified to high accuracy.

The Monte Carlo estimator for any square-integrable real-valued function, meaning that both \(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f]\) and \(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f^{2}]\) exist and are finite, satisfies a central limit theorem. The central limit theorem states that as the number of samples increases the pushforward distribution of standardized Monte Carlo estimators converges towards a probability distribution specified by a unit normal probability density function, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{ \hat{f}_{N}^{\text{MC}} - \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f] } { \text{MC-SE}_{N}[f] } \sim \text{normal}(0, 1), \] where the Monte Carlo standard error, \(\text{MC-SE}_{N}[f]\), is defined by \[ \text{MC-SE}_{N}[f] = \sqrt{ \frac{ \text{Var}_{\pi}[f]}{N} }. \]

Critically the relative difference between the exact probability distribution of the standardized estimators and the distribution specified by the unit normal probability density function is inversely proportional to the ensemble size and hence rapidly decays with increasing \(N\). Once we’ve generated a reasonably large ensemble, at least ten samples or so, the difference becomes negligible and for each fixed ensemble size we have \[ \frac{ \hat{f}_{N}^{\text{MC}} - \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f] } { \text{MC-SE}_{N}[f] } \sim \text{normal}(0, 1), \] or upon rearrangement, \[ \hat{f}_{N}^{\text{MC}} \sim \text{normal}(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f], \text{MC-SE}_{N}[f]). \] In other words once the central limit theorem becomes an accurate approximation we can use the Monte Carlo standard error to quantify the total error of each Monte Carlo estimator for a given \(N\). While asymptotic consistency tells us the limiting distribution of the Monte Carlo estimators, the central limit theorem tells us how the estimator distribution converges to that limit for reasonably large but finite ensembles.

Technically the error quantification provided by the central limit theorem requires the exact variance, \(\text{Var}_{\pi}[f]\), in order to evaluate the Monte Carlo standard error. In practice we won’t know the variance exactly but if \(f^{2}\) is square-integrable, meaning that \(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f]\), \(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f^{2}]\), and \(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f^{4}]\) exist and are finite, then we can approximate the variance with another Monte Carlo estimator \[ \text{Var}_{\pi}[f] \approx \widehat{\text{Var}}_{\pi}[f], \] to give the empirical Monte Carlo standard error, \[ \widehat{\text{MC-SE}}_{N}[f] = \sqrt{ \frac{ \widehat{\text{Var}}_{\pi}[f]}{N} }. \] Conveniently the error introduced by this approximation scales inversely with the ensemble size and so is negligible exactly when the errors in assuming exact normality are negligible.

One nice feature of the exact and empirical Monte Carlo standard errors is their fixed scaling with the ensemble size, \(N\). In particular this allows us to immediately determine how many exact samples we need to achieve a given error, or how many more samples we need to generate in order to improve the error of an existing estimator by a certain amount.

Besides the difficulty of generating exact samples in practice, the main limitation of the Monte Carlo method is that the error quantification is probabilistic. While most samples will yield Monte Carlo estimators with error within a few \(\text{MC-SE}_{N}[f]\) of the exact value, some samples will inevitably suffer from much larger errors and we can never quite be sure when we’ll get unlucky.

2 Markov Chain of Command

Markov chain Monte Carlo applies the Monte Carlo method to the correlated ensembles generated by Markov chains. Markov chains define discrete paths through the ambient space that with careful engineering will explore the typical set of a specified target distribution.

2.1 Markov Transitions

Let’s say that we want to evaluate expectation values with respect to a target distribution \(\pi\) defined on the ambient space \(Q\) equipped with the \(\sigma\)-algebra \(\mathcal{Q}\).

In order to explore a target probability distribution we first have to be able to move through the ambient space. One natural way to define jumps across \(Q\) is to consider the product space, \(Q \times Q\), where the first component defines the points at which we can start and the second component defines the points to which we can jump. We can then introduce a distribution of possible jumps by specifying a probability distribution over the second \(Q\) for each possible initial point in the first \(Q\).

This collection of probability distributions, however, is exactly a conditional probability distribution over the product space, \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} T :\; &Q \times \mathcal{Q}& &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(q, B)& &\mapsto& &T [B \mid q]&, \end{alignat*} \] which we denote a Markov transition distribution. Markov refers to the fact that each transition distribution depends only on a single point in the ambient space, as opposed to depending on multiple points. In practice we typically specify a Markov transition with a conditional probability density function within a given parameterization of the ambient space, \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} T :\; &Q \times Q& &\rightarrow& \; &\mathbb{R}^{+}& \\ &(q, q')& &\mapsto& &T(q' \mid q)&. \end{alignat*} \]

Conditioning the Markov transition on a particular point \(q_{0} \in Q\) defines a probability distribution over \(Q\), \(T [\cdot \mid q_{0}]\), which itself defines the propensity for jumps to fall into each neighborhood. For example we are more likely to jump into a neighborhood \(B_{1}\) with higher transition probability than a neighborhood \(B_{2}\) with lower transition probability, \[ T [B_{1} \mid q_{0}] > T [B_{2} \mid q_{0}]. \] The corresponding probability density function provides a convenient visualization of which neighborhoods are endowed with higher transition probabilities given a particular \(q_{0}\).

An exact sample from the probability distribution \(T [\cdot \mid q_{0}]\) realizes an explicit jump, or transition, to a new point in the ambient space, \[ \tilde{q}_{1} \sim T(q_{1} \mid q_{0}). \] Because the probability distribution from which we sampled depends on the initial point \(q_{0}\), this new point will in general be correlated with that initial point.

Provided that we can readily generate exact samples from the transition distribution the implementation of these Markov transitions is straightforward in a programming environment like R. Let’s consider a two-dimensional ambient space \(Q = \mathbb{R}^{2}\) with the coordinate functions \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \varpi_{1} :\; &Q& &\rightarrow& \; &\mathbb{R}& \\ &q& &\mapsto& &q^{1}&, \end{alignat*} \] and \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} \varpi_{2} :\; &Q& &\rightarrow& \; &\mathbb{R}& \\ &q& &\mapsto& &q^{2}&, \end{alignat*} \] that project each point onto the two component axes; note that I am using superscripts to define the components to avoid any confusion with the subscripts that index points in an ensemble of samples. On this space we will define a Markov transition through a product of conditional probability density functions, \[ \begin{align*} T(q_{1} \mid q_{0} ) &= T(q^{1}_{1}, q^{2}_{1} \mid q^{1}_{0}, q^{2}_{0} ) \\ &= T(q^{1}_{1} \mid q^{1}_{0}) \cdot T(q^{2}_{1} \mid q^{2}_{0}). \\ &= \text{Normal}(q^{1}_{1} \mid q^{1}_{0}, \sigma) \cdot \text{Normal}(q^{2}_{1} \mid q^{2}_{0}, \sigma). \end{align*} \]

# When working with Markov chains we always want to set an explicit seed
# to ensure that we can reproduce any weird behavior that might arise

# Initial point
D <- 2

q0 <- c(0, 0)

# Some possible transitions from the initial point
n_possible <- 50

possible_transitions <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_possible, ncol = D)

for (c in 1:n_possible) {
  possible_transitions[c, 1] <- rnorm(1, q0[1], 1)
  possible_transitions[c, 2] <- rnorm(1, q0[2], 1)

c_light <- c("#DCBCBC")
c_light_highlight <- c("#C79999")
c_mid <- c("#B97C7C")
c_mid_highlight <- c("#A25050")
c_dark <- c("#8F2727")
c_dark_highlight <- c("#7C0000")

c_light_trans <- c("#DCBCBC30")
c_dark_trans <- c("#8F272730")

plot(possible_transitions[,1], possible_transitions[,2],
     main="Possible Transitions From Initial Point",
     col="green", pch=16, cex=1.2,
     xlab="q^1", xlim=c(-3, 3), ylab="q^2", ylim=c(-3, 3))

points(q0[1], q0[2], col=c_dark, pch=16, cex=1.2)
points(q0[1], q0[2], col=c_light, pch=16, cex=0.8)

Each sample defines possible transitions from the initial point, but we will consider only one realized transition, \(\tilde{q}_{1}\).

q1 <- c(0, 0)
q1[1] <- rnorm(1, q0[1], 1)
q1[2] <- rnorm(1, q0[2], 1)

plot(possible_transitions[,1], possible_transitions[,2],
     main="Realized Transition From Initial Point",
     col="green", pch=16, cex=1.2,
     xlab="q^1", xlim=c(-3, 3), ylab="q^2", ylim=c(-3, 3))

points(q0[1], q0[2], col=c_dark, pch=16, cex=1.2)
points(q0[1], q0[2], col=c_light, pch=16, cex=0.8)

lines(c(q0[1], q1[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2]), col=c_dark, lwd=2)

points(c(q0[1], q1[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2]), col=c_dark, pch=16, cex=1.2)
points(c(q0[1], q1[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2]), col=c_light, pch=16, cex=0.8)

Once we have jumped to a new point we can define a second transition by conditioning the Markov transition distribution on \(\tilde{q}_{1}\) instead of \(q_{0}\). Sampling from the resulting probability distribution defines another point, \[ \tilde{q}_{2} \sim T(q_{2} \mid \tilde{q}_{1}). \]

possible_transitions <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_possible, ncol = D)

for (c in 1:n_possible) {
  possible_transitions[c, 1] <- rnorm(1, q1[1], 1)
  possible_transitions[c, 2] <- rnorm(1, q1[2], 1)

plot(possible_transitions[,1], possible_transitions[,2],
     main="Possible Transitions From First Transition",
     col="green", pch=16, cex=1.2,
     xlab="q^1", xlim=c(-3, 3), ylab="q^2", ylim=c(-3, 3))

lines(c(q0[1], q1[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2]), col=c_dark, lwd=2)
points(c(q0[1], q1[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2]), col=c_dark, pch=16, cex=1.2)
points(c(q0[1], q1[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2]), col=c_light, pch=16, cex=0.8)

q2 <- c(0, 0)
q2[1] <- rnorm(1, q1[1], 1)
q2[2] <- rnorm(1, q1[2], 1)

plot(possible_transitions[,1], possible_transitions[,2],
     main="Realized Transition From First Transition",
     col="green", pch=16, cex=1.2,
     xlab="q^1", xlim=c(-3, 3), ylab="q^2", ylim=c(-3, 3))

lines(c(q0[1], q1[1], q2[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2], q2[2]), col=c_dark, lwd=2)
points(c(q0[1], q1[1], q2[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2], q2[2]), col=c_dark, pch=16, cex=1.2)
points(c(q0[1], q1[1], q2[1]), c(q0[2], q1[2], q2[2]), col=c_light, pch=16, cex=0.8)

2.2 Chain, Chain, Chain; Markov Chain of Fools

Iterating Markov transitions, \[ \begin{align*} \tilde{q}_{1} &\sim T(q_{2} \mid q_{0}) \\ \tilde{q}_{2} &\sim T(q_{2} \mid \tilde{q}_{1}) \\ \tilde{q}_{3} &\sim T(q_{3} \mid \tilde{q}_{2}) \\ \ldots \\ \tilde{q}_{N} &\sim T(q_{N} \mid \tilde{q}_{N - 1}), \end{align*} \] generates a sequence of points in the ambient space that we call a Markov chain.

Because of this sequential sampling, each point \(q_{n}\) in the sequence is conditionally dependent on only the previous point, \(q_{n - 1}\): if we fix \(q_{n - 1}\) then \(q_{n}\) will be independent of all previous points. If \(q_{n - 1}\) itself is sampled from \(q_{n - 2}\), however, then \(q_{n}\) will in general assume a correlation with \(q_{n - 2}\) as well. Because we are sampling all of the points after the initial one, the Markov chain will define a correlated ensemble of samples.

The correlations spanning a Markov chain are evident if we compare multiple Markov chains generated from the same initial point. The local correlations between neighborhood points give each realized Markov chain a stiffness that constrains the relationship between even distant points.

# Initial point
q0.1 <- 0
q0.2 <- 0

# Let's generate ten chains, each comprised of ten transitions from the initial point
n_transitions <- 10
n_chains <- 10

plot(1, type="n", main="Markov Chain Realizations",
     xlab="q^1", xlim=c(-7, 7),
     ylab="q^2", ylim=c(-7, 7))

for (c in 1:(n_chains - 1)) {
  mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D)
  mcmc_samples[1, 1] <- q0.1
  mcmc_samples[1, 2] <- q0.2

  for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1] <- rnorm(1, mcmc_samples[n , 1], 1)
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 2] <- rnorm(1, mcmc_samples[n , 2], 1)

  lines(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], col=c_dark_trans, lwd=2)
  points(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], col=c_dark_trans, pch=16, cex=1.2)
  points(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], col=c_light_trans, pch=16, cex=0.8)

# Realized chain
mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D)
mcmc_samples[1, 1] <- q0.1
mcmc_samples[1, 2] <- q0.2

for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
  mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1] <- rnorm(1, mcmc_samples[n , 1], 1)
  mcmc_samples[n + 1, 2] <- rnorm(1, mcmc_samples[n , 2], 1)

lines(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], col=c_dark, lwd=2)
points(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], col=c_dark, pch=16, cex=1.2)
points(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], col=c_light, pch=16, cex=0.8)

2.3 Stay on Target

Although the Markov chains realized from an arbitrary Markov transition distribution may seem to aimlessly wander through the ambient space, they are in fact looking for something particular. A probability distribution that is preserved under Markov transitions, \[ \pi(q) = \int \mathrm{d} q' \, \pi(q') \, T(q \mid q'), \] is known as the stationary or invariant distribution of the Markov transition distribution. Well-behaved Markov transition distributions admit a unique stationary distribution, and it is within the stationary typical set that the Markov chains are most likely to wonder.

No matter where we are in the ambient space the typical set of each Markov transition distribution will concentrate towards the stationary typical set.

Consequently realized transitions will jump towards the typical set with exceedingly high probability. After jumping the circumstance repeats, with the following transition distribution once again concentrating towards the typical set.

As we realize more and more Markov transitions the resulting Markov chain will drift towards the typical set of the stationary distribution and, once it has reached the typical set, the transitions will guide the Markov chain through it. In other words the Markov transitions serve as a probabilistic blood hound, sniffing around each point for subtle hints of probability and following a trail that guides us towards the stationary typical set. All we have to do is follow.

As our chains grow longer they fill up the stationary typical set. Eventually the newest points in the Markov chain start looking suspiciously similar to an ensemble of samples from the stationary distribution.

If we can engineer a Markov transition whose stationary distribution is our target distribution then we might even be able to use those points to construct expectation value estimators just as we did with Monte Carlo.

2.4 Extra Credit: Distributions of Markov Chains

In order to formalize the intuition that Markov chains explore the stationary distribution we have to construct intermediate probability distributions that quantify the possible transitions we could realize at each iteration of the Markov chain.

2.4.1 The N-Step Distributions

First let’s consider initializing our Markov chain with a sample from some initial probability distribution, \[ \tilde{q}_{0} \sim \rho. \] We can always set this initial distribution to a Dirac distribution concentrated at a specific point, \[ \rho = \delta_{q_{0}}, \] to recover the fixed initialization that we used above.

To quantify where we might be after one transition we have to convolve this initial distribution with the Markov transition, \[ (T \rho)[B] = \mathbb{E}_{\rho} [ T[B \mid q_{0}] ], \] or in terms of probability density functions, \[ (T \rho)(q_{1}) = \int \mathrm{d} q_{0} \, T(q_{1} \mid q_{0}) \, \rho( q_{0} ). \] We can then quantify where we might be after two transitions by convolving this convolution with the Markov transition again, \[ (T^{2} \rho)[B] = \mathbb{E}_{\rho} [ \mathbb{E}_{T \rho} [ T[B \mid q_{0}] \mid q_{1} ] ], \] or in terms of probability density functions, \[ \begin{align*} (T^{2} \rho)(q_{2}) &= ( T \cdot T \rho )(q_{2}) \\ &= \int \mathrm{d} q_{1} \, T(q_{2} \mid q_{1}) \int \mathrm{d} q_{0} \, T(q_{1} \mid q_{0}) \, \rho(q_{0}) \\ &= \int \mathrm{d} q_{1} \, \mathrm{d} q_{0} \, T(q_{2} \mid q_{1}) \, T(q_{1} \mid q_{0}) \, \rho(q_{0}). \end{align*} \]

Iterating this convolution along with each transition we construct the \(N\)-step distributions, \[ (T^{N} \rho)(q_{N}) = ( T \cdot T^{N - 1} \rho ) (q_{N}) = ( \underbrace{T \cdot \ldots \cdot T}_{N\mathrm{ times}} \rho ) (q_{N}) \] which quantify the possible points our Markov chain could reach after \(N\) transitions.

Equivalently the initial distribution and the Markov transition distribution can be used to construct a probability distribution over the product space, \(Q^{N}\), whose \(n\)th component captures the state of the Markov chain after \(n\) transitions. From this perspective the \(n\)-step distributions are just the pushforward of the product distribution along the \(n\)th component projection function.

We can formalize the concept of Markov chain convergence as the convergence of the \(N\)-step distributions themselves. In particular we can ask to what probability distribution, \(\omega\), the \(N\)-step distributions converge, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} T^{N} \rho = \omega. \] Equivalently, we can consider the convergence of probability density function representations of the \(N\)-step distributions.

The \(N\)-step distribution won’t always have a well-defined limit, but if a limit exists then it has to be the stationary distribution, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} T^{N} \rho = \pi, \] defined by \[ T \pi = \pi. \]

The technical conditions under which a limit exists, and the \(N\)-step distribution converges to the stationary distribution are subtle. A critical aspect of developing new Markov chain Monte Carlo implementations is being able derive those conditions and how they might be obstructed in practice.

