Generative modeling is often suggested as a useful approach for designing probabilistic models that capture the relevant structure of a given application. The specific details of this approach, however, is left vague enough to limit how useful it can actually be in practice. In this case study I present an explicit definition of generative modeling as a way to bridge implicit domain expertise and explicit probabilistic models, motivating a wealth of useful model critique and construction techniques.

1 Generating What Now?

An immediate problem with the concept of "generative modeling" is that the term isn't always used consistently. In particular what makes a model "generative" can be very different in fields dominated by machine learning and fields dominated by contemporary applied statistics. To construct any self-consistent formalization of the term we have to be careful to differentiate between these two colloquial uses.

1.1 Generative As Sampling

In machine learning a generative model is typically defined as a probabilistic model of all quantities that vary from observation to observation; in other words a model over the entire observational space, \(Y\) [1]. For example given an observational space parameterized by two variables \(y = (y_{1}, y_{2})\) the conditional model \(\pi(y_{1} | y_{2} ; \theta)\) would not be generative because it lacks a probabilistic model for \(y_{2}\). Such incomplete model specifications, often denoted discriminative models, commonly arise in regression modeling where the observational space \(Y \times X\) separates into variates, \(y \in Y\), and covariates, \(x \in X\), and only the conditional relationship \(\pi(y | x; \theta)\) is modeled.

One immediate benefit of a model \(\pi(y; \theta)\) that spans the entire observational space is that, at least in theory, we can construct exact sampling mechanisms for all of the variables in the observational space, \[ \tilde{y} \sim \pi(y; \theta), \] for each model configurations \(\theta\). For example the non-generative conditional model \(\pi(y_{1} | y_{2} ; \theta)\) admits sampling mechanisms for \(y_{1}\) only once \(y_{2}\) has been fixed to a particular value, but we have no natural way to choose such a value. The generative model \(\pi(y_{1} | y_{2} ; \theta) \pi(y_{2}; \theta)\), however, admits sampling mechanisms for \(y_{2}\) which then enables ancestral sampling.

Indeed the phrase "generative model" is often used colloquially to imply probabilistic modelings equipped, if not outright defined, by an explicit, exact sampling mechanism from which we can "generate" samples in practice. I will refer to this notion as procedurally generative.

One way to construct explicit, exact sampling algorithms is to utilize a conditional decomposition of the observational model \(\pi(y; \theta)\) into a sequence of one-dimensional conditional probability distributions, \[ \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}, \ldots, y_{N}; \theta) = \left[ \prod_{n = 2}^{N} \pi(y_{n} | y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n - 1}; \theta) \right] \, \pi(y_{1}; \theta), \] where each \(y_{n}\) is a one-dimensional variable. If we can efficiently generate exact samples from these one-dimensional distributions then we can generate exact samples from the entire model through ancestral sampling.

In contemporary machine learning ancestral sampling mechanisms have largely given way to pushforward sampling mechanisms. Here the observational model \(\pi(y; \theta)\) is defined only implicitly as the pushforward of some simple base distribution, \(\pi(x)\), along a family of complicated transformations, \(\phi_{\theta} : X \rightarrow Y\), \[ \pi(y; \theta) = (\phi_{\theta})_{*} \pi(x). \] If the base distribution is engineered to admit an efficient exact sampling mechanism then we can immediately generate exact samples from these pushforward distributions by applying the transformations to base samples, \[ \begin{align*} \tilde{x} &\sim \pi(x) \\ \tilde{y} &= \phi_{\theta}(\tilde{x}). \end{align*} \] These families of complex transformations are often built out of popular machine learning techniques for function approximation, such as neural networks and kernel methods, resulting in popular methods such as Generative Adversarial Networks [2].

A procedurally generative Bayesian model \(\pi(y, \theta)\) requires an exact sampling mechanism that samples the variables in the observational space and the model configuration space. For example by exploiting the conditional decomposition \[ \pi(y, \theta) = \pi(y | \theta) \, \pi(\theta) \] we can build a procedurally generative Bayesian model by combining a procedurally generative observational model \(\pi(y | \theta)\), as discussed above, with a procedurally generative prior model \(\pi(\theta)\). Because we cannot generate samples from unnormalizeable prior models, such as those specified by uniform density functions over the real line, these improper prior models immediately obstruct procedurally generativity.

That said procedural generation doesn't require that we utilize this particular conditional decomposition. Any conditional decomposition of the full Bayesian model \(\pi(y, \theta)\) into well-defined, one-dimensional conditional probability distributions will admit ancestral sampling, and there are many of these conditional decompositions to consider. For example a relatively low-dimensional model \(\pi(y_{1}, y_{2}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2})\) admits 24 different one-dimensional conditional decompositions!

In practice some of these decompositions might result in simpler conditional dependencies which can facilitate the implementation of ancestral sampling. The practical challenge is engineering not just any conditional decomposition but a particularly useful one.

1.2 Generative As Story Telling

In applied statistical settings "generative" more commonly refers not to how a model is implemented but rather how the model is interpreted. Here generative describes models that follow the progressive structure of some assumed data generating process; in other words they model not just the outcome of a measurement but also the internal composition of that measurement. I will refer to this notion of generative as narratively generative.

Any model with a narrative interpretation tells a set of stories, and consequently we can utilize familiar storytelling techniques to understand the structure of these models. For example consider that stories are often told as a sequence of smaller, constituent stories, with each constituent story building upon and referencing previous constituent stories in the progression of the overall narrative. Books are constructed from chapters, television series from episodes, plays from acts, and so on. Likewise a narratively generative model can be built from smaller, component models, each capturing one part of some larger data generating story.

A narratively generative Bayesian model \(\pi(y, \theta)\) defines a collection of mathematical stories for how the data could be generated, with the model configurations \(\theta\) labeling each story. The narrative structure of these stories implies a distinguished conditional decomposition of \(\pi(y, \theta)\) where each conditional distribution captures just one part of the data generating story. This distinguished conditional decomposition then immediately defines a distinguished directed graphical model representation where leaf nodes can contain only data variables and any root nodes can contain only model configuration variables.

For example consider the Bayesian model that we introduced in the previous section, \(\pi(y_{1}, y_{2}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2})\). The simplest narratively generative decomposition separates the joint model into an observational model, \(\pi(y_{1}, y_{2} | \theta_{1}, \theta_{2})\), and a prior model, \(\pi(\theta_{1}, \theta_{2})\).

A more refined story further decomposes the observational model or the prior model.

The most refined story decomposes both of these component models into one-dimensional component models.

Each of these directed graphical models captures a different set of mathematical narratives for how the assumed data generating process might behave. The fewer variables in each node the more refined those stories are. The simpler and more coherent the overall narrative the fewer arrows will connect each node, and the more linear the probabilistic graphical model will appear. The more convoluted the story the more the nodes will influence each other, and the more connected the network of arrows between the nodes will be.

Conditioning on observed data \(\tilde{y}\) results in a posterior distribution over the model configurations \[ \pi(\theta \mid \tilde{y}) \propto \pi(\tilde{y}, \theta) \] that quantifies how consistent each the possible mathematical stories is with those observed outcomes.

In other words an ideal narratively generative model captures all of the possible data generating stories so that our posterior distribution can identify which of those stories well-approximate the true data generating process.

By introducing a precise interpretation for internal structure of a model, this narrative perspective provides a bridge between explicit mathematical models and our implicit domain expertise. This connection then provides a foundation for a wealth of powerful modeling techniques.

For example this bridge can help us understand the limitations of a given model and any derived inferences. If the mathematical stories captured by the model are meaningful only in a narrow circumstance then we know that we shouldn't expect any inferences or predictions derived from that model to be useful outside of those circumstances.