2.4.2 Convergence of N-Step Distributions

A well-defined limiting distribution is necessary for well-behaved Markov chains, but the practical utility of a given Markov transition really depends on how quickly the \(N\)-step distributions converge to that limiting distribution.

In order to quantify how the \(N\)-step distributions converge we need some notion of distance between probability distributions in order to compare them to the limiting stationary distribution as a function of the number of iterations, \(N\). Given a distance function \(\vert\vert \cdot \vert\vert\) we say that the \(N\)-step distributions converge towards a limiting probability distribution if we can always find a sufficiently large \(N\) such that the distance between the all of the subsequent \(N\)-step distributions is smaller than any given value. More formally, for any arbitrarily small distance \(\epsilon \in \mathbb{R}^{+}\) there has to be some finite integer that can possibly depend on the initial distribution, \(N(\rho)\), such that \[ \vert\vert T^{n} \rho - \pi \vert \vert \le \epsilon \] for all \(n > N(\rho)\).

In practice we aim for a more constructive result by bounding these distances with a monotonically decreasing function of \(N\), \[ \vert\vert T^{N} \rho - \pi \vert \vert \le f(\rho, N), \] which implies the formal definition of convergence but allows us to quantify the rate of convergence using the form of the bound, \(f(\rho, N)\).

One of the most common definitions of distance between probability distributions is the total variation distance. There are multiple equivalent definitions of the total variation distance, each with their own intuitions, but my favorite is as the largest difference of probabilities allocated across the ambient \(\sigma\)-algebra, \[ \vert\vert \rho - \pi \vert\vert_{\mathrm{TV}} = \mathrm{sup}_{B \in \mathcal{Q}} \left| \rho[B] - \pi[B] \right|. \] Here \(\mathrm{sup}\) refers to the supremum, which is just a very pedantic upper bound.

If the decay of the total variation distance is bounded above by a polynomial in \(N\), \[ \vert\vert T^{N} \rho - \pi \vert \vert_{\mathrm{TV}} \le C(\rho) (N + 1)^{-\beta}, \] then we say that the Markov transition has polynomial ergodicity. Polynomial ergodicity is a relatively weak condition due to the slow decay of the bound, but it some circumstances it is enough to ensure well-behaved Markov chains.

When the decay of the total variation distance is bounded above by a geometric series in \(N\), \[ \vert\vert T^{N} \rho - \pi \vert \vert_{\mathrm{TV}} \le C(\rho) r^{N}, \] for some \(r < 1\), we say that the Markov transition has geometric ergodicity. These geometric series decay exponentially fast with the number of iterations which places a much stronger constraint on the convergence of the \(N\)-step distributions.

Stronger still is uniform ergodicity where the constant in the geometric bound does not depend on the initial distribution, \[ \vert\vert T^{N} \rho - \pi \vert \vert_{\mathrm{TV}} \le C r^{N}. \] Uniform ergodicity guarantees rapid convergence no matter where we initialize our Markov chains, but results this strong are typically limited to ambient spaces with finite boundaries.

Sufficiently strong ergodicity bounds ensure that as \(N\) increases the \(N\)-step distributions become more and more similar to each other and the stationary distribution. This increasing uniformity prevents transient behaviors that might hinder the effective exploration of Markov chains after only a finite number of iterations.

2.4.3 Spectral Theory

Another way to analyze the convergence of the \(N\)-step distributions is through the Markov transtition itself. To motivate this approach let’s consider a discrete space with only \(I\) elements where we can analyze the Markov transition using linear algebra. In this case a conditional probability distribution like a Markov transition distribution can be represented with a square matrix whose columns sum to one. Similarly probability distributions can be represented with vectors whose elements sum to one.

The Markov transition matrix admits the \(I\) eigenvalues, \(\left\{\lambda_{1}, \ldots, \lambda_{I} \right\}\), and the \(I\) eigenvectors, \(\left\{\pi_{1}, \ldots, \pi_{I} \right\}\) that satisfy \[ T \, v_{i} = \lambda_{i} \, v_{i}. \] The collection of eigenvalues is also known as the eigenspectrum of the Markov transition.

Because of the summation constraint across the columns the magnitude of the eigenvalues are bounded by one, \[ -1 \le \lambda_{i} \le 1, \] with at least one of the eigenvalues saturating the upper bound. Without loss of generality let’s define our labels such that the smallest indices correspond to the eigenvalues with the largest magnitudes, \[ | \lambda_{1} | \ge | \lambda_{2} | \ge \ldots \ge | \lambda_{I - 1} | \ge | \lambda_{I} |. \]

Let’s now make the assumption that our Markov transition matrix is not degenerate so that all of the eigenvalues are distinct and the eigenvectors form a complete basis for our ambient space. In this case one and only one eigenvalue saturates the upper bound, \[ \lambda_{1} = 1, \, \lambda_{i \ne 1} < 1, \] and the corresponding eigenvector \(\pi_{1}\) specifies the unique stationary distribution of the transition, \[ T \, \pi_{1} = \lambda_{1} \, \pi_{1} = \pi_{1}. \]

If we expand an initial distribution in the eigenvectors of the Markov transition matrix, \[ \rho = \sum_{i = 1}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, v_{i} \] then the \(1\)-step distribution is given by a single matrix multiplication, \[ \begin{align*} T \rho &= T \cdot \sum_{i = 1}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, v_{i} \\ &= \sum_{i = 1}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, T v_{i} \\ &= \sum_{i = 1}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, \lambda_{i} \, v_{i}, \end{align*} \] and the \(N\)-step distribution is given by \(N\) matrix multiplications, \[ T^{N} \rho = \sum_{i = 1}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, \lambda_{i}^{N} \, v_{i}. \]

At this point let’s separate out the stationary distribution from the other eigenvectors, \[ \begin{align*} T^{N} \rho &= \sum_{i = 1}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, \lambda_{i}^{N} \, v_{i} \\ &= \alpha_{1} \, \lambda_{1} \, v_{1} + \sum_{i = 2}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, \lambda_{i}^{N} \, v_{i} \\ &= \alpha_{1} \, v_{1} + \sum_{i = 2}^{I} \alpha_{i} \, \lambda_{i}^{N} \, v_{i}. \end{align*} \] Because the magnitude of all of the eigenvalues in the second term are smaller than one, the powers \(\lambda_{i}^{N}\) quickly vanish and suppress the parts of the initial distribution that aren’t aligned with the stationary distribution. So long as the initial distribution has some overlap with the stationary distribution, \[ \alpha_{1} > 0, \] the \(N\)-step distributions will converge to the stationary distribution exponentially fast with a rate proportional to the absolute spectral gap, \[ \delta = \lambda_{1} - | \lambda_{2} | = 1 - | \lambda_{2} |. \]

With a significant amount of careful mathematical machinery these ideas can be generalized from finite spaces to the infinite spaces with which we typically with in practice. The resulting spectral theory treats a Markov transition as an operator that consumes the \((N - 1)\)-step distribution and returns the \(N\)-step distribution, working out the infinte-dimensional eigenspectra and absolute spectral gaps of these operators. These then provide the foundation for formal methods of studying how the \(N\)-step distributions converge.

3 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimators

As we apply our tailored Markov transition to an initial point we generate a Markov chain that finds and then explores the typical set of the stationary distribution. If the Markov chain is long enough then these points might provide a sufficiently thorough quantification of the stationary typical set to serve as the basis for an accurate stochastic estimator, just as exact samples provide the basis for Monte Carlo estimators.

The reality is, unfortunately, complicated. While we can construct Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators in this way, they will converge to the exact expectation values only under certain conditions. Even then that convergence often leaves much to be desired.

3.1 Infinite-Iteration Convergence

Given a Markov chain with points \(\{\tilde{q}_{0}, \ldots, \tilde{q}_{N} \}\) we can construct a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator in the same way that we construct a Monte Carlo estimator, \[ \hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{N} = \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} f(\tilde{q}_{n}). \] The question is then how the pushforward distribution of these estimators behaves as the chains grow to be infinitely long. In particular, are they at least asymptotically consistent, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \pi_{f^{\text{MCMC}}_{N}} = \delta_{\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f]}? \]

Unlike Monte Carlo estimators, the consistency of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators is not universal. There are a few circumstances that can block a Markov chain from exploring the entirety of the stationary distribution and recovering asymptotically consistent estimators. To ensure good limiting behavior we need to avoid two particular behaviors.

A Markov transition is reducible if Markov chains initialized within some neighborhood are not able to escape that neighborhood and hence do not have the opportunity to explore the entirety of the ambient space. In this case the ambient space might decompose into a number of partitions, with Markov chains restricted to the partition in which they’re initialized; the resulting chains are able to explore the extent of their initial partition, but they’re not able to explore any of the other partitions. For example consider a Markov transition over the real numbers that jumps only to points of the same sign – a Markov chain initialized at a positive number will only ever be able to jump to other positive numbers, completely ignoring all of the negative numbers.

To ensure that Markov chains can explore anywhere in the ambient space as needed we have to engineer a Markov transition that is irreducible and will be able to jump into any sufficiently nice neighborhood with non-zero probability after only a finite number of transitions. One common way to ensure irreducibility is to specify a Markov transition with transition density functions that are nonzero across the entire ambient space.

Irreducibility ensures that Markov chains have the opportunity to explore any nice neighborhood in the ambient space at least once, but it offers no assurance that Markov chains will be able to explore those neighborhoods repeatedly. A periodic Markov transition is susceptible to cycles, neighborhoods that trap Markov chains and prevent them from exploring any other points afterwards. Even if a Markov chain is irreducible and has a chance to reach anywhere in ambient space from the initialization, it can be absorbed in one of these cycles and suffer from insufficient exploration ever after.

A Markov transition is aperiodic if it is not vulnerable to any cycles. The typical way to avoid cycles in practice is to ensure that a Markov transition always assigns a nonzero probability to staying at the initial point.

Together irreducibility and aperiodicity of a Markov transition ensure that realized Markov chains are recurrent. Recurrent Markov chains from most initializaitons will explore any neighborhood of the ambient space not just a finite number of times but a countably infinite number of times as the chains are run infinitely long. Consequently these Markov chains will be able to find the typical set and then quantify it with increasingly refined resolution. This guarantees that the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator for any integrable function will be asymptotically consistent, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \pi_{f^{\text{MCMC}}_{N}} = \delta_{\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f]} \] for all but a finite number of initializations. In order to generalize this result to include all initial points we have to improve the recurrence implied by irreducibility and aperiodicity to a technical condition called Harris recurrence.

While these technical conditions might seem esoteric and irrelevant to the practice of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation, they are in fact absolutely critical to its robust use. We can always evaluate Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators from a given Markov chain, but those estimates will not have any relation to the exact expectation values unless these conditions are met. Only by carefully validating these conditions can we have any confidence that the estimators might provide useful information about the expectation values of interest.

As a consumer of Markov chain Monte Carlo this means that one should use Markov transitions designed by a trusted source with the expertise to verify these conditions. At the same time those interested in designing their own Markov transitions should invest the time to understand these conditions enough to be able to verify them.

3.2 Finite-Iteration Convergence

The asymptotic consistency of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators is not guaranteed, but it in practice it will hold for most well-behaved Markov transitions. Exactly how useful, however, is that asymptotic consistency?

Asymptotic consistency is relevant only in the limit of infinitely long Markov chains. Unfortunately infinity is really big. No, bigger than that. Keep going. On and on, forever. With finite computation we will always be bound to finite Markov chains and never reach that asymptotic limit where the estimators converge to the exact expectation values. Asymptotic convergence is a probabilistic happily ever after, and unfortunately just as much of a fairy tale.

Consequently what is more relevant for the practical utility of Markov chain Monte Carlo is not the behavior of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators after an infinite number of iterations but rather their behavior after only a finite number of iterations. In other words the limiting behavior isn’t as important as how the estimators converge. While asymptotic consistency is typically required for good finite-iteration behavior, it is nowhere near sufficient. Estimators that converge asymptotically can exhibit atrocious behavior for any finite number of iterations.

The finite-iteration behavior of a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators depends on the intimate details of the Markov transition. Ensuring good finite-iteration behavior is made all the more challenging by how subtly pathologies often manifest, and hence how difficult it can be to identify them empirically. To demonstrate the intricacies of finite-iteration behavior let’s consider how Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators behave under ideal, and not so ideal, circumstances. Those interested in a more formal perspective can continue all the way through Section 3.2.3 where we will more formally define the convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators.

3.2.1 Ideal Circumstances

Under ideal circumstances Markov chains will quickly find and then explore the typical set of the target distribution with progressively finer resolution. This evolution proceeds in three distinct phases that we can demonstrate using our cartoon of a high-dimensional typical set.

On the left we have the cartoon of the stationary typical set and on the right we will see how the absolute error of a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator evolves with the growing Markov chain.

Our initial point, whether fixed or drawn from some auxiliary probability distribution, will fall outside of the typical set unless that auxiliary probability distribution happens to be the stationary distribution itself. Consequently the first responsibly of the Markov chain is to locate the typical set. The Markov transition distributions outside of the typical set will be heavily skewed towards the typical set and any realized Markov chains will evolve almost as if they were attracted to all of that probability mass.

Because it takes time to reach the typical set, the beginning of the Markov chain will poorly inform Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. Estimators constructed entirely from these early iterations will exhibit significant bias.

Once it finds the typical set and has tasted the sweet nectar of concentrating probability, the Markov chain will begin to explore the neighborhoods of high probability mass with an initial sojourn or tour. The points accumulated in this second phase very quickly resolve the gross structure of the stationary distribution, overwhelming the initial bias and rapidly improving the overall accuracy of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. This threshold behavior of estimators is a classic indicator that we’ve settled into the stationary typical set.

After that initial settling the Markov chain continues to refine its quantification of the stationary typical set. As it continues to explore it captures finer and finer details, and the corresponding Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators fall into a gradual but consistent convergence.

As we will see in Section 4, under these so far ill-defined “ideal” circumstances the convergence of the estimators in this final phase will reproduce the square root convergence of Monte Carlo estimators, allowing us to quantity the estimator error and its scaling with iteration.

Ultimately this ideal behavior is characterized by an initial transient phase where the Markov chain realizations find and then settle into the stationary typical set followed by an equilibrium phase where the Markov chains steadily survey that typical set to inform increasingly precise Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. The consistency of the exploration in the equilibrium phase is what distinguishes it from the transient phase – once a Markov chain has equilibrated it loses any residue of where it started. At the same time any finite subsequence will behave identically to any other. This inability to tell where we are in the Markov chain is also known as stationarity.

3.2.2 Adverse Circumstances

Now that we’ve laid out the qualitative convergence behavior of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators under ideal circumstances let’s consider what happens under less ideal, dare I say typical, circumstances. These adverse circumstances should manifest in transient behavior that persists throughout the entire Markov chain, indicating that an equilibrium doesn’t exist or we are yet to reach it.

There are countless deviations from ideal circumstances, but here we will consider only two: suspensions and metastabilities. In order to know when not to trust Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators, and use Markov chain Monte Carlo responsibly, we need to be able to identify the signs of these deviations empirically so that we know when to not trust the accuracy of the resulting Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. Suspended Animation

Let’s consider a stationary distribution which exhibits a pinch at the bottom of its typical set.

Away from this pinch the shape of the stationary typical set is relatively uniform, but in the neighborhood of the pinch the geometry starts to change rapidly. This strong curvature frustrates the exploration of Markov chains and corrupts the corresponding Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators.

We can demonstrate this corruption using a similar setup as before. On the left we’ll observe the evolution of a Markov chain through the stationary typical set and on the right we’ll observe the the evolution of a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator of the expectation value of the vertical coordinate function, \(\varpi_{v}\). Note that, in contrast to the previous demonstration, here we will look at the signed error instead of the absolute error. In between these two we will add a new figure – the trace plot of the vertical coordinate that shows how that coordinate evolves along with the Markov chain.

Let’s presume that our Markov chain has already found the typical set so that it just needs to explore. When exploring away from the pinch the Markov chain will have no problem evolving through the smooth geometry. The trace plot exhibits the incremental exploration and the estimator error appears to converge towards an equilibrium value, albeit one biased above the exact value.

The Markov chain, however, can’t enjoy that smooth geometry forever. Eventually it will have to confront the pinch, and that’s where our troubles begin.

Most Markov transitions feature a length scale that characterizes how far the realized transitions jump on average. When that length scale is too large the Markov transition won’t be able to resolve the structure of the pinch. Most of the time the realized Markov chains will wander right past the pinch, ignoring it entirely and generating only incomplete exploration of the typical set. Incomplete exploration makes biased Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators and, if not resolved, that bias will obstruct asymptotic consistency. The Markov chains, however, prove to be rather stubborn in their quest for consistency.

When a Markov chain gets close to the pinch there is a very small probability that the blunt transitions will jump deeper into the pinch rather than passing by it. After passing by it enough times it will eventually take a detour into the pinch and once there the Markov chain will become entangled by the strong curvature and freeze, no longer able to continue on its way. The suspended Markov chain drags the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator with it, inducing a crude correction to the initial positive bias! This correction, however, quickly overcompensates and forces a negative bias in the estimator.

Eventually transitions will jump back out of the pinch, allowing the Markov chain to escape and explore the less frustrating regions of the typical set once again. As it explores away from the pinch the estimators are pulled back up resulting in another positive, although slightly smaller, bias.

In other words this Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator converges to the exact expectation value only awkwardly. Most of the time the estimator exhibits a positive bias, and occasionally it exhibits a larger negative bias. Only when the Markov chain is run infinitely long will these biases cancel to give the exact value.