At the same time understanding the circumstances in which those mathematical stories are relevant also facilitates model critique. If none of the stories are even approximately relevant to a given application then we probably should consider another model. This critique is especially useful in the use of prefabricated models which are often applied without any consideration of relevance. By first recognizing the mathematical narratives implicit in a prefabricated model we make it easier to recognize when that model is applicable and when its not.

Perhaps most importantly a narrative perspective aids the development of bespoke models customized to a given application. Narrative structure provides the foundation on which we can translate our implicit domain expertise about a system being studied into explicit probabilistic models. We will explore narrative model building techniques in depth in Section 2.

1.3 The Best of Both Worlds

Models that are both procedurally and narratively generative are particularly useful in practice. While the narrative focus facilitates model building through narratively meaningful conditional decompositions, the procedural focus allows us to simulate from the data generating processes assumed by that model.

These simulations are extremely useful for evaluating the consequences of our modeling assumptions, including prior checks, algorithmic Bayesian calibration, and inferential Bayesian calibration. For more see my workflow case study.

2 Advanced Narrative Techniques

Embracing a narrative focus not only clarifies many of the more subtle aspects of probabilistic model building but also motivates a variety of powerful model building techniques, each derived from an intuitive storytelling consideration. In this section we'll review many of these insights and their practical consequences.

2.1 Clear and Concise Language

Poor story telling can obfuscate even the simplest story, burying a straightforward narrative underneath confusing language and unnecessary complexity. In narratively generative modeling the language in which we tell our stories is the parameterization of the observational space and the model configuration space; in particular these parameterizations determine the complexity of any conditional decomposition of the joint model. Consequently the apparent intricacy of a narratively generative model can be determined more by how these spaces are parameterized rather than any inherent complexity of the stories they describe.

For example consider the common assumption that an identical measurement is repeated \(N\) times without the outcome of the replications directly influencing each other in any way. If we directly parameterize the observational space with the variables that capture the individual outcome of these measurements, \(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}, \ldots, y_{N}\), then this narrative assumption implies that these variables are conditionally independent given a particular configuration of the measurement process, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}, \ldots, y_{N}, \theta) &= \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}, \ldots, y_{N} | \theta) \, \pi(\theta) \\ &= \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \pi(y_{n} \mid \theta) \right] \pi(\theta). \end{align*} \] Moreover these conditional distributions are exactly the same.

This conditional independence implies a particularly streamlined directed graphical model representation. Because the conditional distributions are identical we can also utilize the plate notation for an even more compact notation.

While reparameterizing the observational space away from this natural parameterization doesn't change the stories captured by the mathematical model, it does complicate the resulting narratively generative structure. For example if we consider parameterizing the observations in terms of the differences of each measurement, \[ \begin{align*} \Delta_{1} &= y_{1} \\ \Delta_{2} &= y_{2} - y_{1} \\ &\ldots \\ \Delta_{n} &= y_{n} - y_{n - 1} \\ &\ldots \\ \Delta_{N} &= y_{N} - y_{N - 1} \end{align*} \] such that \[ y_{n} = \sum_{n' = 1}^{N} \Delta_{n'}, \] then the conditional decomposition becomes much complicated, \[ \pi(\Delta_{1}, \ldots, \Delta_{n}, \ldots, \Delta_{N}; \theta) = \left[ \prod_{n = 2}^{N} \pi(\Delta_{n} \mid \Delta_{1}, \ldots, \Delta_{n - 1}, \theta) \right] \, \pi(\Delta_{1} \mid \theta) \, \pi(\theta). \]

Even for the case \(N = 3\) the directed graphical model representation becomes difficult to draw clearly.

An insightful parameterization of the observational and model configuration spaces can better reveal the latent narrative structure of a model, facilitating not only model building but also computational inference with that model.

2.2 Flashbacks and Flashforwards

Stories proceed in a sequence of causes and effects, with each constituent story capturing one, the other, or both in the progression of the narrative. These constituent stories are often presented in a strict temporal order, but non-chronological presentation can be a useful technique for emphasizing certain aspects of the larger story.