These transient suspensions indicate that we lack the equilibrium needed for Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators that are well-behaved after only a finite number of iterations. If we can empirically differentiate the behavior of Markov chains near and far from the pinch then we might be able to identify the lack of equilibrium, and poor behavior of the resulting estimators, using the history of the Markov chain itself. Metastable

Even if an equilibrium does exist, however, there is no guarantee that we’ll be able to run long enough to reach it. Typically Markov chains equilibrate relatively quickly, but stationary distributions that exhibit metastabilities prove to be far less accommodating.

Metastabilities occur when a stationary distribution exhibits multiple neighborhoods of high probability surrounded in all directions by neighborhoods of low probability. Because Markov chains are attracted to probability mass they avoid these moats of low probability that separate the metastabilities and instead focus their attention on the closest metastability. Eventually realized Markov chains will brave these low probability valleys and jump from one metastability to another in order to explore the entire stationary distribution, but in practice we might exhaust our computational resources long before that happens.

Probability distributions that exhibit metastabilities are also known as multimodal distributions, with each metastability corresponding to a particular mode of the representative probability density function. Here I will use the metastability nomenclature to focus on the structure of the probability distribution and not any particular probability density function representation.

To demonstrate the typical behavior of Markov chains in the presence of metastabilities let’s consider a similar setup as before. On the left we have the stationary typical set, in this case exhibiting disconnected surfaces corresponding to each of the two metastabilities. In the middle we’ll look at the trace plot of the vertical coordinate function, and on the right the expectation value of that vertical coordinate function.

Initially a realized Markov chain will be attracted to one of the metastabilities, exploring it as if it were the entirety of the typical set. The exploration and the corresponding Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators all behave as if the Markov chain has reached a comfortable equilibrium.

Unfortunately this is only a local equilibrium as it ignores the other metastability. If we wait long enough the Markov chain will overcome the allure of that local equilibrium and venture over to the other metastability. It is only at this time that we have any indication that our initial exploration was incomplete.

When exploring a stationary distribution with metastabilities the proper equilibrium is defined not by the exploration within a single metastability but rather the exploration between metastabilities. The initial exploration of just one metastability is just transient behavior masquerading as equilibrium behavior. Local equilibria mimicking the full equilibrium makes metastability particularly hard to identify in practice.

While the full equilibrium might be reached after a finite number of iterations, that number might be far too large for Markov chain Monte Carlo to be feasible in practice.

3.3 Extra Credit: Theoretical Convergence

In Section 2.4.2 we used the total variation distance to quantify the convergence of the \(N\)-step distributions towards the stationary distribution. We can also use the total variation distance, and distances like it, to quantify the convergence of expectation values with respect to the \(N\)-step distributions and, eventually, the convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators.

The total variation distance can be defined in terms of differences in probability allocations but it can also be defined in terms of the differences of certain expectation values. In particular let \(\mathcal{F}\) be the space of continuous functions with outputs in bounded interval \([-1, 1]\), \[ -1 \le f(q) \le 1, \, \forall q \in Q. \] We can write the total variation distance in terms of the supremum of differences of expectation values over this space, \[ \vert\vert \pi_{1} - \pi_{2} \vert \vert_{\mathrm{TV}} = \frac{1}{2} \mathrm{sup}_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \left| \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{1}}[f] - \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{2}}[f] \right|. \]

Consequently geometric ergodicity of the \(N\)-step distributions \[ \vert\vert T^{N} \rho - \pi \vert \vert_{\mathrm{TV}} \le C(\rho) r^{N}, \] implies that the \(N\)-step expectation value of functions in \(\mathcal{F}\) also converge geometrically to the stationary expectation values, \[ \left| \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{1}}[f] - \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{2}}[f] \right| \le 2 \, C(\rho) \, r^{N}, \, \forall f \in \mathcal{F}. \]

This then allows us to quantify the finite-iteration error of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators corresponding to functions in \(\mathcal{F}\). For example the bias of one of these estimators is given by \[ \begin{align*} \left| \mathbb{E} \left[ \hat{f}_{N}^{\text{MCMC}} \right] - \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f] \right| &= \left| \Big( \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} \mathbb{E}_{T^{n} \rho}[f] \Big) - \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f] \right| \\ &= \left| \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} \mathbb{E}_{T^{n} \rho}[f] - \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f] \right| \\ &= \frac{1}{N + 1} \left| \sum_{n = 0}^{N} \Big( \mathbb{E}_{T^{n} \rho}[f] - \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f] \Big) \right| \\ &\le \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} \Big| \mathbb{E}_{T^{n} \rho}[f] - \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f] \Big| \\ &\le \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} C(\rho) \, r^{N} \\ &\le \frac{ C(\rho) }{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} \, r^{N} \\ &\le \frac{ C(\rho) }{N + 1} \frac{ 1 - r^{N + 1} }{1 - r}. \end{align*} \] Because \(r < 1\), the bias will monotonically decay at a geometric rate if our Markov transition is geometrically ergodic.

Results like this, however, are limited to only the functions in \(\mathcal{F}\). Unfortunately this space of bounded functions isn’t expressive enough to capture the functions whose expectation values are of interest in typical applications. Consequently Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator convergence based on total variation bounds can have limited practical utility.

To do better we have to consider more general integral probability metrics that bound the difference in expectation values over larger classes of functions [9]. A general integral probability metric is defined by a generating class of real-valued functions, \(\mathcal{F}\), and the corresponding distance \[ \vert\vert \pi_{1} - \pi_{2} \vert \vert_{\mathrm{IPM}(\mathcal{F})} = C \, \mathrm{sup}_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \left| \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{1}}[f] - \mathbb{E}_{\pi_{2}}[f] \right|, \] for some constant \(C\).

For example if we can establish a drift function, \(V\), that quantifies how strongly a Markov transition contracts then we can extend the total variation integral probability metric to a \(V\)-norm integral probability metric whose generating class spans all of the functions bounded by \(V\) [10], \[ -V(q) \le f(q) \le V(q), \, \forall q \in Q. \] The stronger the contraction of a Markov transition the larger the drift function we can establish and the larger the generating class will be, and the more useful \(V\)-norm integral probability metric bounds will be.

In the statistical literature the Wasserstein-\(2\) distance, defined by a generating class of all square integrable functions with respect to a given measure, and the Wasserstein-\(1\) distance, defined by a generating class of all integrable functions with respect to a given measure, are becoming increasingly common.

Because they completely quantify the behavior of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators after only a finite number of iterations, explicit bounds on the convergence of the \(N\)-step distributions to the stationary distribution with respect to a sufficiently rich integral probability metric are prized by theoretical statisticians. Unfortunately the practical utility of these bounds is often less satisfying.

Bounds that have been worked out in the literature, for example, are often limited to small generating classes that don’t capture the expectation values of practical interest. Moreover the bounds often apply to only simple Markov transition distributions that have little to do with the sophisticated Markov transition distributions of applied interest. For instance Wasserstein-\(2\) and Wasserstein-\(1\) bounds are typically limited to Markov transition distributions whose stationary distributions are specified with strongly log concave probability density functions that are rare outside of the exponential family. Finally the bounds themselves are often too loose to ofter any practical constraint on convergence [11].

Some integral probability bounds, however, have other, more practical uses than directly constraining convergence. In particular while geometric ergodicity in the total variation distance is often weak as a direct constraint, it implies that Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators of the expectation values of well-behaved functions satisfy a central limit theorem. In other words the practical utility of establishing geometric ergodicity is not so much an explicit bound but rather a verification that we can probabilistically quantify the convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators just as we did for Monte Carlo estimators.

4 The Markov Chain Monte Carlo Central Limit Theorem

Monte Carlo methods are so exceptionally useful because Monte Carlo estimators satisfy a central limit theorem that allows us to quantify their errors. We have already qualitatively seen that Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators can be much more fragile than Monte Carlo estimators, but every now and then they can useful, too. In particular under sufficiently ideal circumstances Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators satisfy their own central limit theorem. The conditions for that Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem, however, are significantly more complex.

Let’s consider a square integrable function, \(f : Q \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), and assume that our Markov transition distribution enjoys a central limit theorem. In this case the probability distribution of realized Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators from sufficiently long Markov chains is approximately specified by a Gaussian probability density function, \[ \hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{N} \sim \text{normal}( \mathbb{E} [f], \text{MCMC-SE}[f] ), \] where the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error is defined as \[ \begin{align*} \text{MCMC-SE}[f] &= \sqrt{ \frac{ \text{Var} [f] }{ \text{ESS}[f] } } \\ &= \sqrt{ \frac{ \text{Var} [f] }{ \lambda[f] \cdot N} }. \end{align*} \] The mysterious term \(\text{ESS}[f] = \lambda[f] \cdot N\) is called the effective sample size.

Just as with Monte Carlo the existence of a central limit theorem allows us to quantify the error of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators, and even control the errors by adjusting the length of a given Markov chain. This principled understanding of the estimator error elevates the method into the realm of robust probabilistic computation.

In this section we will carefully inspect each element of the Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem in theory, and how it can be implemented in practice. We will begin by discussing the need for sufficiently long chains before examining the intimate details of the effective sample size. Finally we will take a more practical perspective and consider how we can approximate each of the terms in the central limit theorem and then attempt to verify its existence in the first place.

4.1 Forgetting From Where You Come

One of the more subtle aspects of Markov chains is that they never quite forget from where they came. Unless they’re seeded with an exact sample from the stationary distribution every Markov chain will contain some residual influence from points outside of the stationary typical set. With each iteration the newest point in a Markov chain looks more like an exact sample from the stationary distribution, but after only a finite number of iterations the points will always have some memory of from where they came.

When we construct Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators we average over the entire Markov chain, including not only the newest points but also the older points that are more strongly influenced by the initialization. Even under ideal circumstances this results in a small bias in Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators that decays linearly with the number of iterations. For an derivation of this bias see Section 3.3.

For sufficiently long chains this bias is negligible, but for small chains it cannot be ignored. One of the most important consequences of this bias is when trying to construct Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators from many parallel Markov chains. Averaging over many chains with the same initialization might reduce the variance of the estimators but it can’t reduce the bias. If all of the chains are short then this bias will persist and dominate the error of the pooled estimator.

In order for a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem to be a reasonable approximation we need to run our Markov chains long enough for the memories of the initialization, and the residual bias in Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators, to become negligible. This forgetfulness starts to formalize the concept of equilibrium that we introduced in the previous section; the transient phase is characterized by a significant influence from the initialization where as equilibrium is characterized by a vanishing influence. While the influence never exactly disappears, under ideal circumstances there is threshold where the influence suddenly plummets that we can use to separate the regimes.

This heuristic perspective will be useful when we attempt to verify a central limit theorem in practice. While we don’t have many ways to quantify how much memory of its initialization a Markov chain retains, we can look for any transient behavior it manifests.

4.2 The Effective Sample Size

With the approximate nature of the central limit theorem in mind we can now move our attention to the effective sample size that defines the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error. The effective sample size, commonly denoted \(\text{ESS}\) or \(N_{\text{eff}}\), is a critical component of the Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem and may even come to stalk not only your dreams but also your waking hours. On trip to Germany a few years ago I encountered not only the essBar cafe,

but also the Neff bakery.

Once you start thinking about Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorems you start seeing effective sample sizes everywhere.

Comparing the Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem to the Monte Carlo central limit theorem we immediately see that the effective sample size determines how many exact samples we would need to construct a Monte Carlo estimator for the given expectation value with the same standard error. If we think about exact samples as containing a certain about of information about the stationary distribution, at least through the lens of a given function, then we can think of the effective sample size as a measure of how much information is contained in our Markov chain relative to an exact ensemble of the same size.

When discussing the performance of a Markov transition it’s often easier to reason about the number of effective samples relative to the total number of iterations. The incremental effective sample size \[ \lambda[f] = \frac{ \mathrm{ESS}[f] }{ N }, \] quantifies how many effective samples are generated for each iteration of the Markov chain. Similarly the relaxation time \[ \tau_{R}[f] = \frac{1}{\lambda[f]} = \frac{ N }{ \mathrm{ESS}[f] }, \] quantifies how long we need to run our Markov chain in order to generate a single effective sample for a given function.

When a central limit theorem holds, the relaxation time is related to two other quantifications of how well a Markov chain is exploring. The regeneration time determines how long we have to run before the Markov chain has a chance to transition to any neighborhood with nontrivial target probability. Likewise the mixing time quantifies how long it takes for the distance between the \(N\)-step distribution and the stationary distribution to decrease by a certain factor, typically \(2\) or \(e\).

These two times are properties of the entire Markov transition distribution and not just its projection through a given function, but under ideal circumstances they will be all be approximately equal to the relaxation time for well-behaved functions. In other words the relaxation times can be used to approximate the time scales for each phase of convergence. Markov chains will find the stationary typical set after a few relaxation times and then sojourn around that typical set once every subsequent relaxation time. Indeed we can roughly think of the effective sample size as the total number of sojourns a Markov chain has made through the typical set.

More formally, the relaxation times determines how quickly the initialization bias and standard error decay for Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. After a few relaxation times the bias will start to become negligible and we can start to treat the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators as unbiased with errors dominated by the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error. The decay rates of those standard error are then set by the square root of the relaxation times.

These interpretations help give the effective sample size conceptual meaning, but they don’t provide any formal justification for its inclusion in the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error or how it derives from a Markov transition distribution. To build a more formal picture of the effective sample size, and how we can estimate it in practice, we have to consider autocorrelations and the asymptotic variance of our Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators.

4.2.1 Autocorrelations

Because the distribution of each new point in a Markov chain is conditionally dependent on the previous point, neighboring points will be dependent. These neighboring dependencies then propagate through the entire Markov chain, inducing weaker dependencies between remote points as well. The more concentrated each Markov transition distribution is around the initial point, the stronger these dependencies will be and the more sluggishly the Markov chain will meander through the ambient space.

Importantly these dependencies can, and will, manifest differently for different functions whose expectation values are being estimated. Some functions \(f : Q \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) might not be strongly influenced by the features of each point that exhibit the strongest dependencies, limiting how much the dependencies in the Markov chain points, \(q_{n}\), propagate to correlations between the function values, \(f(q_{n})\). On the other hand some functions might isolate exactly those features and enhance the correlations between the function values. When discussing correlation we have to be careful to specify not only the Markov transition distribution but also which functions we are interested in evaluating.

When the output function values are only weakly correlated, either because the Markov chain itself is weakly dependent or the function output largely ignores the correlations, they will make large jumps from one iteration to another.

Stronger correlations, however, result in very small jumps in the function values between iterations and more rigid paths through the output space.

In order to quantify the dependencies in these function values we need to compare the function values at one point in the Markov chain with the function values after a fixed number of iterations. Let’s start a more formal treatment by defining the mean function value as the exact expectation value with respect to the stationary distribution, \[ \mu_{f} = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f]. \] The difference \(f(q_{n_{1}}) - \mu_{f}\) then quantifies how the function value at the \(n_{1}\)th iteration of the Markov chain deviates from that expected value, while \(f(q_{n_{2}}) - \mu_{f}\) quantifies the deviation at the \(n_{2}\)th iteration.

The expectation value of the product of these deviations across all possible realizations of the Markov chain defines the autocovariance between the function values, \[ \kappa_{n_{1}, n_{2}}[f] = \mathbb{E}[ ( f (q_{n_{2}}) - \mu_{f} ) ( f(q_{n_{1}}) - \mu_{f}) ]. \] “auto” here refers to the fact that we are comparing the output at different iterations of the same Markov chain, as opposed to trying to compare states between different Markov chains.

Once we’ve settled into an equilibrium the autocovariance will depend not on which particular points we’re comparing but rather on just the relative number of iterations between them. In this case our Markov chains become stationary and the autocorrelations depend only on the lag, \(l\), \[ \begin{align*} \kappa_{n_{1}, n_{2}} [f] &= \kappa_{n_{1}, n_{1} + (n_{2} - n_{1})} [f] \\ &= \kappa_{n_{1}, n_{1} + l} [f] \end{align*} \] for any iteration number \(n_{1}\) past equilibration. In this case we can refer to a single lag-\(l\) autocovariance \(\kappa_{l}[f]\) instead of any specific autocovariance, \(\kappa_{n, n + l}[f]\).

Finally we normalize the autocovariance by the variance of the function being considered, \[ \mathrm{Var}_{\pi}[f] = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[ (f - \mu_{f})^{2} ], \] to define the lag-\(l\) autocorrelation \[ \rho_{l}[f] = \frac{ \mathbb{E}[ ( f (q_{n + l}) - \mu_{f} ) ( f(q_{n}) - \mu_{f}) ] } { \mathrm{Var}_{\pi}[f] }, \] for any \(n\). This normalization ensures that the autocorrelations are always bounded between 1, corresponding to the most correlated behavior where the function outputs are always the same, and -1, corresponding to the most anticorrelated behavior where the function outputs flip to the other side of the function mean after each iteration. Autocorrelations of zero imply no correlation between function values, consistent with evaluating the function at two completely independent samples.

The lag-\(0\) autocorrelation is always unity because each point is always perfectly correlated with itself. Autocorrelations will be largest for the small lags which correspond to closely neighboring points in the Markov chain and monotonically decay as the lag increases and the points being considered become more distant. Once the autocorrelations decay close enough to zero the function outputs will be approximately independent. Consequently the lag at which the autocorrelations approximately vanish can be interpreted as the number of transitions needed to forget the past and generate an approximately independent sample from the stationary distribution, at least in the context of a particular function \(f\).