Similarly narratively generative models do not need to follow an absolute chronological progression. More generally the sequential structure of a narratively generative model is constrained by only the influences between the constituent models that are captured in their conditional dependencies. Component models that depend on the outcomes of other component models must be placed later in the progression.

This ordering of the component models, and the mathematical stories they capture, is often said to define the causal structure of the data generating process. Like "generative" the term "causal" is used inconsistently across fields which often causes, pun absolutely intended, confusion. For example in physics causality refers to all of the possible physical influences that one system can exert an other, limited largely by physical distance between the two systems and the speed with which interactions can be exchanged across that distance. On the other hand in statistics and computer science causality typically refers not to all possible influences but rather to only those influences that are explicitly modeled. In any practical model we ignore an infinity of physical interactions that we assume are too weak to meaningful affect a given data generating process.

To avoid any confusion between these different notions of causality I will refer to the this latter interpretation as defining the narratively generative structure of a model.

2.3 Serialization

As we discussed above narratives often naturally decompose into constituent stories. In many cases those constituent stories can also be decomposed into even smaller, more confined stories. Epic fiction can span multiple books, each book spanning multiple chapters, each chapter spanning multiple encounters, and so on. Plays are organized into acts, each of which is organized into scenes.

Similarly if the component models from which a narratively generative model is built are also narratively generative then they too can be decomposed into smaller component models. If any of those smaller component models are narratively generative then they can be further decomposed, and so on. In other words narrative generativity is often recursive.

Such recursive, narratively generative structure can drastically facilitate the development of expansive, intricate, and yet self-consistent narratives.

For example instead of trying to build a narrative by piecing together detailed scenes in sequential order, it is often much more productive to outline the overarching plot as a sequence of broad arcs, each of which can then be elaborated into more smaller scenes that are more manageable to construct in the necessary detail. Likewise the most effective way to develop a sophisticated probabilistic model is often to first develop a crude model of the entire data generating story before refining the initial component models of that basic narrative into more elaborate models until the overall model is rich enough to capture the relevant behaviors. As our applications grow in complexity building models from the top down is often much less overwhelming then trying to build them from the bottom up!

Even in the cases where bottom up development is more effective than top down development, however, any recursive, narratively generative structure can still be useful. In particular the recursive structure might motivate a useful modular approach. Instead of assembling the final model variable-by-variable modular construction first assembles the variables into intermediate component models, or modules. These component models can then be assembled into larger component models, which can then be assembled into even larger component models, and so on, until we finally piece the full model together from the largest component models.

Because we have to assemble only a small number of modules together at each stage this modular approach compartmentalizes the model building complexity which often makes the task much more manageable in practice. Moreover while many modules need to be built custom for each particular application, some modules that capture more universal behavior can be used repeatedly not only within a single model but also across different models. Once we familiarize ourselves with the properties of one of these general components it becomes available for any future modeling problem.

2.4 Writing To The Audience

Every story can be told at different levels of sophistication. The richer our vocabulary the more intricate of a story we can tell, but the most detailed story isn't always the most appropriate for a given audience. Similarly the most sophisticated model that we can construct isn't always the most effective model for a given application. Sometimes a relatively simple model, which captures the most relevant behavior without introducing extraneous complexity, is most appropriate.

In statistical applications the appropriate level of detail is often determined by the measurement process itself. Any finite measurement resolves the latent structure of an observed system only so well, and realized observations are sensitive to only those features of the system that manifest strongly enough in the measurement process. The more precise the measurement process the finer the details that we can resolve.

Too much sophistication in our story telling can be not only wasteful but also computationally problematic. When a complex model is only weakly informed by observations the resulting likelihood functions are prone to strong degeneracies that can frustrate accurate and efficient computation.

Consequently our priority is usually not to build the most complex model possible but rather to build a narratively generative model that self-consistently captures the most pronounced features of the observed system, perhaps in addition to any weaker features that might be of particular inferential interest. The recursive modeling building strategy that we discussed in Section 2.3 is especially helpful here; by iteratively refining an initial crude model we can self-consistently incorporate more and more detail until we've converged to the necessary level of sophistication.