Moreover, because correlations depend on only the absolute number of iterations between two points the autocorrelations corresponding to positive and negative lags will always be equal, \(\rho_{l}[f] = \rho_{-l}[f]\). Once our Markov chains have equilibrated the present correlates with the future in the same way as it correlates with the past.

Autocorrelations can be visualized with a correlogram which plots the lag-\(l\) autocorrelation as a function of lag. This visualization also demonstrates many of the properties of autocorrelations we have already introduced.

If our Markov transition distribution induces only weak correlations in a function output then the correlogram will manifest rapidly decaying autocorrelations after the autocorrelation of 1 at lag \(0\). Here the autocorrelations are approximately zero after a lag of around five, indicating that after five or so Markov transitions we will generate a sample of the function output that is effectively independent of the initialization of the Markov chains.

As expected the autocorrelations at positive and negative lags are perfectly symmetric and, consequently, redundant. Because of this correlograms are often shown with only the positive lags.

Stronger dependencies in the function outputs manifest in stronger autocorrelations that persist to much higher lags. Here we need to generate more than fifty transitions before the initial and final function values start to appear independent.

By comparing these rates of decay we can quantify the relative dependences induced by different Markov chains in the context of the specific function \(f\).

4.2.2 Asymptotic Variance and the Effective Sample Size

Once our Markov chains have equilibrated, the variance of a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator is straightforward to compute in terms of the autocorrelations, at least when the chain is sufficiently long. The asymptotic variance for an infinitely long chain is defined by \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} N \cdot \text{Var}[\hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{N}] = \text{Var}_{\pi}[ f ] \cdot \tau_{I}[f], \] where the integrated autocorrelation time \(\tau_{I}[f]\) sums over the autocorrelations across all lags, \[ \tau_{I}[f] = \sum_{l = -\infty}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f]. \]

This immediately implies that the standard error of a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator converges to \[ \begin{align*} \text{MCMC-SE}[f] &= \sqrt{ \frac{\text{Var}_{\pi}[ f ] \sum_{l = -\infty}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] }{N} } \\ &= \sqrt{ \frac{ \text{Var}_{\pi}[ f ] }{ N / \sum_{l = -\infty}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] } } \\ &\equiv \sqrt{ \frac{ \text{Var}_{\pi}[ f ] }{ \text{ESS}[f] } }, \end{align*} \] where we have defined the effective sample size as \[ \text{ESS}[f] = \frac{N}{\sum_{l = -\infty}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f]}. \] The incremental effective sample size then becomes \[ \lambda[f] = \frac{\text{ESS}[f] }{N} = \frac{1}{\sum_{l = -\infty}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f]}, \] with the relaxation time equaling the integrated autocorrelation time exactly, \[ \tau_{R}[f] = \frac{1}{\lambda[f]} = \tau_{I}[f] = \sum_{l = -\infty}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f]. \]

We can simplify the form of the effective sample size further by employing the properties of the autocorrelations, \[ \begin{align*} \tau_{I}[f] &= \sum_{l = -\infty}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] \\ &= \rho_{0}[f] + \sum_{l = -\infty}^{-1} \rho_{l}[f] + \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] \\ &= 1 + \sum_{l = -\infty}^{-1} \rho_{l}[f] + \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] \\ &= 1 + \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{-l}[f] + \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] \\ &= 1 + \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] + \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] \\ &= 1 + 2 \, \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f]. \end{align*} \]

In other words \[ \text{ESS}[f] = \frac{N}{1 + 2 \, \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f]}. \] This form clearly demonstrates how the autocorrelations of a given function value affect the corresponding effective sample size, and hence the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error. If the values are independent, corresponding to no dependencies between the points in the Markov chain, then all autocorrelations will vanish and \[ \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] = 0. \] In this case \(\text{ESS}[f] = N\) and the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error reduces to the Monte Carlo standard error.

Positive autocorrelations, \[ \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] > 0, \] suppress the effective sample size which in turn increases the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error.

Negative autocorrelations, \[ \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f] < 0, \] actually enhance the effective sample size relative to the total number of iterations which then decreases the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error below the Monte Carlo standard error! In this sense anticorrelated Markov chains are super efficient and contain more information about the stationary distribution than an ensemble of exact samples. This increased information, however, holds only in the context of the particular function \(f\). In general not all functions will be anticorrelated at the same time, and extreme negative correlations for some functions typically imply extreme positive correlations for other functions. Consequently the benefit of negative correlations is somewhat fragile and the robust use of estimators employing anticorrelated Markov chains requires care.

Finally we have to keep in mind that the asymptotic variance and the corresponding definition of the effective sample size are defined in only the limit of infinitely long Markov chains. Provided that our Markov chains are long enough for the autocorrelations to approximately vanish before the Markov chains end, \[ \rho_{l}[f] \approx 0 \text{ for } l > N, \] however, sums of autocorrelations over finite Markov will reasonably approximate the sums over infinite Markov chains, \[ \sum_{l = 1}^{N} \rho_{l}[f] \approx \sum_{l = 1}^{\infty} \rho_{l}[f]. \] In practice this means that we need to run our chains long enough to accumulate at least a few effective samples, which we already need to do to ensure the equilibrium in which a central limit theorem, and stationarity of the Markov chains, are decent approximations.

4.2.3 Effective Sample Size Estimators

Even if a central limit theorem holds for a Markov transition distribution, and realized Markov chains settle into a well-behaved equilibrium, we won’t be able to derive the effective sample size, and hence the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error, analytically. Instead we have to estimate it from the realized Markov chain itself.

Because our Markov chains are assumed to be stationary we can estimate the autocorrelations by averaging over each pair of points separated by a given lag, \[ \hat{\rho}_{l}[f] = \frac{ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n = 0}^{N - l} ( f (q_{n + l}) - \hat{\mu}_{f} ) ( f(q_{n}) -\hat{\mu}_{f}) } { \widehat{\mathrm{Var}}[f] }, \] once we have estimated the expectation value \(\hat{\mu}_{f}\) and the variance \(\widehat{\mathrm{Var}}[f]\) of the specified function, \(f\). Note that estimators for higher lags includes fewer terms and are consequently subject to larger variation. We use biased estimators here, normalizing by \(N\) instead of \(N - l\), to regularize some of this variation.

We can collect these estimated autocorrelations into an empirical correlogram that visualizes our best understanding of the autocorrelation structure of the Markov transition distribution. While the empirical correlogram exhibits an initial systematic decay, the behavior at higher lags is obscured by the increasing variation in the autocorrelation estimators.

By summing the estimated autocorrelations we can immediately estimate the integrated autocorrelation time, and hence the effective sample size, \[ \widehat{\mathrm{ESS}}[f] = \frac{N}{1 + 2 \sum_{l = 1}^{L} \hat{\rho}_{l}[f] }. \] The challenge with this estimator is choosing a cutoff, \(L\), that ensures a sufficiently small error.

For a finite Markov chain we can estimate lags only up to the total length of the chain, which puts a bound on how large the cutoff can be, \(L \le N\). At the same time the large lag autocorrelation estimators near that bound will be dominated by noise. Setting \(L\) too large will incorporate enough of these noisy estimators that the effective sample size estimator will be too variable to be useful in practice.

We also have to be careful, however, to not set the cutoff to too small of a lag. If we include only very small lag autocorrelation estimators then we significantly underestimate the integrated autocorrelation time and hence overestimate the effective sample size.

In other words too small of a cutoff introduces significant bias and too large of a cutoff introduces significant variance. To construct an effective sample size estimator with reasonable overall error we need to cut off the summation after the autocorrelations have mostly decayed but before too much noise builds up.

Automating this choice of cutoff is a particularly hard problem. A common heuristic due to [12] takes advantage of the fact that the sum of neighboring autocorrelations are always positive, \[ \Gamma_{k} = \rho_{2 k} + \rho_{2 k + 1} > 0, \] and monotonically decreasing, \[ \Gamma_{k + 1} < \Gamma_{k}. \] Summing the corresponding autocorrelation estimators defines estimators of these pair sums which we can correct to ensure the monotonic decrease expected of the exact values. We can then define the cutoff as the smallest lag where the noise in the regularized pair sum estimator pushes the estimated value below zero. Depending on the sophistication of the regularization scheme this approach can yield productive cutoffs for well-behaved Markov chains.

That said, there are some vulnerabilities to this scheme. For example when the Markov transition distribution exhibits negative correlations the estimators of the negative autocorrelations are susceptible to fluctuations towards even more negative values that can lead to drastically underestimated cutoffs, and hence drastically overestimated effective samples sizes. This is particularly dangerous when the realized Markov chains are short and the estimated autocorrelation time is very sensitive to large negative autocorrelations at small lags. To ensure robustness we have to regularize the estimated autocorrelation time when we might encounter negative estimated autocorrelations; at the expense of a small bias we can construct estimators that are much less sensitive to the fluctuations around negative autocorrelations.

Another worry are Markov transition distributions that exhibit large positive autocorrelations at high lags. Accurate estimation of these high lag autocorrelations already requires very long Markov chains, but when the incremental effective sample size is too low we can run into an even more insidious problem. Because they all use the same points in our Markov chain, the autocorrelation estimators are not independent. When the function values are strongly correlated the autocorrelation estimators of that function will also be strongly correlated. The empirical correlograms, for example, can exhibit “ringing” across lags that violates the assumptions of the cutoff heuristic.

When these rings are strong the effective sample size estimators will typically cut off at too small a lag and exclude the large autocorrelations at larger lags, resulting in overestimated effective sample sizes. The Markov chains just don’t accumulate information fast enough to stabilize the estimation. It is challenging to work out analytic results for when we can trust these estimators, but based on my own experience I don’t trust estimated effective sample size estimators when \[ \hat{\lambda}[f] = \frac{\widehat{\mathrm{ESS}}[f] }{N} < \frac{1}{10000}. \]

Effective sample size estimation is also particularly vulnerable to metastabilities. If we haven’t run long enough to transition between metastabilities then our autocorrelation estimators and cutoffs will be based on only the local exploration around the initial metastability, ignoring the rest of the stationary distribution entirely. The effective sample size should be based on the number of sojourns across the the entire ambient space, which scales with the number of transitions between the metastabilities, but these effective sample size estimators will based on the number of sojourns through just the one initial metastability.

Robust effective sample size estimators are in continuous development based on both improving theory and feedback from their empirical performance in applications. For a state of the art estimator implementation see, for example, the implementation in Stan.

4.3 The Estimated Central Limit Theorem

Even when we assume that a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem holds we have to estimate the standard error using our estimated effective sample sizes, \[ \hat{f} \sim \text{normal}( \mathbb{E} [f], \widehat{\text{MCMC-SE}}[f] ), \] where \[ \widehat{\text{MCMC-SE}}[f] = \sqrt{ \frac{ \widehat{ \text{Var}} [f] }{ \widehat{\text{ESS}} [ f ] } } \] In practice this means using the points in our Markov chain to construct not only the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator of a given function but also the variance of that function, its autocorrelations, and finally its effective sample size. If we are interested in the expectation values of multiple functions then we have to repeat this estimates for each of those functions.

The error quantification provided by a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem is then only as good as the estimates of all of these auxiliary quantities. As in Monte Carlo, however, the error in these estimates all contribute corrections on the order of \(\mathcal{O}(N^{-1})\) which is the same scale as the error from assuming the central limit theorem holds after only a finite number of iterations and the residual bias from starting out of equilibrium. All of these errors are much smaller than the square root scaling of the standard error itself, \(\mathcal{O}(N^{-\frac{1}{2}})\).

If we can run our Markov chain long enough to reach a reasonable equilibrium, and adequately explore the stationary typical set, then all of these corrections will be negligible compared to the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error and we can safely ignore them. Importantly, however, long enough cannot be defined by any absolute number of iterations but rather depends on the specific structure of a given Markov transition distribution. If the incremental effective sample size is high then this might require only tens of iterations, but if it is low then we might more iterations than we can generate using our finite computational resources.

When we are limited by finite computation and ineffective Markov transition distributions Markov chain Monte Carlo might not be feasible. We can always run a Markov chain, but we can’t always trust the estimators it produces.

4.4 Diagnosing Equilibrium

Our ability to manage the risk inherent to Markov chain Monte Carlo depends on how well we can confirm the existence of a central limit theorem and then verify that we have equilibrated sufficiently well. Unfortunately this is by no means a straightforward task.

The existence of a central limit theorem, and the resulting equilibration time, is very sensitive to the details of a given Markov transition distribution. Moreover this existence is fragile – seemingly inconsequential changes to the Markov transition distribution can ruin the conditions necessary for a central limit theorem to hold. This means that we can’t talk about the validity of a central limit theorem in any generality but instead have to analyze it in the specific context of each bespoke application.

Theoretical analysis of Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorems is both subtle and mathematically demanding. Even if we could all find, and then detain, a well-trained mathematician to attempt the analysis for our particular application we would enjoy only limited results. State-of-the-art theoretical tools can explicitly verify a central limit theory in only a few simple cases.

These theoretical limitations result in our not having sufficient conditions for the existence of a central limit theorem, let alone equilibration of a Markov chain, that we can check empirically. Our most powerful tools are instead a handful of necessary conditions, some more rigorous and some more intuitive, that must hold if a central limit theorem is to exist.

In practice we have to arm ourselves with an arsenal of diagnostics sensitive to the violation of as many necessary conditions as possible. If the diagnostics are sufficiently comprehensive and exhibit no signs of trouble in a given application then we might jump to the optimistic conclusion that a central limit theorem holds and our Markov chain has settled into a comforting equilibrium.

How much optimism is needed depends on how robust our diagnostics are. Sadly we have precious few general diagnostics for Markov chain Monte Carlo, and the ones we have feature some notable limitations.

4.4.1 Visualizing Transient Behavior

Once a Markov chain has reached equilibrium its behavior should be stationary. We can visualize the progression from transient behavior to equilibrium behavior by examining trace plots of each function of interest.

A trace plot graphs a function value at each point in the Markov chain verses the iteration number. Early transient behavior of the Markov chain finding and then settling into the typical set should make way for equilibrium behavior where the Markov chain fills out the stationary typical set, and hence the typical function values. In other words equilibrium should visually manifest as a fuzzy, flat line.

What we don’t want to see are intervals where the behavior of a Markov chain suddenly changes. For example we don’t want to see a Markov chain freeze for an extended interval before escaping and reverting back to more fluid exploration.

Trace plots are popular in introductions to Markov chain Monte Carlo because of their ease of implementation and intuition in introductory examples, but in real applications they leave quite a bit to be desired. First and foremost, this visual diagnostic is limited by the exploration of the Markov chain itself. If the chain hasn’t explored long enough to encounter pathological behavior then that behavior won’t manifest in the trace plots.

For example a Markov chain might not explore long enough to encounter a neighborhood of high curvature in the typical set. This partial characterization of the stationary typical set exhibits no indications of problems and gives us misleading confidence that we have reached an equilibrium.

Similarly trace plots have trouble identifying metastabilities, such as those that arise in multimodal stationary distributions. Each realized Markov chain will reach a local equilibrate around one of the metastabilities while completely ignoring the others. Without any indication of the other metastabilities a trace plot can’t distinguish between the local equilibrium and a complete equilibrium.

Only after many iterations will the Markov chains eventually transition between the metastabilities and allow the trace plots to indicate the problem.

In other words trace plots, like Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators themselves, are limited by the how well the Markov chains explore the typical set of the stationary distribution. If the Markov transition distribution is effective, and the Markov chains are exploring efficiently, then trace plots will usually contain enough information to be sensitive to pathologies. When the Markov chains face pathologies that obstruct equilibrium–exactly when we need the diagnostics most–they will often contain too little information to be all that sensitive. Because we are limited to what information our Markov chains collect this will unfortunately always be a limitation of empirical Markov chain Monte Carlo diagnostics.

One way to improve the performance of trace plot diagnostics is to run multiple Markov chains and plot their traces against each other. The more Markov chains we run the more information about the typical set of the stationary distribution we accumulate and the more sensitive trace plots diagnostics might be.

For example multiple Markov chains provide more opportunity to encounter pathological neighborhoods within the typical set that obstruct efficient exploration, such as those with extreme curvature. Even if we don’t see freezing in one Markov chain we might see it in others.

At the same time multiple Markov chains provide sensitivity to metastabilities. Each Markov chain has the opportunity to fall into separate metastabilities depending on their initialization and the random realizations of each Markov transition. The more Markov chains we run the more opportunity we have to see different metastabilities and the better we can diagnose the inability to transition between them.

That said, there is no guarantee that any finite number of parallel Markov chains will capture enough information for their trace plots to clearly indicate a problem.

Even if we presume that we run sufficiently long, and our Markov chains are sufficiently informative, trace plots will always be limited by how little information they convey. Each trace plot projects the Markov chain onto only a single function. In order to assemble a more complete picture of a Markov chain’s behavior and ensure a more robust diagnostic we often need to consider many functions of interest. When the ambient space is high-dimensional this might require looking through hundreds if not thousands of figures, which quickly becomes infeasible and facilitates the oversight of important details.

4.4.2 Quantifying Transient Behavior

One way to help scale diagnostics to high-dimensional problems is to build quantitative summaries of the Markov chain behaviors instead of the qualitative visual comparisons supplied by trace plots. These quantitative summaries will necessarily encapsulate less information than the information-dense visualizations, but that limited information will be easier to parse over many functions of interest. In order to maintain useful sensitivity we have to be make sure that these quantitative diagnostics carry the right information.

Trace plots allowed us to study the evolution of the Markov chain, or even multiple Markov chains, and identify transient behaviors uncharacteristic of equilibrium. A Markov chain appears stationary when its behaviors are consistent across iterations, and an ensemble of Markov chains appears stationary when all of the individual Markov chains are consistent with each other. In order to quantify this behavior we need to develop numerical summaries of consistency. Conveniently, classical statistics is rich with tests of consistency between two ensembles that can form the basis of diagnostics.