Narratively generative models built in this way will rarely depend on the fundamental degrees of freedom of the system being studied, assuming that those degrees of freedom even exist. Instead these coarse-grained models capture the mutually compatible features that emerge from those degrees of freedom at a given resolution, or in other words the emergent phenomena.

All of this said we have to keep in mind that a narratively generative model motivated by the limitations of one measurement process will not necessarily be sufficient for modeling the outcomes of other measurement processes. For example if we repeat a measurement then the combined observations may be able to resolve more detailed structure. In this case we might have to further refine the initial model in order to draw inferences that can take advantage of the additional information in the combined observations.

Similarly if our inferential goals depend on details that fall below the resolution of a given measurement process then our initial model may provide only a washed-out approximation of that relevant structure. In order to accurately quantify uncertainty about those finer details we would need to once again further refine the initial model until we've reached a sufficient level of sophistication.

2.5 Mixed Genres

While many stories naturally separate into constituent stories, some stories are indivisible. Similarly not every probabilistic model will be narratively generative. If we do not understand some aspect of a data generating processes well enough then we may not be able to motivate component models with any useful narratively generative structure.

Moreover some stories that can be divided are still best told all at once. Likewise not every narratively generative model needs to be decomposed into simpler models. As we saw in Section 2.4, when a measurement process is not able to resolve the resulting substructure such a decomposition can introduce unnecessary complexity that can be more harmful than beneficial.

In general a narratively generative model will decompose into a mixture of both narratively generative and non-narratively generative component models. Some of the narratively generative component models might then further decompose into one-dimensional conditional distributions but some might be best left whole. This results in directed graphical model representations with separate nodes for each variable and nodes that encapsulate multiple variables, respectively. At the same time the non-narratively generative components will also define nodes that encapsulate multiple variables. The broader definition of directed graphical models that I introduced in my product space case study can accommodate all of these nodes, making it particularly useful for working with models that capturing the intricate complexity of realistic applications.

Critically having some non-narratively generative component models does not, and should not, prevent us from modeling other components narratively generatively where ever possible. In the social sciences, for example, the latent phenomenology is often far too complex to be modeled with anything but a heuristic model that captures some of the more pronounced emergent behaviors. That heuristic component model, however, can often be paired with a narratively generative component models of the rest of the measurement process. By exploiting our domain expertise of both the experimental design, and how that design was actually implemented, these narratively generative component models can account for important selection biases and contaminations that would otherwise corrupt the relationship between observations and the heuristic phenomenological model.

In other words "narratively generative" is not a binary qualification of a probabilistic model. Some models have deeper narratively generative structure than others, but that doesn't necessarily make them more useful. Narrative generativity is not a goal in of itself but rather a tool to help coalesce our domain expertise and facilitate the development of the most useful model possible in any given application.

2.6 A Tangled Web

Some of the most engaging narratives don't follow just one story but rather multiple, branching storylines at the same time. Likewise some of the most useful narratively generative models consistently incorporate multiple measurement processes into a single, coherent model.

By restricting any shared behavior to the same component models a narratively generative model automatically captures the interactions between multiple measurement processes. Critically inferences from the combined model automatically incorporate any correlations between observations realized from those measurement processes. In other words incorporating the narratively generative structure of multiple measurement processes into a single narratively generative model implements data fusion.

One way to build a narratively generative model that consistently incorporates multiple measurement processes is to first build a model for one measurement process and then construct branches where the remaining measurement processes diverge.

Alternatively we can build narratively generative models for each measurement process and then merge them together by consolidating any repeated component models into one.