[13] considered comparing the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators derived at the beginning and end of a single Markov chain; if the Markov chain is stationary then these estimators should be statistically indistinguishable. In particular he quantified the compatibility by constructing a \(t\)-statistic between the two estimators. If \(\hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{B, N_{B}}\) denotes the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator of the function \(f\) from the first \(N_{B}\) points at the beginning of a Markov chain and \(\hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{E, N_{E}}\) denotes the estimator from the last \(N_{E}\) points at the end of the Markov chain then the Geweke statistic is defined as \[ G = \frac{ \hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{B, N_{B}} - \hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{E, N_{E}} } { \sqrt{ (\text{MCMC-SE}_{B}[f])^{2} + (\text{MCMC-SE}_{E}[f])^{2} } }. \] If the Markov chain has equilibrated then the distribution of this statistic will be specified by a member of Student’s \(t\) family of probability density functions, namely those with zero location, unit scale, and degrees of freedom determined by sizes of the beginning and end segments. Values in the tails of the appropriate probability density function suggest deviations from equilibrium, and the further the value reaches into the tails the more extreme the suggestion. In practice the tails are defined with a heuristic threshold, and a heurisic diagnosic is defined by checking for values exceeding this threshold.

At the same time [14] suggested comparing the estimators derived from independent Markov chains for consistency. Formally they constructed a transformed analysis of variance statistic that compares the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators across the ensemble of \(C\) Markov chains of size \(N\) relative to their standard errors. Let’s define the within chain variance, \(W[f]\) as the empirical average of the square of the Markov chain Monte Carlo standard errors, \[ \hat{W}[f] = \frac{1}{C} \sum_{c = 1}^{C} (\text{MCMC-SE}_{c}[f])^{2} \] and the between chain variance, \(B[f]\), as the empirical variance of the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators themselves, \[ \hat{B}[f] = \frac{N}{C - 1} \sum_{c = 1}^{C} \left( \hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{c, N} - \hat{\hat{f}} \right)^{2}, \] where \[ \hat{\hat{f}} = \frac{1}{C} \sum_{c = 1}^{C} \hat{f}^{\text{MCMC}}_{c, N}. \] The potential scale reduction factor \(\hat{R}\) is then defined as \[ \hat{R}[f] = \sqrt{ \frac{N - 1}{N} + \frac{1}{N} \frac{ \hat{B} [ f ] }{ \hat{W} [ f] } }. \]

As the ensemble of Markov chains reach the same equilibrium \(\hat{R}\) should approach one. Moreover, if the Markov chains have been initialized from points outside the stationary typical set then the value of \(\hat{R}\) should converge to one from above. We can convert this into a heuristic diagnostic by verifying that \(\hat{R}\) does not deviate above a specified threshold. While there is no universal threshold \(1.1\) and \(1.3\) are common heuristics.

The split potential scale reduction factor, or split \(\hat{R}[f]\), combines the qualitative features of both diagnostics by generating an ensemble of Markov chains and then splitting them in half before computing the \(\hat{R}\) statistic. In this way split \(\hat{R}\) can capture inconsistencies both between the Markov chains in the ensemble as well as within each Markov chain.

Diagnostics like Geweke, \(\hat{R}[f]\), and split \(\hat{R}[f]\) are attractive because of their generality, but that generality does not guarantee strong diagnostic power in practice. Because they depend on a particular Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator they depend on the validity of that estimator. In particular, if the square of the function whose expectation is being estimated is not square integrable then these diagnostics will not offer useful information even when the Markov chains have equilibrated.

Furthermore we have to keep in mind that these diagnostics are based on necessary conditions for equilibrium and not sufficient ones. We know how they should behave under equilibrium but we don’t have any guarantees how they will behave when the Markov chains have not yet equilibrated or if no equilibrium exists for the given Markov transition; we just assume that any non-equilibrium behavior will manifest in different diagnostic outcomes than equilibrium behavior.

While this has been empirically verified for many transient behaviors we cannot guarantee it for all. For example when only a few Markov chains in an ensemble encounter a neighborhood of high curvature then a diagnostic like the \(\hat{R}[f]\) should register the inconsistency between those Markov chains and the Markov chains that have yet to see any problems. If the chains are sufficiently long, however, then all of the Markov chains will have had the opportunity to spar with pathological neighborhood. The Markov chains will all become consistently pathological and the \(\hat{R}[f]\) will not indicate the presence of the pathology.

Even if there should be observable differences in the diagnostic values, we might not see them if the Markov chains aren’t long enough for the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators to be sufficiently precise. In practice we typically want to run as many Markov chains as possible to maximize the possibility of at least one Markov chain realizing behavior inconsistent with the others, and hence increasing the possible sensitivity of these generic diagnostics. At the same time we want each Markov chain in that ensemble to be as long as possible to better resolve any inconsistencies and realize that sensitivity empirically.

Given finite computational resources we have to compromise between more Markov chains and longer Markov chains. The debate on the optimal compromise has long raged in the statistics literature but honestly the specific nature of one’s computational resources if often more important than one’s statistical dogmas. For example parallel computational resources, such as independent cores within a processor or independent processors in a cluster, may be better suited to running more Markov chains than longer Markov chains. Ultimately we have to make a choice that helps us to best manage the diagnostic risk based on the particular resources available in any given application.

Ideally the Markov transition being used also admits bespoke diagnostics that exploit the particular structure of a Markov transition distribution. Because they are based on particular details these bespoke diagnostics tend to be much more sensitive than generic diagnostics which have only limited information at their disposal.

5 Robust Application Of Markov Chain Monte Carlo In Practice

Markov chain Monte Carlo offers the potential of practical probabilistic computation with quantifiable error, but only when employed and evaluated responsibly. The method cannot be treated as a black box that eats a given Markov transition distribution and spits out estimates of expectation values with respect to the stationary distribution. Responsible use requires that a user carefully investigate evidence that the Markov chain, or Markov chains, have failed to reach a useful equilibrium and rendered the estimators ineffective. Such responsible use is facilitated by a deliberate, systematic methodology for applying Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice.

5.1 Chain Rule

Our first task in applying Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice is engineering a Markov transition distribution that features our target distribution as its stationary distribution, \[ \pi(q) = \int \mathrm{d} q' \, \pi(q') \, T(q \mid q'). \]

We have to keep in mind that this is fundamentally an ill-posed problem – in general a given target distribution will be invariant with respect to infinitely many Markov transition distributions. Even if finding one is possible, finding one that performs well in practice may not be. Moreover the utility of this search tends to be quite fragile. A procedure that yields an efficient Markov transition distribution for one target distribution may yield a poorly performing Markov transition for another target distribution, even one that is only slightly perturbed from the first.

Just as it is impractical to detain a mathematician to analyze each bespoke Markov transition distribution, it is impractical to to detain one to engineer an appropriate Markov transition distribution in each application. While bespoke Markov transition distributions are not unprecedented, most applications of Markov chain Monte Carlo rely on generic procedures that use features of the target distribution itself to construct appropriate Markov transition distributions.

The most famous of these procedures is the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm which builds transitions from proposals that are accepted only with some probability. In other words Metropolis-Hastings transitions guess and check, probing around the ambient space until an acceptable jump is made.

More formally we define a proposal distribution as a conditional probability distribution of the same form as a Markov transition distribution, \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} K :\; &Q \times \mathcal{Q} & &\rightarrow& \; &[0, 1]& \\ &(q, B)& &\mapsto& &K [B \mid q]&, \end{alignat*} \] only without any requirement on the existence or form of an stationary distribution. As usual we typically specify a proposal distribution in practice with a conditional probability density function within a given parameterization of the ambient space, \[ \begin{alignat*}{6} K :\; &Q \times Q& &\rightarrow& \; &\mathbb{R}^{+}& \\ &(q, q')& &\mapsto& &K(q' \mid q)&. \end{alignat*} \]

The Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probability between an initial point, \(q\), and a proposal, \(q'\), is then defined as \[ a(q', q) = \min \left(1, \frac{ K(q \mid q') \, \pi(q') }{ K(q' \mid q) \, \pi(q) } \right). \] Often \[ \frac{ \pi(q') }{ \pi(q) } \] is denoted the Metropolis ratio and \[ \frac{ K(q \mid q') }{ K(q' \mid q) } \] the Hastings ratio or the Hastings correction.

We can then define a Metropolis transition as a mixture of jumping to the proposal with probability \(a(q', q)\) and staying at the initial point with probability \(1 - a(q', q)\). The resulting Markov transition distribution can be specified with the conditional probability density function, \[ T(q' \mid q) = a(q', q) \cdot Q (q' \mid q ) + \left(1 - \int \mathrm{d} q' \, Q(q' \mid q) \, a(q, q') \right) \cdot \delta(q - q'). \]

This procedure defines a Markov transition distribution with the target distribution \(\pi\) as its stationary distribution for any choice of proposal distribution. The convergence of the resulting Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators, however, is determined by the precise interaction between the proposal distribution and the target distribution. The closer the stationary distribution of the proposal distribution is to the target distribution, the faster the resulting Markov chains will explore.

When specifying proposal distributions with probability density functions we have to be careful to coordinate with the probability density function of the target distribution. If we reparameterize the ambient space we have to change both the target probability density function and the proposal probability density function. Using a default proposal density function while changing the target probability density function implicitly specifies a different proposal distribution that will interactive differently with the target distribution. Because proposal probability density function are often hidden behind software this is a common confusion in practice. For a theoretical discussion of this issue see [15].

Random Walk Metropolis considers proposal distributions that perturb the initial point. The originating Random Walk Metropolis algorithm, indeed the first Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm ever, considered uniform perturbations in each direction of the ambient space. Today Random Walk Metropolis is usually defined by a multivariate Normal proposal density function, \[ Q(q' \mid q, \Sigma) = \text{normal}(q' \mid q, \Sigma). \] The expanse of the proposal to the entire ambient space ensures that the resulting Metropolis-Hastings transition distribution is irreducible, while the non-zero probability of rejecting a proposal ensures that it is aperiodic.

This Random Walk Metropolis construction defines a family of transition distributions indexed by the choice of covariance, \(\Sigma\). This choice is critical to the performance of the algorithm and must be carefully tuned in each application.

Another common algorithm is the Gibbs sampler which generates transitions on product ambient spaces by sampling from the conditional distributions defined by the target distribution, \[ \pi(q^{i} \mid q^{1}, \ldots, q^{i - 1}, q^{i + 1}, \ldots, q^{I}) \equiv \pi(q^{i} \mid q^{\setminus i}). \] If we can generate exact samples from these conditional distributions then we only need to define the order in which we sample each component in order to fully specify a Markov transition distribution. The ultimate performance of Gibbs samplers depends on the structure of the target distribution – the more correlated it is the slower the component-wise steps will be to explore the full breadth of its typical set.

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo uses gradients of the target probability density function in addition to its values in order to construct efficient Markov transitions capable of scaling performance to sophisticated and high-dimensional problems [16].

5.2 Chain Smoking

Once we have build an explicit Markov transition distribution we can realize Markov chains. The first phase of running Markov chain Monte Carlo is warmup where we hopefully give our Markov chains enough time to work out their transient behavior and achieve equilibrium.

Traditionally warmup is often referred to as burn-in in analogy to industrial testing procedures, but that nomenclature carries with it some dangerously false intuition. Many industrial machines have heavy-tailed lifetimes – machines that will fail tend to fail early while those machines don’t fail early will tend to survive for very long times. Industrial burn-in is the process of running new machines for some set amount of time to identify and reject those early failing machines, leaving an “equilibrium” of functional machines.

A user taking this analogy too far might consider running an ensemble of Markov chains and then throwing out those that manifest any odd behavior, keeping only those that appear to have equilibrated. A well-defined equilibrium, however, requires that all Markov chains explore the stationary typical set, and hence manifest the same behavior. An inconsistency in one Markov chain implies inconsistency of the entire ensemble. Throwing out “bad” Markov chains just conceals the inconsistencies and spoils any diagnostic power, giving the user false confidence in the validity of the remaining Markov chains.

The term “warmup” is meant to invoke the process of equilibration, but in practice there are three similar but different ways the term is applied in practice.

5.2.1 Theoretical Warmup

If we assume a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem then theoretical warmup is the process of running long enough for the initialization bias to become negligible and the central limit theorem to become a reasonable approximation. More geometrically we can think of theoretical warmup as the time it takes for our Markov chains to find the stationary typical set and make its first sojourn through it.

Contrary to common folklore, this process is relatively quick if the Markov transition is well-behaved. If the Markov chains eventually equilibrate and concepts like the effective sample size and relaxation time are well-defined, then this initial phase will require only a few relaxation times.

5.2.2 Adaptive Warmup

We can also take advantage of the initial exploration time to tune a family of Markov transition distributions using feedback from the Markov chains themselves. For example Random Walk Metropolis transition distributions are defined by the covariance of the proposal density function, and various heuristics have been developed for setting the optimal covariance based on expectation values with respect to the target distribution.

Although we won’t know these expectation values in practice we can estimate them using the early history of the Markov chains provided that they have equilibrated sufficiently well. If we initialize our Markov transition distributions with a default configuration and then we can dynamically adapt the exact configuration based on sequential Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. In order to ensure robust adaptation we will need sufficiently precise expectation value estimators, which means running the Markov chains long enough to inform how a given configuration is behaving.

Adaptive warmup extends theoretical warmup to include the adaption of the Markov transition. While theoretical warmup is relatively fast, requiring only a few relaxation times when everything is well-behaved, adaptive warmup is much more demanding. In order to collect enough information to inform an effective transition we need to accumulate many tours through the stationary typical set, typically requiring the same order of iterations as we would use to construct the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators of ultimate interest.

If we adapt the Markov transition distribution in an adaptive warmup then we have to treat the warmup segments of our Markov chains with care. Under some circumstances they can be used to inform well-behaved Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators, but they can also induce large biases in less ideal circumstances. This especially true for the segments of the Markov chains generated during the initial exploration phase that are most strongly biased by the initialization outside of the stationary typical set. The safest way to handle an adaptive warmup is to disregard these initial segments of the Markov chains entirely, waiting for for a theoretical warmup before starting to tune the Markov transition. This not only helps to suppresses any bias from the initialization but also gives us the most flexibility when designing adaption strategies.

5.2.3 Heuristic Warmup

Most importantly heuristic warmup is for how many fixed iterations we run our Markov chains before we enter the main sampling phase and start using points to inform our final Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. The hope is that our empirical warmup is long enough that our Markov chains have achieved theoretical warmup, as well as adaptive warmup if we’re tuning our Markov transition configuration.

In practice, however, we have no guarantee that any heuristic warmup we define before running our Markov chains will be long enough to ensure equilibrated Markov chains and a reasonably effective Markov transition configuration going forwards. Specifically we can very rarely estimate the necessary warmup times from theoretical considerations or the behavior from other Markov chains targeting other probability distributions. The most common question in Markov chain Monte Carlo is exactly how long one should set the empirical warmup, but ultimately there is no generic answer.

The best way we can manage the risk of heuristic warmup is to carefully inspect the subsequent evolution of our Markov chains for any sign of transient behavior or poor adaptation. If we start with a default heuristic warmup and find evidence of problems in our Markov chains after that empirical warmup has concluded then we can go back and run longer before assuming equilibrium. At the same time if longer empirical warmups do not help, or if we find indications that the Markov transition might not admit a sufficiently nice equilibrium at all, then we may have to stop and consider other Markov transitions entirely.

5.3 Supply Chain

After empirical warmup we sit back and watch our Markov chains explore what is hopefully the extent of the stationary typical set. In this collection phase we save each point generated in our Markov chains for diagnostic and analysis to follow.

5.4 Chain of Custody

When our Markov chains have reached the fixed number of iterations we scrutinize everything produced after warmup for any signs of worry. It is here that we evaluate and check all of our diagnostics for any signs of transient behavior.

For general Markov transitions we can look through trace plots and check the split \(\hat{R}[f]\) statistics for all functions of interest and, if there are no hints of problems, then hope and prey that we didn’t miss anything. When we have diagnostics specific to a particular Markov transition distribution then we check those as well, following up on any information they provide that might identify the existence of obstructions to equilibrium or, even better, the nature of those obstructions.

One common question is what happens when some functions exhibit problems but others do not – should one dysfunctional Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator spoil the others? While there are some circumstances where a Markov chain can yield good estimates of expectation values for some functions and poor estimates for others, these tend to be somewhat artificial. In particular, if the functions have any cross correlation then problems in one should imply problems in another. For realistic applications where most if not all functions of interest are correlated with each other with respect to the target distribution the most robust approach is to consider any failure a global failure.

5.5 Chain of Fools

If we don’t see any indications that we have not yet reached equilibrium then we can assume that we have and move onto the the evaluation of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators of interest. In addition to any bespoke functions of interest in a given application, we typically also look at each component projection function if the ambient space is a product space.

For each function of interest we first want to check for any signs that the square of the function might not be square integrable with respect to the target probability distribution. One way to verify this integrability condition is to look at the \(\hat{k}[f]\) statistic which fits a power law to the tail of the function values encountered in our Markov chains as can be done importance sampling [17].

Confident that a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator is well-defined we can then proceed to evaluate the estimator and everything needed to evaluate its standard error. Using Welford accumulators we first compute the empirical mean, variance, and autocorrelations of each function in one sweep through each Markov chain. Because autocorrelations are only well-defined within a single Markov chain we have to compute empirical autocorrelations for each Markov chain in an ensemble. The resulting effective sample size estimators can then be used to pool the individual mean and variance estimators.

At this point we can evaluate an effective sample size estimator using the estimated autocorrelations and check to see if the incremental effective sample size is sufficiently large for the estimate to be trustworthy. We should also make sure that we have at least ten effective samples for each function of interest to ensure that the central limit theorem is a sufficiently good approximation.

Finally we can put all of these estimates together to form the final Markov chain Monte Carlo standard errors, our mathematical Voltrons, for each Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator.

If we do the work to validate a wide array of necessary conditions then these estimates have the potential to provide meaningful approximations of the desired expectation values with accurately quantified errors, allowing us to understand what our target distribution is trying to say and how clearly that message is coming across. If we don’t do the work, however, then we have no sense of how faithful the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators might be.

We can always evaluate a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator, effective sample size, and standard error for a given function, but if that function isn’t sufficiently integrable, if a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem doesn’t exist, or if the estimator is too biased by the initialization then those estimated values won’t corresponding to anything meaningful. Just because we can run Markov chain Monte Carlo without our computer crashing doesn’t mean that the algorithm is producing useful results. Only with careful validation does it become productive.

5.6 Example Workflows

As with most complex tasks organizing each of the necessary steps into coherent workflows can facilitate the robust application of Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice. The exact form of a useful workflow, however, depends on just how much theory is at our disposal.

In general the application of Markov chain Monte Carlo can be grouped into four sequential phases. In the preparatory phase we engineer a Markov transition that preserves our target distribution and configure the resulting Markov chains. This is followed by the warmup phase where we hopefully give our Markov chains time to settle in before the collection phase where we start farming iterations for Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. Finally in the analysis phase we evaluate and diagnose the desired estimators.

5.6.1 Markov Chain Monte Carlo In Theory

In a more perfect world we would be able to fully analyze an engineered Markov transition before generating any chains. We would verify a central limit theorem and work out relaxation times before having to configure our Markov chains.

This knowledge would then allow us configure the warmup phase to run for a fixed number of relaxation times to give the Markov chains adequate time to equilibrate before running through more relaxation times to adapt any degrees of freedom in the Markov transition as needed.

Because we would have already verified ideal conditions we wouldn’t have any doubts once we reached the analysis phase. We would compute Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators and celebrate knowing that the estimators will be well-behaved.

The only detour from this workflow would occur if our estimators weren’t sufficiently precise, in which case we could return to the collection phase and extend the existing Markov chains.

5.6.2 Markov Chain Monte Carlo In Practice

Sadly we live in the real world, not the more perfect world of where probabilistic computation is actually pleasant. In practice we cannot verify a central limit theorem and work our relaxation times initially. Consequently we have to configure our Markov chains in the preparatory phase heuristically and empirically check for any problems.

Because we don’t know the relaxation time a priori we have to run the warmup phase and collection phases for a fixed number of iterations and hope that each phase is long enough.

The analysis phase now becomes much more demanding, requiring us to diagnose failures of a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem or inadequate warmup before constructing Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators. If we identify any problems then we have to reconfigure our Markov chains and run again. In the worst case we might have to consider more robust Markov transitions entirely.

Only once we’ve empirically verified no signs of transient behavior can be we celebrate a computation well done.

6 Putting It All Into Practice

Having developed a comprehensive foundation of Markov chain Monte Carlo – what is being estimated, how the error in that estimation can potentially be quantified, and the best way to manage the risk that we will not get useful error quantification – we can now demonstrate these concepts with explicit examples. Here we will consider three low-dimensional circumstances, one in which a Random Walk Metropolis transition does well and two where it does not, before studying how the ideal behavior of this particular Markov transition scales with the dimension of the target distribution.

6.1 Functional Estimators

To get a feel for how Markov chain Monte Carlo behaves under ideal circumstances let’s consider a very simple, two-dimensional target distribution specified by two independent Gaussian probability density functions, \[ \pi(q) = \text{normal}(\varpi_{1}(q) ; 1, 1) \cdot \text{normal}(\varpi_{1}(q) ; -1, 1). \] One advantage of this example is that the component means and variances are given immediately by the locations and scales, which allows us to compare Markov chain Monte Carlo estimates to exact values.

In R we implement this target distribution by specifying the log target probability density function to maximize numerical stability.

target_lpdf <- function(q) {
  - 0.5 * ( (q[1] - 1)**2 + (q[2] + 1)**2 ) - 0.5 * 2 * log(6.283185307179586)

Plotting the contours of our target probability density function demonstrates the uniform curvature which should facilitate efficient sampling.

N <- 100
q.1 <- seq(-2, 4, 6 / N)
q.2 <- seq(-4, 2, 6 / N)
densities <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = N + 1, ncol = N + 1)

for (n in 1:N) {
  for (m in 1:N) {
    q <- c(q.1[n], q.2[m])
    densities[n, m] <- exp(target_lpdf(q))

contour(q.1, q.2, densities, nlevels=25, main="Gaussian Target Density",
        xlab="q.1", xlim=c(-2, 4),
        ylab="q.2", ylim=c(-4, 2), drawlabels = FALSE, col = c_dark, lwd = 2)

After being sure to set an explicit seed to guarantee reproducible results, let’s run a single Markov chain with 5000 total iterations.


n_transitions <- 5000

Our Markov chain will be generated by a Random Walk Metropolis proposal distribution using a diagonal covariance with the same scale for each component.

sigma <- 1.4

After randomly sampling an initial condition we then realize a Markov chain by applying the Random Walk transition n_transition times. Note how our use of the log probability densities ensures more numerically stable computation of the Metropolis ratio. We will save the resulting acceptance probabilities along with the points in the Markov chain to evaluate the performance of the random walk proposals.

D <- 2
mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D + 1)

# Seed the Markov chain from a diffuse sample
mcmc_samples[1, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 3)
mcmc_samples[1, D + 1] <- 1

for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
  q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, 1:D] # Initial point
  qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)  # Proposal

  # Compute acceptance probability
  accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
  mcmc_samples[n, D + 1] <- accept_prob

  # Apply Metropolis correction
  u = runif(1, 0, 1)
  if (accept_prob > u)
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- qp
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- q0

Once we have generated our Markov chain we can move on to diagnostics and analysis. Here I am going to use the estimation functionality defined in RStan, but the default code computes more than we need. Consequently I’m first going to do a little bit of work to isolate only the relevant outputs from the recesses of the code.

Warning: package 'rstan' was built under R version 3.5.2
Loading required package: StanHeaders
Warning: package 'StanHeaders' was built under R version 3.5.2
Loading required package: ggplot2
Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.5.2
rstan (Version 2.19.2, GitRev: 2e1f913d3ca3)
For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()).
To avoid recompilation of unchanged Stan programs, we recommend calling
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
fast_monitor <- function(sims, warmup, names=NULL) {
  dim_sims <- dim(sims)
  if (is.null(dim_sims)) {
    dim(sims) <- c(length(sims), 1, 1)
  } else if (length(dim_sims) == 2) {
    dim(sims) <- c(dim_sims, 1)
  } else if (length(dim_sims) > 3) {
    stop("'sims' has more than 3 dimensions")

  parnames <- names
  if (is.null(parnames)) {
    parnames <- paste0("V", seq_len(dim(sims)[3]))
  iter <- dim(sims)[1]
  chains <- dim(sims)[2]
  if (warmup > dim(sims)[1]) {
    stop("warmup is larger than the total number of iterations")
  if (warmup >= 1) {
    sims <- sims[-seq_len(warmup), , , drop = FALSE]

  out <- vector("list", length(parnames))
  out <- setNames(out, parnames)

  for (i in seq_along(out)) {
    sims_i <- sims[, , i]
    mean <- mean(sims_i)
    var <- var(as.vector(sims_i))
    mcse_mean <- rstan:::mcse_mean(sims_i)
    ess <- round(rstan:::ess_rfun(sims_i))
    rhat <- rstan:::rhat_rfun(rstan:::split_chains(sims_i))
    out[[i]] <- c(mean, var, mcse_mean, ess, rhat)

  out <-, out))
  colnames(out) <- c("mean", "var", "se_mean", "n_eff", "Rhat")
  rownames(out) <- parnames

  out <- structure(out, chains = chains, iter = iter, warmup = warmup,
                   class = c("simsummary", "data.frame"))

We can now compute our diagnostics and Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators after leaving out the first 100 samples as the heuristic warmup.

parameter_names <- c("varpi_1", "varpi_2", "accept_prob")
mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples, dim = c(n_transitions + 1, 1, 3)),
                           warmup=100, parameter_names)
                  mean       var     se_mean n_eff      Rhat
varpi_1      0.9362650 0.9837011 0.039909173   617 1.0011240
varpi_2     -1.0155788 0.9586077 0.037541708   677 0.9997990
accept_prob  0.4246302 0.1546668 0.005440954  5223 0.9997964

Delightfully there are no signs of problems. Both split \(\hat{R}\) values are close to 1 and the relaxation time is large enough that we’ve been able to accumulate reasonably large effective sample sizes and small Markov chain Monte Carlo standard errors for the component means. Moreover, because we know the exact expectation values we can verify that the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators for \(\varpi_{1}\) and \(\varpi_{2}\) are returning accurate answers.

The average acceptance probability indicates that about half of our proposals were accepted and half rejected, which is a reasonable performance. Poorly tuned proposal distributions would either accept everything, indicating that the proposal isn’t sufficiently aggressive, or reject everything, indicating that it is too aggressive.

We can also look at the convergence of these estimators by running the analysis over increasingly long segments of our Markov chain.

stride <- 200
M <- n_transitions / stride

iters <- stride * (1:M)

q.1_mean <- rep(0, M)
q.1_se <- rep(0, M)

q.2_mean <- rep(0, M)
q.2_se <- rep(0, M)

for (m in 1:M) {
  running_samples <- array(mcmc_samples[0:iters[m],], dim = c(iters[m], 1, 3))
  mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(running_samples, warmup=100, parameter_names)

  q.1_mean[m] <- mcmc_stats[1, "mean"]
  q.1_se[m] <- mcmc_stats[1, "se_mean"]

  q.2_mean[m] <- mcmc_stats[2, "mean"]
  q.2_se[m] <- mcmc_stats[2, "se_mean"]

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

plot(1, type="n", main="Mean of q.1",
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
     ylab="Monte Carlo Estimator", ylim=c(0.5, 1.5))

polygon(c(iters, rev(iters)), c(q.1_mean - 2 * q.1_se, rev(q.1_mean + 2 * q.1_se)),
        col = c_light_highlight, border = NA)
lines(iters, q.1_mean, col=c_dark, lwd=2)
abline(h=1, col="grey", lty="dashed", lw=2)

plot(1, type="n", main="Mean of q.2",
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
     ylab="Monte Carlo Estimator", ylim=c(-2, -0.5))

polygon(c(iters, rev(iters)), c(q.2_mean - 2 * q.2_se, rev(q.2_mean + 2 * q.2_se)),
        col = c_light_highlight, border = NA)
lines(iters, q.2_mean, col=c_dark, lwd=2)
abline(h=-1, col="grey", lty="dashed", lw=2)

Not only are our Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators accurate, their increasing precision is consistent with the existence of a central limit theorem. Indeed this example is simple enough that a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem can actually be explicitly proven.

6.2 Dysfunctional Estimators

Unfortunately Markov chain Monte Carlo doesn’t always behave so well in practice. In this section we’ll consider two examples that demonstrate just how wildly Markov chain Monte Carlo can fail, and why we have to adopt to a robust workflow to maximize our diagnostic sensitivity and manage the risk of these failures. The more Markov chains we run, the longer they each run, and the more functions we analyze the more likely we will be to identify any pathologies that corrupt the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators.

Master Yoda put it best after Luke boasted that he wasn’t afraid of Markov chain Monte Carlo. “You will be”, he replied. “You will be.”

6.2.1 No Equilibrium For Old Men

Let’s start facing reality by considering a funnel probability density function.

target_lpdf <- function(q) {
  D <- length(q)

  lpdf <- - 0.5 * q[1]**2 - 0.5 * log(6.283185307179586)
  lpdf <- lpdf - 0.5 * (q[2] / 5)**2 - 0.5 * log(6.283185307179586 * 25)

  for (d in 3:D) {
    lpdf <- lpdf - 0.5 * ((q[d] - q[1]) / exp(q[2]))**2
    lpdf <- lpdf - 0.5 * log(6.283185307179586) - q[2]


The probability density of the last \(D - 2\) local parameters is controlled by the first two global parameters, the first controlling the location and the second controlling the scale. We will use the log scale here to ensure that Markov chains never try to explore negative scales.

This interaction between the first two parameters and the rest induces an unwelcome geometry in the target probability density function. As the scale decreases the target probability density rapidly concentrates around the location and creates a region of high curvature. We can visualize this strong interaction by slicing through the target probability density function with the location and all but the first local parameter set to zero.

N <- 1000
q.3 <- seq(-11, 11, 22 / N)
q.2 <- seq(-10, 2, 12 / N)
densities <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = N + 1, ncol = N + 1)

for (n in 1:N) {
  for (m in 1:N) {
    q <- c(0, q.2[m], q.3[n], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    densities[n, m] <- exp(target_lpdf(q))

contour(q.3, q.2, densities, levels=exp(seq(-30, 90, 2)),
        main="Funnel Target Density",
        xlab="q.3", xlim=c(-11, 11),
        ylab="q.2", ylim=c(-10, 2), drawlabels = FALSE, col = c_dark, lwd = 2)

With our target set we can ready our Markov chain. To begin we’ll set an explicit seed and use the same number of transitions as before.


n_transitions <- 5000

Being aware of the stronger curvature that we’re up against, however, I am going to decrease the scale of the random walk transition to allow it to better resolve the shape of target probability density function.

sigma <- 0.5

The generation of a Markov chain proceeds exactly as before.

D <- 12
mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D + 1)

# Seed the Markov chain from a diffuse sample
mcmc_samples[1, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 5)
mcmc_samples[1, D + 1] <- 1

for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
  # Generate a proposal
  q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, 1:D]
  qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)

  # Compute acceptance probability
  accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
  mcmc_samples[n + 1, D + 1] <- accept_prob

  # Apply Metropolis correction
  u = runif(1, 0, 1)
  if (accept_prob > u)
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- qp
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- q0

For diagnostics and analysis we will once again jettison the first 100 iterations as warmup. Additionally let’s focus our attention on the global parameters.

parameter_names <- c("mu", "log tau", "accept_prob")
mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples[,c(1, 2, 13)],
                                 dim = c(n_transitions + 1, 1, 3)),
                           warmup=100, parameter_names)
                  mean       var     se_mean n_eff     Rhat
mu          -0.5031625 1.2333314 0.237982666    21 1.001004
log tau      1.5162704 0.1882789 0.194934849    18 1.193122
accept_prob  0.4005493 0.1539188 0.005530841  5075 1.000767

The estimated effective sample sizes are extremely small, especially for the scale, but otherwise nothing seems to indicate a pathology. That is, however, until we compare the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators to their exact values. One benefit of this funnel example is that the expected location and log scale are both zero. Here the expected location is consistent with zero, but the expected log scale is being drastically overestimated given the small estimated Markov chain Monte Carlo standard error.

Indeed if we plot the convergence of these estimators we see that only the estimator for the expected location converges to the exact value. The estimator for the expected log scale looks like it is converging to something, but that something is nowhere near the exact value.

stride <- 200
M <- n_transitions / stride

iters <- stride * (1:M)

mu_mean <- rep(0, M)
mu_se <- rep(0, M)

log_tau_mean <- rep(0, M)
log_tau_se <- rep(0, M)

for (m in 1:M) {
  running_samples <- array(mcmc_samples[0:iters[m],], dim = c(iters[m], 1, D + 1))
  mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(running_samples, warmup=100, parameter_names)

  mu_mean[m] <- mcmc_stats[1, "mean"]
  mu_se[m] <- mcmc_stats[1, "se_mean"]

  log_tau_mean[m] <- mcmc_stats[2, "mean"]
  log_tau_se[m] <- mcmc_stats[2, "se_mean"]

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

plot(1, type="n", main="Mean of mu",
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
     ylab="Monte Carlo Estimator", ylim=c(-2, 2))

polygon(c(iters, rev(iters)), c(mu_mean - 2 * mu_se, rev(mu_mean + 2 * mu_se)),
        col = c_light_highlight, border = NA)
lines(iters, mu_mean, col=c_dark, lwd=2)
abline(h=0, col="grey", lty="dashed", lw=2)

plot(1, type="n", main="Mean of log tau",
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
     ylab="Monte Carlo Estimator", ylim=c(-1, 5))

polygon(c(iters, rev(iters)), c(log_tau_mean - 2 * log_tau_se, rev(log_tau_mean + 2 * log_tau_se)),
        col = c_light_highlight, border = NA)
lines(iters, log_tau_mean, col=c_dark, lwd=2)
abline(h=0, col="grey", lty="dashed", lw=2)

Markov chain Monte Carlo is giving us estimators with poorly quantified error, which we know is a distinct possibility. The question now is whether or not there are indications of this failure that would have suggested the failure even if we didn’t already know the exact expected values.