To see the utility of modeling all of the relevant measurement processes at the same time see let's consider a simple example with two observational models that share a common parameter, \(\pi(y_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \phi)\) and \(\pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi)\), and a separable prior model \[ \pi(\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, \phi) = \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(\phi). \]

Without a joint model we have to construct our inferences iteratively, using one observation to inform a posterior distribution that serves as a prior model when fitting the other observation. Starting with the first observation we can construct the posterior distribution \[ \pi(\theta_{1}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) \propto \pi(y_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\phi) \] which pushes forward to a marginal posterior distribution for \(\phi\), \[ \pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) = \int \mathrm{d} \theta_{1} \, \pi(\theta_{1}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}). \] We can then build a posterior distribution for \(\theta_{2}\) and \(\phi\) informed by both observations by using this marginal posterior distribution as the prior model for \(\phi\), \[ \pi(\theta_{2}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2}) \propto \pi(\tilde{y}_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}). \] Finally this second posterior distribution lets us characterize the marginal posterior distributions \[ \pi(\theta_{2} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2}) = \int \mathrm{d} \phi \, \pi(\theta_{2}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2}) \] and \[ \pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2}) = \int \mathrm{d} \theta_{2} \, \pi(\theta_{2}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2}). \]

This procedure, however, does not allow us to characterize the marginal posterior distribution for the first parameter informed by both observations, \(\pi(\theta_{1} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2})\). Instead we have access to only the marginal posterior distribution informed by the first observation, \[ \pi(\theta_{1} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) = \int \mathrm{d} \phi \, \pi(\theta_{1}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}), \] which will in general differ from \(\pi(\theta_{1} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2})\). Although the second observation \(y_{2}\) is conditionally independent of \(\theta_{1}\), it does inform \(\phi\) which then allows \(y_{1}\) to better inform \(\theta_{1}\), resulting in a more informed marginal posterior distribution!

This inability of this sequential approach to characterize all of the relevant marginal posterior distributions is not its only weakness; rarely is it feasible to implement in practice at all. The problem is that we typically cannot derive the marginal probability density function \(\pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1})\) in closed form, which then prevents us from specifying the necessarily probability density function \[ \pi(\theta_{2}, \phi, \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2}) = \pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) \] in tools like Stan.

On the other hand once we incorporate both observational models into a single, narratively generative model, \[ \pi(y_{1}, y_{2}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, \phi) = \pi(y_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \phi) \, \pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(\phi), \] we can immediately construct a joint posterior distribution over all of the parameters at the same time, \[ \pi(\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2}) \propto \pi(\tilde{y}_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \phi) \, \pi(\tilde{y}_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(\phi). \] By automatically incorporating all of the inferential correlations between \(\theta_{1}\), \(\theta_{2}\), and \(\phi\) this joint posterior distribution allows us to characterize all of the the marginal posterior distributions, \(\pi(\theta_{1} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2})\), \(\pi(\theta_{2} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2})\), and \(\pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}, \tilde{y}_{2})\), with appropriate expectation values.

Working with the full narratively generative model all at once not only requires fewer steps, and hence fewer opportunities to introduce mistakes, but also is much more practical to implement!

2.7 Sequels and Spinoffs

Integrating multiple realized measurement processes into a single narratively generative model allows us to make self-consistent inferences from the different observations generated by those measurements. Integrating realized and hypothetical measurement processes together allows us to make predictions that generalize beyond the realized measurements entirely.

Observations from the realized measurement processes inform any common component models which then inform predictions for any speculative measurement processes that generalize to new circumstances.

To demonstrate let's again consider the two observational models that share a common parameter, \(\pi(y_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \phi)\) and \(\pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi)\), and a separable prior model \[ \pi(\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, \phi) = \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(\phi). \] Without any observations the prior predictive distribution for the second observation, \[ \pi(y_{2}) = \int \mathrm{d} \theta_{2} \, \mathrm{d} \phi \, \pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(\phi), \] quantifies our best predictions for the outcomes of the second measurement process.