We can firstly look at the estimated component means, which certainly exhibit some unpleasant behavior. We see even lower effective sample sizes but, more importantly, we see large split \(\hat{R}\) which suggests transient behavior manifesting in the output of those functions.

parameter_names <- c("mu", "log tau",
                     sapply(1:10, function(d) paste("theta.", d, sep='')),
mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples, dim = c(n_transitions+1, 1, D+1)),
                           warmup=100, parameter_names)
                   mean        var     se_mean n_eff     Rhat
mu          -0.50316249  1.2333314 0.237982666    21 1.001004
log tau      1.51627037  0.1882789 0.194934849    18 1.193122
theta.1      0.19660929 17.4884101 2.190999698     8 1.228890
theta.2     -0.82936864 40.3765369 4.229364826     8 1.531107
theta.3     -1.76690869 14.2218885 1.339494031     7 1.013613
theta.4     -1.14889936 14.2767269 1.383043638    10 1.075215
theta.5     -4.21525364 25.3881180 4.148535195     5 1.879340
theta.6     -3.40379595 21.3708744 1.646902097     8 1.114220
theta.7     -0.01427687 19.3204346 1.126830018    15 1.009024
theta.8     -3.64910895 14.8816945 1.296036756     9 1.042772
theta.9      0.23917680 18.9517318 1.522619235    13 1.138614
theta.10    -3.23918434 20.1814587 3.045613169     8 1.470509
accept_prob  0.40054929  0.1539188 0.005530841  5075 1.000767

Some functions manifesting transient behavior doesn’t necessarily mean that the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators for the other functions will be poorly behaved, but in practice it often does. At the very least it should be a cause for concern that motivates further investigation.

To dig deeper let’s look at the trace plot of the log scale that seems to be so problematic.

plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,2], main="Markov Chain Trace",
     type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_dark,
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
     ylab="log tau")

After finding the stationary typical set the Markov chain seems to have settled into to a reasonable equilibrium.

We can obtain much higher diagnostic power, however, by running a significantly longer Markov chain that will have more opportunity to encounter any latent pathologies.

n_transitions <- 100000

mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D + 1)

mcmc_samples[1, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 5)
mcmc_samples[1, D + 1] <- 1

for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
  q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, 1:D]
  qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)

  accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
  mcmc_samples[n + 1, D + 1] <- accept_prob

  u = runif(1, 0, 1)
  if (accept_prob > u)
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- qp
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- q0

mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples, dim = c(n_transitions + 1, 1, D + 1)),
                           warmup=100, parameter_names)
                  mean         var    se_mean n_eff     Rhat
mu           0.0572923   0.7409162 0.06889123   159 1.001734
log tau      0.3377237   2.2731591 0.64723811     6 1.113625
theta.1      2.7955752  53.3568652 3.32617545     9 1.139956
theta.2     -3.9149685 126.4735830 4.89996838    10 1.125198
theta.3      0.3952084  38.9501460 1.11461977    33 1.007763
theta.4     -1.2327898  26.3091708 0.98810137    32 1.045743
theta.5      0.7963322  25.5100721 0.74863191    48 1.020653
theta.6     -0.6280387  70.3744908 1.65656460    26 1.003827
theta.7     -1.9084043  29.5827310 2.39200296     9 1.138489
theta.8      2.8595648  50.4823056 3.50106675     9 1.167099
theta.9     -2.5771246  78.0885012 2.81753235    17 1.076200
theta.10     1.2339620  48.3712247 1.50061830    22 1.029633
accept_prob  0.2119933   0.1188965 0.05924854    36 1.015380

Not only do many of the split \(\hat{R}\) diagnostics remain high, but the estimated effective sample sizes also don’t seem to have changed despite the twenty fold increase in iterations! The fact that the estimated effective samples sizes are not scaling with the number of iterations means that either we weren’t estimating the autocorrelations accurately before or a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem doesn’t hold and the effective sample size estimators are not particularly meaningful.

Bringing up the longer trace plot for the log scale demonstrates the horrors a little more clearly. After some initial, seemingly pleasant behavior the Markov chain begins to suffer from periods where it freezes near small values of the log scale, exactly where the curvature is the largest. Eventually the Markov chain even departs on an unexpected excursion to larger values of the log scale.

plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,2], main="Markov Chain Trace",
     type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_dark,
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
     ylab="log tau")

These frozen intervals are consistent with the Markov chain being unable to sufficiently explore the neighborhood of high curvature at negative log scales, which would explain why our initial Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator was biased to such high values.

What we really should have done all along, however, was run multiple chains in parallel, each initialized at a different point, to maximize the sensitivity of the split \(\hat{R}\) diagnostic.

n_chains <- 4
n_transitions <- 5000

mcmc_samples = array(0, dim=c(n_transitions + 1, 4, D + 1))

for (c in 1:n_chains) {
  mcmc_samples[1, c, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 5)
  mcmc_samples[1, c, D + 1] <- 1

  for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
    q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, c, 1:D]
    qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)

    accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, c, D + 1] <- accept_prob

    u = runif(1, 0, 1)
    if (accept_prob > u)
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, c, 1:D] <- qp
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, c, 1:D] <- q0

mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(mcmc_samples, warmup=100, parameter_names)
                   mean        var    se_mean n_eff     Rhat
mu           0.08500006  0.8105564 0.09254330    81 1.034112
log tau      0.95430804  0.8165595 0.34779553     8 1.604426
theta.1      1.11461680 19.4307039 1.08115985     8 1.251556
theta.2     -0.98403206 23.9833141 1.79224462    13 1.602270
theta.3      0.18472411 10.4514571 0.54727504    32 1.113179
theta.4     -0.87752638 16.2024263 0.87865639    27 1.135271
theta.5      0.06544557 16.3028143 0.64367538    41 1.084298
theta.6      0.44441733 17.9143201 1.12040716    23 1.252970
theta.7      1.11824794 11.4537866 0.78032806    26 1.181229
theta.8     -0.01226403 12.8629964 0.69571815    36 1.131342
theta.9      1.00961165 15.0457629 0.85800815    21 1.148743
theta.10     1.26813260 16.6350312 1.20616276    10 1.315183
accept_prob  0.32790766  0.1470710 0.04458268   118 1.034788

Even with fewer iterations this ensemble of Markov chains demonstrates clearly inconsistent behavior which manifests in large enough values of split \(\hat{R}\) to nullify our optimism in equilibrated Markov chains. This is also evident in the visual trace plots which show completely different behavior for each Markov chain.

par(mfrow=c(1, 4))
for (c in 1:4) {
  plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[, c, 2], main=paste("Chain", c, sep=" "),
       type="l", lwd=1, col=c_dark,
       xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
       ylab="log tau")

6.2.2 Are We There Yet?

Shaken we can now consider metastabilities with a target distribution specified as a mixture of Gaussian probability density functions, \[ \pi(q) = \theta \, \text{normal} (\varpi_{1}(q) \mid 4, 1) \, \text{normal} (\varpi_{2}(q) \mid 8, 2) + (1 - \theta) \, \text{normal} (\varpi_{1}(q) \mid -8, 2) \, \text{normal} (\varpi_{2}(q) \mid -4, 1) \] with the mixture probability \[ \theta = 1 - \theta = 0.5. \]

D <- 2

target_lpdf1 <- function(q) {
  mu.1 <- 4
  sigma.1 <- 1

  mu.2 <- 8
  sigma.2 <- 2

  lpdf <- -0.5 * ( ((q[1] - mu.1) / sigma.1)**2 + ((q[2] - mu.2) / sigma.2)**2 )
  lpdf <- lpdf - 0.5 * log(6.283185307179586) - log(sigma.1) - log(sigma.2)

target_lpdf2 <- function(q) {
  mu.1 <- -8
  sigma.1 <- 2

  mu.2 <- -4
  sigma.2 <- 1

  lpdf <- -0.5 * ( ((q[1] - mu.1) / sigma.1)**2 + ((q[2] - mu.2) / sigma.2)**2 )
  lpdf <- lpdf - 0.5 * log(6.283185307179586) - log(sigma.1) - log(sigma.2)

target_lpdf <- function(x) {
  lpdf1 <- log(0.5) + target_lpdf1(x)
  lpdf2 <- log(0.5) + target_lpdf2(x)
  if (lpdf1 > lpdf2) {
    lpdf <- lpdf1 + log(1 + exp(lpdf2 - lpdf1))
  } else {
    lpdf <- lpdf2 + log(1 + exp(lpdf1 - lpdf2))

The mixture of the two Gaussian probability density functions manifests in two well-separated neighborhoods of high probability separated by a valley of low probability. In other words we need to be able to quantify two metastabilities in order to ensure accurate estimation of expectation values.

N <- 200
q.1 <- seq(-13, 7, 20 / N)
q.2 <- seq(-7, 13, 20 / N)
densities <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = N + 1, ncol = N + 1)

for (n in 1:N) {
  for (m in 1:N) {
    q <- c(q.1[n], q.2[m])
    densities[n, m] <- exp(target_lpdf(q))

contour(q.1, q.2, densities, nlevels=30, main="Metastable Target Density",
        xlab="q.1", xlim=c(-13, 7),
        ylab="q.2", ylim=c(-7, 13), drawlabels = FALSE, col = c_dark, lwd = 2)

Refusing to learn our lessons from the last example let’s go back to running a single chain that’s relatively short for Random Walk Metropolis.

n_transitions <- 5000

sigma <- 2

mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D + 1)

# Seed the Markov chain from a diffuse sample
mcmc_samples[1, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 5)
mcmc_samples[1, D + 1] <- 1

for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
  q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, 1:D] # Initial point
  qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)  # Proposal

  # Compute acceptance probability
  accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
  mcmc_samples[n, D + 1] <- accept_prob

  # Apply Metropolis correction
  u = runif(1, 0, 1)
  if (accept_prob > u)
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- qp
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- q0

We discard the first 100 iterations as heuristic warmup and compute our diagnostics and estimators. Both split \(\hat{R}\) and the effective sample sizes looks good. Even the average Metropolis acceptance probability is reasonable, indicating a solid tuning of the proposal distribution.

parameter_names <- c("varpi_1", "varpi_2", "accept_prob")
mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples, dim = c(n_transitions + 1, 1, 3)),
                           warmup=100, parameter_names)
                 mean       var     se_mean n_eff      Rhat
varpi_1     3.9922274 0.9056402 0.031073301   934 0.9998004
varpi_2     8.0531554 3.7227302 0.105400369   338 1.0011211
accept_prob 0.3991045 0.1552416 0.005637602  4884 0.9999816

The trace plots also look consistent with a Markov chain that is enjoying a lush equilibrium.

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,1], main="",
     type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_dark,
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),

plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,2], main="",
     type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_light,
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),

That said, in this case we know better. The Markov chain should be exploring both metastabilities, but the trace plots and Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators indicate that we are exploring only one. In this two-dimensional case we can explicitly verify the insufficient exploration by plotting the evolution of the Markov chain over the target probability density function. We see the relaxation into one of the metastabilities and the complete ignorance of the other.

par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
contour(q.1, q.2, densities, nlevels=30, main="Metastable Target Density",
        xlab="q.1", xlim=c(-13, 7),
        ylab="q.2", ylim=c(-7, 13), drawlabels = FALSE, col = c_dark, lwd = 2)
lines(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], lwd=0.5, col=c_light)

In hindsight this behavior shouldn’t be all that surprising for Random Walk Metropolis. The proposal distribution makes only small perturbations around the initial point and the acceptance procedure uses only the information encoded in the target probability density function at the initial and proposed points. Because the resulting Markov transition distribution exploits only local information the resulting Markov chains have no reason to consider the existence of another neighborhood of high probability.

If we run long enough, however, then the Markov chain should probe the tails of the first metastability deeply enough to find the second. Let’s try running forty times as long.

n_transitions <- 200000

mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D + 1)

mcmc_samples[1, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 5)
mcmc_samples[1, D + 1] <- 1

for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
  q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, 1:D]
  qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)

  accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
  mcmc_samples[n + 1, D + 1] <- accept_prob

  u = runif(1, 0, 1)
  if (accept_prob > u)
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- qp
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- q0

Analyzing the longer Markov chain we see a clear difference in behavior. The split \(\hat{R}\) values have significantly increased and the effective sample sizes have plummeted.

mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples, dim = c(n_transitions + 1, 1, D + 1)),
                           warmup=100, parameter_names)
                  mean        var      se_mean  n_eff     Rhat
varpi_1     -1.6893755 38.1512289 5.9102525271      3 3.463106
varpi_2      2.3005675 38.5022702 5.9346094977      3 3.437923
accept_prob  0.4011927  0.1562258 0.0008681637 207273 0.999995

Looking at the trace plots we can see that both coordinate functions make a single sharp transitions consistent with a jump from one metastability to another.

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,1], main="",
     type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_dark,
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),

plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,2], main="",
     type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_light,
     xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),

This is even more clear if we plot the evolution of both coordinate functions together,

par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
contour(q.1, q.2, densities, nlevels=30, main="Metastable Target Density",
        xlab="q.1", xlim=c(-13, 7),
        ylab="q.2", ylim=c(-7, 13), drawlabels = FALSE, col = c_dark, lwd = 2)
lines(mcmc_samples[,1], mcmc_samples[,2], lwd=0.5, col=c_light)

Even after running 200000 iterations we’ve accumulated only one transition between the metastabilities and only about a single effective sample. In order to equilibrate to where a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem is approximately valid, let alone to achieve reasonably precise Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators, we would have to run at least ten times more iterations, which quickly becomes impractical.

While a longer Markov chain still isn’t enough for precise estimation, it at least provides some diagnostic power to the metastable nature of the initial exploration. We achieve much higher sensitivity with less computation, however, by running multiple Markov chains.

n_chains <- 4
n_transitions <- 5000

mcmc_samples = array(0, dim=c(n_transitions + 1, 4, D + 1))

for (c in 1:n_chains) {
  mcmc_samples[1, c, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 5)
  mcmc_samples[1, c, D + 1] <- 1

  for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
    q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, c, 1:D]
    qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)

    accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, c, D + 1] <- accept_prob

    u = runif(1, 0, 1)
    if (accept_prob > u)
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, c, 1:D] <- qp
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, c, 1:D] <- q0

With just four short Markov chains we already see indications of serious problems in the exploration.

mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(mcmc_samples, warmup=100, parameter_names)
                  mean        var     se_mean n_eff      Rhat
varpi_1     -1.9950511 38.9544275 3.020093260     2 4.1810633
varpi_2      1.9969341 37.8837033 2.981425885     2 4.2337612
accept_prob  0.3995949  0.1562226 0.002776791 20252 0.9998665

Taking a quick look at the trace plots we can see that this diagnostic sensitivity comes from the fact that the each Markov chain initially explores a different metastability making it easy to see their inconsistencies.

par(mfrow=c(2, 4))
for (c in 1:4) {
  plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,c,1], main=paste("Chain", c, sep=" "),
       type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_dark,
       xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
       ylab="varpi_1", ylim=c(-13, 7))

for (c in 1:4) {
  plot(0:n_transitions, mcmc_samples[,c,2], main=paste("Chain", c, sep=" "),
       type="l", lwd=0.5, col=c_light,
       xlab="Iteration", xlim=c(0, n_transitions),
       ylab="varpi_2", c(-7, 13))

As upsetting as this example might be, it’s actually pretty tame compared to the metastabilities that can arise in practice. As we consider higher dimensional target distributions the distance between metastabilities grows, and Markov transition distributions informed by local information become less and less effective at jumping between them. Without running multiple Markov chains we can never quite be sure if we are missing a neighborhood of high probability hiding in the outskirts of our initial exploration.

6.3 Trial and Error in High Dimensions

We’ve seen some of the good and bad behaviors of Markov chain Monte Carlo, but even those good behaviors can be insufficient in practice. Let’s consider, for example, what happens to Random Walk Metropolis as the dimensionality of the target distribution increases.

Beyond a few dimensions the most efficient compression of our target distribution is its typical set. If we want to prepare to journey into higher dimensional problems then our exploration needs to be compatible with this geometry.

In high dimensions the proposal distribution is strongly influenced by the increasing volume towards infinity. The Gaussian proposal density functions of Random Walk Metropolis are skewed away from the mode and, if the scale is too large, out of the typical set entirely. Consequently we shouldn’t think of this proposal distribution as a fuzzy sphere but rather an fuzzy teardrop that asymmetrically jumps away from the interior of the typical set rather than towards it.

Those who really want to maintain the abstraction that a product of independent Gaussian probability density functions should be isotropic have to warp their concept of the typical set a little bit. Locally we can maintain a sense of isotropy if we think about the typical set being wrapped around the current point, just like string wrapped around a finger.

This perspective ensures that more proposals fall outside of the typical set than inside, but only at the expense of making sense only in the neighborhood of a particular point. If we move to another point then we have to warp the typical set around that point to properly move this perspective. As always, high-dimensional spaces are weird and visualizing them for our low-dimensionally trained brains is hard.

It doesn’t matter how we strain our minds to intuit this high-dimensional behavior so long as we recognize that the random walk proposal distributions strongly prefer new points that lie outside of the typical set. Proposals outside of the typical set are then rejected by the acceptance procedure because of how quickly the target probability density decays as we move away from the mode at the center of the typical set.

In other words the proposal distribution suggests points in neighborhoods of high differential volume while the acceptance procedure filters out any points of low probability density. Consequently the only jumps that are actually accepted are to points with both sufficient differential volume and target probability density, which are exactly those points in the stationary typical set.

Ultimately Metropolis-Hastings algorithms explore through trial and error. Each proposal guesses where the typical set continues beyond the current point with the acceptance procedure checking those guesses and rejecting any that have chosen poorly. The problem is that as we consider higher and higher dimensions, and the typical set becomes narrower and narrower, good guesses become rarer and rarer.

Unfortunately the inefficiency of the random walk trial and error persists no matter how we tune our proposal distributions. Large jumps push further outside of the typical set and hence are rejected more often. Small jumps are still repelled by the mode, but they don’t jump far enough to leave the typical set and hence tend to be accepted more. The jumps are so small, however, that the resulting Markov chain makes little progress in moving away from the initial point to other neighborhoods in the typical set.

This high-dimensional behavior can also be derived theoretically, at least for target distributions specified by a sufficiently large product of independent and identical probability density functions. [18] showed that in this case the performance of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators decreases inversely with dimension no matter how the random walk proposal distribution is tuned. They also worked out that the scales that achieve optimal performance asymptotically decrease with the square root of dimension, and that those optimal scales achieve the same average acceptance probability of about \(0.234\).

We can verify these results with simulation, defining our target probability density function as a product of unit normal probability density functions, allowing us to quickly scale to an arbitrary number of dimensions, \[ \pi(q) = \prod_{i = 1}^{I} \text{normal}( \varpi_{i}(q) \mid 0, 1). \]

target_lpdf <- function(q) {
  -0.5 * sum(q**2) - 0.5 * length(q) * log(6.283185307179586)

Let’s first consider how the performance of Random Walk Metropolis changes when we employ a fixed Markov transition.

sigma <- 1.4

In particular let’s track the average acceptance probability and average effective sample size for all of the components as we increase from one dimension to ten.

n_transitions <- 10000

Ds <- 1:10

accept_prob_means <- 0 * Ds
accept_prob_ses <- 0 * Ds
ave_eff_sample_sizes <- 0 * Ds

for (D in Ds) {
  mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D + 1)

  # Seeding the initial state with an exact sample from the target
  # distribution ensures that we start in the typical set and avoid
  # having to worry about warmup
  mcmc_samples[1, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 1)
  mcmc_samples[1, D + 1] <- 1

  for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
    # Generate a proposal
    q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, 1:D]
    qp <- rnorm(D, q0, sigma)

    # Compute acceptance probability
    accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
    mcmc_samples[n + 1, D + 1] <- accept_prob

    # Apply Metropolis correction
    u = runif(1, 0, 1)
    if (accept_prob > u)
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- qp
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- q0

  # Compute MCMC estimator statistics
  mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples,
                                   dim = c(n_transitions + 1, 1, D + 1)),

  accept_prob_means[D] <- mcmc_stats[D + 1, "mean"]
  accept_prob_ses[D] <- mcmc_stats[D + 1, "se_mean"]

  # Estimate effective sample size
  ave_eff_sample_sizes[D] <- mean(mcmc_stats[1:D, "n_eff"])

As expected the fixed proposal distribution suffers as we push to higher dimensions. With each increasing dimension the proposals are pulled further outside of the typical set, resulting in more rejections and slower exploration. This slower exploration then results in rapidly decaying effective sample sizes.

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

# Plot average acceptance probability verses dimension
idx <- rep(Ds, each=2)
plot_Ds <- sapply(1:length(idx), function(b) if(b %% 2 == 0) idx[b] + 0.5 else idx[b] - 0.5)

pad_means <-, lapply(idx, function(n) accept_prob_means[n]))
pad_ses <-, lapply(idx, function(n) accept_prob_ses[n]))

plot(1, type="n", main="",
xlim=c(head(Ds, 1) - 0.5, tail(Ds, 1) + 0.5), xlab="Dimension",
ylim=c(0, 1), ylab="Average Acceptance Probability")

abline(h=0.234, col="grey", lty="dashed", lw=2)

polygon(c(plot_Ds, rev(plot_Ds)), c(pad_means + 2 * pad_ses, rev(pad_means - 2 * pad_ses)),
col = c_light, border = NA)
lines(plot_Ds, pad_means, col=c_dark, lwd=2)

# Plot effective sample size per iteration verses dimension
pad_eff <-, lapply(idx, function(n) ave_eff_sample_sizes[n]))

plot(1, type="n", main="", xlim=c(0, 10), xlab="Dimension",
ylim=c(0, 0.3), ylab="Average Effective Sample Size Per Iteration")

lines(plot_Ds, pad_eff / n_transitions, col=c_dark, lwd=2)

That said, there’s no reason why a proposal distribution that works well in one dimension should work well in ten dimensions. How much can we fight against the increasing dimension by tuning the proposal distribution? To determine this I empirically worked out the optimal proposal scales for each dimension by running large ensembles of Markov chains while scanning across possible scales to see where the effective sample sizes peaked. Interestingly this purely empirical tuning closely matches the square root of dimension decrease expected from theory.

opt_sigmas <- c(2.5, 1.75, 1.5, 1.2, 1.15, 1.0, 0.95, 0.85, 0.8, 0.75)

plot(Ds, opt_sigmas, main="", col=c_dark, pch=16, cex=1,
     xlim=c(head(Ds, 1) - 0.5, tail(Ds, 1) + 0.5), xlab="Dimension",
     ylim=c(0, 3), ylab="Optimal Scale")
lines(seq(1, 10.5, 0.1), 2.4 / sqrt(seq(1, 10.5, 0.1)), col=c_light, lwd=2)

We can now try again using these optimal scales and see if we do any better.

for (D in Ds) {
  mcmc_samples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_transitions + 1, ncol = D + 1)

  # Seeding the initial state with an exact sample
  # from the target distribution ensures that we
  # start in the typical set and avoid having to
  # worry about warmup.
  mcmc_samples[1, 1:D] <- rnorm(D, 0, 1)
  mcmc_samples[1, D + 1] <- 1

  for (n in 1:n_transitions) {
    # Generate a proposal
    q0 <- mcmc_samples[n, 1:D]
    qp <- rnorm(D, q0, opt_sigmas[D])

    # Compute acceptance probability
    accept_prob <- min(1, exp(target_lpdf(qp) - target_lpdf(q0)))
    mcmc_samples[n, D + 1] <- accept_prob

    # Apply Metropolis correction
    u = runif(1, 0, 1)
    if (accept_prob > u)
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- qp
      mcmc_samples[n + 1, 1:D] <- q0

  # Compute MCMC estimator statistics
  mcmc_stats <- fast_monitor(array(mcmc_samples, dim = c(n_transitions + 1, 1, D + 1)), warmup=0)

  accept_prob_means[D] <- mcmc_stats[D + 1, "mean"]
  accept_prob_ses[D] <- mcmc_stats[D + 1, "se_mean"]

  # Estimate effective sample size
  ave_eff_sample_sizes[D] <- mean(mcmc_stats[1:D, "n_eff"])

Using the optimal scales definitely improved performance. Decreasing the jump distance with dimension stabilizes the average acceptance probability near the theoretical optimum. At the same time the average incremental effective sample sizes increase a little bit relative to the fixed tuning. Unfortunately, we’re fighting a losing battle. While the effective samples sizes are larger they still decay rapidly with increasing dimension.

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

# Plot average acceptance probability verses dimension
pad_means <-, lapply(idx, function(n) accept_prob_means[n]))
pad_ses <-, lapply(idx, function(n) accept_prob_ses[n]))

plot(1, type="n", main="",
     xlim=c(head(Ds, 1) - 0.5, tail(Ds, 1) + 0.5), xlab="Dimension",
     ylim=c(0, 1), ylab="Average Acceptance Probability")

abline(h=0.234, col="grey", lty="dashed", lw=2)

polygon(c(plot_Ds, rev(plot_Ds)), c(pad_means + 2 * pad_ses, rev(pad_means - 2 * pad_ses)),
        col = c_light, border = NA)
lines(plot_Ds, pad_means, col=c_dark, lwd=2)

# Plot effective sample size per iteration verses dimension
pad_eff <-, lapply(idx, function(n) ave_eff_sample_sizes[n]))

plot(1, type="n", main="", xlim=c(0, 10), xlab="Dimension",
     ylim=c(0, 0.3), ylab="Average Effective Sample Size Per Iteration")

lines(plot_Ds, pad_eff / n_transitions, col=c_dark, lwd=2)

Even under ideal circumstances where we enjoy a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem, the performance of Random Walk Metropolis will suffer dramatically as we push towards higher dimensional target distributions. The situation becomes even worse when we consider more sophisticated target distributions, like those specified by funnel probability density functions, whose intricate interactions can reduce performance even further if not impede a Markov chain Monte Carlo central limit theorem outright.

Ultimately the efficiency of guessing and checking will always suffer with increasing dimension. In order to maintain performance as well as possible we need to employ more sophisticated proposal distributions, or entirely new Markov transitions, that exploit more information about the target distribution. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo is a particularly useful approach in this regard, but that will have to wait for its own case study.

7 Conclusions

Principled probabilistic computation with quantifiable errors is both necessary for robust application and frustratingly challenging to verify in practice. Markov chain Monte Carlo offers a relatively general approach to this problem that, while not always successful, offers enough diagnostic information to give us a decent chance of identifying its failures when we take the time to look closely enough. By implementing Markov chain Monte Carlo through a proper workflow we can force ourselves to take that time and increase our ability to manage the risk.

In other words if we treat Markov chain Monte Carlo as a delicate tool that must be handled with care then we may be able to secure quantifiable error with only a finite amount of computation in sufficiently well-behaved problems. At the same time we may be able to empirically identify the poorly-behaved problems where the method isn’t expected to work well. That might not sound like much, but in the brutal conflict that is probabilistic computation on the frontiers of applied statistics that’s about as much hope as we can expect.

To truly realize the power of Markov chain Monte Carlo we need to combine a robust workflow with Markov transitions that use as much information about the target distribution to ensure as possible to maximize both performance and diagnostic power. That is where modern algorithms like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo really shine.

8 Appendix: Convergent Vocabulary

One of the most confusing aspects of Markov chain Monte Carlo is the common misuse of the word “converge”. “Converge” and “convergence” are often used to denote similar but subtly different concepts, making it difficult to follow along with any precision. In this section I hope to clarify the well-defined uses of these terms to help reduce the confusion as much as possible.

Firstly we have to recognize that convergence is formally an asymptotic phenomenon. Convergence implies that a growing sequence of objects, \[ \left\{\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, \ldots, \theta_{N - 1}, \theta_{N} \right\}, \] is getting closer and closer to some limiting value, \(\theta^{*}\). Only the final element of that infinitely long sequence, however, is guaranteed to reach the limiting value exactly, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \theta_{N} = \theta^{*}. \] Technically nothing ever converges after only a finite amount of iterations. That said, after enough iteations, \(N_{\epsilon}\), the objects in the sequence will get arbitrarily close to limiting value \[ | \theta_{n} - \theta_{\infty} | \lt \epsilon, \, \forall n > N_{\epsilon} \] and the difference doesn’t matter in practice. Without an explicit threshold defining when the differences no longer matter, this kind of approximate convergence isn’t well-defined but it is often used when building intuition about how sequences converge. If we want to be careful then we have to separate out formal convergence and more casual concepts like effective convergence.

The second important contribution to the notational confusion is exactly what objects are converging. For example, we could consider the last point in a growing Markov chain. Under the sufficiently nice conditions the two ends of an infintely long Markov chain become uncorrelated and the last point will asymptotically converge to an exact sample from the target distribution. When the correlation between the two ends of the Markov chain is vanishingly small we might say that the end point has effectively converged to an exact sample.

Instead of considering a single realization of a Markov chain we can also consider the \(N\)-step distributions that quantify the scope of possible realizations of the Markov chain marginally at each iteration. Under some technical conditions the \(N\)-step distribution will asymptotically converge to the stationary distribution of the Markov transition, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} T^{N} \rho = \pi. \] Similarly, the expectation of an integrable function \(f\) with respect to the \(N\)-step distribution will converge to the corresponding expectation value with respect to the stationary probability distribution, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \mathbb{E}_{T^{N} \rho}[f] = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}. \]

While the end of a Markov chain converges, the entire Markov chain itself doesn’t really converge to anything. Even in the asymptotic limit, for example, the Markov chain can’t converge to an ensemble of exact samples because the earlier states will always contain residue of the initialization. Expectations over the history of a Markov chain, however, do have well-defined asymptotic behaviors.

The immediate example is the Markov chain Monte Carlo estimator of any integrable function which converges to the corresponding expectation value with respect to the stationary probability distribution for almost every Markov chain realization. Because this holds for almost every realized Markov chain, it also implies that the average of the \(N\)-step expectation values converge to the stationary expectation value, \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} \mathbb{E}_{T^{N} \rho}[f] = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}, \] or in sufficiently nice cases equivalently \[ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{N + 1} \sum_{n = 0}^{N} T^{N} \rho = \pi. \]

Practitioners often focus on the convergence of the last point in a Markov chain, or equivalently the \(N\)-step distribution. What is more relevant in practice, however, is the convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimators that average over the entire Markov chain. It is the behavior of this convergence that ultimately defines our error quantification, or lack thereof, and hence what should be our conceptual priority.


I thank Sam Livingstone, Charles Margossian, and Siddhant Wahal for helpful comments. I am also indebted for the feedback from those who have attended my courses and talks.

A very special thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon: Abhinav Katoch, Abhishek Vasu,Adam Slez,Aki Vehtari,Alan O’Donnell,Alex Gao,Alexander Bartik, Alexander Noll,Anders Valind,Andrea Serafino,Andrew Rouillard, Andrés Castro Araújo,Antoine Soubret,Arya Alexander Pourzanjani,asif zubair, Austin Rochford,Aviv Keshet,Avraham Adler,Ben Matthews,Bradley Wilson,Brett, Brian Callander,Brian Clough,Brian Hartley,Bryan Galvin,Bryan Yu,Canaan Breiss, Cat Shark,Chad Scherrer,Charles Naylor,Chase Dwelle,Chris Cote,Chris Zawora, Cole Monnahan,Colin Carroll,Colin McAuliffe,D,Damien Mannion,dan mackinlay, Dan W Joyce,Daniel Elnatan,Daniel Hocking,Daniel Rowe,Daniel Simpson, Danielle Navarro,Darshan Pandit,David Pascall,David Roher,Derek G Miller, Diogo Melo,Ed Berry,Ed Cashin,Eddie Landesberg,Elizaveta Semenova,Erik Banek, Ero Carrera,Evan Russek,Felipe González,Finn Lindgren,Francesco Corona, Garrett Mooney,George Ho,Granville Matheson,Guido Biele,Guilherme Marthe, Hamed Bastan-Hagh,Haonan Zhu,Hernan Bruno,Ilan Reinstein,Ilaria Prosdocimi, Isaac S,J Michael Burgess,JamesU,Jeff Dotson,Jeffrey Arnold,Jessica Graves, Joel Kronander,John Helveston,Jonathan Judge,Jonathan Sedar,jonathan St-onge, Josh Weinstock,Joshua Cortez,Joshua Duncan,Joshua Mayer,Josué Mendoza,JS, jsdenain,Justin Bois,Juuso Parkkinen,Karim Naguib,Karim Osman,Kazuki Yoshida, Kejia Shi,Kyle Ferber,Kádár András,Lars Barquist,Leo Burgy,lizzie,Luiz Carvalho, Lukas Neugebauer,Marc Dotson,Marc Trunjer Kusk Nielsen,Mark Donoghoe,Markus P., Martin Modrák,Matthew Kay,Matthew Quick,Matthew T Stern,Maurits van der Meer,Max, Maxim Ananyev,Maxim Kesin,Michael Colaresi,Michael DeWitt,Michael Dillon, Michael Griffiths,Michael Redman,Michael Thomas,Mike Lawrence,Mikhail Popov, mikko heikkilä,mogs tau teta tau,Monkel,Nathan Rutenbeck,Nicholas Cowie, Nicholas Knoblauch,Nicholas Ursa,Nicolas Frisby,Noah Guzman,Ole Rogeberg, Oliver Clark,Olivier Ma,Onuralp Soylemez,Patrick Boehnke,Pau Pereira Batlle, Paul Oreto,Peter Heinrich,Peter Schulam,Pieter van den Berg ,Reed Harder, Riccardo Fusaroli,Richard Jiang,Richard Torkar,Robert Frost,Robert Goldman, Robert J Neal,Robert kohn,Robin Taylor,Sam Zimmerman,Sam Zorowitz,Sean Talts, Seo-young Kim,Sergiy Protsiv,Seth Axen,Shira,Simon Duane,Simon Lilburn, Stephen Lienhard,Stephen Oates,Steve Bertolani,Steven Langsford,Stijn, Sue Marquez,Taco Cohen,Teddy Groves,Teresa Ortiz,Think_Med,Thomas Littrell, Thomas Vladeck,Tiago Cabaço,Tim Howes,Trey Spiller,Tristan Mahr,Tyrel Stokes, Vanda Inacio de Carvalho,Vasa Trubetskoy,Ville Inkilä,vittorio trotta,Will Farr, yolhaj, and Z.


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The code in this case study is copyrighted by Michael Betancourt and licensed under the new BSD (3-clause) license:

The text and figures in this case study are copyrighted by Michael Betancourt and licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license:

Original Computing Environment

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS  10.14.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] rstan_2.19.2          ggplot2_3.1.1         StanHeaders_2.18.1-10

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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 [5] prettyunits_1.0.2  base64enc_0.1-3    tools_3.5.1        digest_0.6.18     
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[13] pkgconfig_2.0.3    rlang_0.4.2        cli_1.0.1          parallel_3.5.1    
[17] yaml_2.2.0         xfun_0.11          loo_2.0.0          gridExtra_2.3     
[21] withr_2.1.2        dplyr_0.8.3        stringr_1.3.1      knitr_1.26        
[25] stats4_3.5.1       grid_3.5.1         tidyselect_0.2.5   glue_1.3.0        
[29] inline_0.3.15      R6_2.3.0           processx_3.2.0     rmarkdown_1.18    
[33] purrr_0.3.3        callr_3.0.0        magrittr_1.5       matrixStats_0.54.0
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