As before an observation \(\tilde{y}_{1}\) informs a posterior distribution for \(\theta_{1}\) and \(\phi\), \[ \pi(\theta_{1}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) \propto \pi(y_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\phi), \] which then yields a marginal posterior distribution for \(\phi\), \[ \pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) = \int \mathrm{d} \theta_{1} \, \pi(\theta_{1}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}). \] This marginal posterior distribution then informs a posterior predictive distribution for \(y_{2}\), \[ \pi(y_{2} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) = \int \mathrm{d} \theta_{2} \, \mathrm{d} \phi \, \pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(\phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}). \]

Alternatively we can directly construct the same posterior predictive distribution from the joint posterior distribution of all of the parameters, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{2} \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) &= \int \mathrm{d} \theta_{1} \, \mathrm{d} \theta_{2} \, \mathrm{d} \phi \, \pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, \phi \mid \tilde{y}_{1}) \\ &\propto \int \mathrm{d} \theta_{1} \, \mathrm{d} \theta_{2} \, \mathrm{d} \phi \, \pi(y_{2} \mid \theta_{2}, \phi) \, \pi(\tilde{y}_{1} \mid \theta_{1}, \phi) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(\phi). \end{align*} \] Once again with the joint narratively generative model we can derive the desired result in fewer steps that are also more straightforward to implement.

Ultimately the narratively generative structure of a model is what allows us to extrapolate from the particular circumstance of an observation to new, not yet observed circumstances. The more refined the narrative the more sophisticated these generalized inferences and predictions can be.

2.8 Unreliable Narrators

Of course just because someone tells a story doesn't guarantee that the story can be trusted. Likewise just because we've built a narratively generative model doesn't guarantee that the model will actually be useful in any given statistical application.

In order to ensure that a narratively generative model captures the relevant features of a system being studied we have to carefully assess it against both our own domain expertise and the details of any observed data. Discrepancies in these comparisons inform holes in the stories our model tells, and any narrative interpretation of these holes motivates an improved narration and, hopefully, a better model.

General strategies for model assessment and critique are considered in my workflow case study. Narratively generative structure is particularly useful for motivating summary functions and statistics that isolate meaningful structure, and hence interpretable prior and posterior retrodictive checks.

Altogether a narratively generative perspective is particularly well-suited to iterative model development.

3 Anthology of Interest

It's often said that in order to become a better writer one has to read as much as possible. Similarly the more we can expose ourselves to examples of narratively generative model building the better we'll be able to employ the approach in our own problems. In this section we'll review some simplified model building exercises that demonstrate many of the narrative techniques introduced above.

3.1 2 Become 1

First let's consider a somewhat abstract example where we want to combine two measurement processes, the first resulting in \(N_{1}\) observations, \(\{y_{1, 1}, \ldots, y_{1, N_{1}}\}\), and the second in \(N_{2}\) observations, \(\{y_{2, 1}, \ldots, y_{2, N_{2}}\}\), into a single model.

The simplest story is that these measurement processes do not influence each other at all, in which case we can model them with completely uncoupled observational models, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1, 1}, \ldots, y_{1, N_{1}}, y_{2, 1}, \ldots, y_{2, N_{2}}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) &= \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N_{1}} \pi(y_{1, n} \mid \theta_{1}) \right] \pi(\theta_{1}) \\ & \quad \cdot \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N_{2}} \pi(y_{2, n} \mid \theta_{2}) \right] \pi(\theta_{2}). \end{align*} \]

A more complex story might consider interactions between the two measurement processes. For example we might know that the phenomenology that manifests in the first measurement process also influences the second measurement process. This particular narratively generative assumption implies that the model for \(\theta_{2}\) should depend on the model configuration \(\theta_{1}\). Here let's assume a deterministic dependence where we model \(\theta_{2}\) as the output of some deterministic function of \(\theta_{1}\) and some new variables \(\psi\) that characterize the possible functional behaviors, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1, 1}, \ldots, y_{1, N_{1}}, y_{2, 1}, \ldots, y_{2, N_{2}}, \theta_{1}, \psi) &= \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N_{1}} \pi(y_{1, n} \mid \theta_{1}) \right] \pi(\theta_{1}) \\ & \quad \cdot \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N_{2}} \pi(y_{2, n} \mid \theta_{2}(\theta_{1}, \psi)) \right] \pi(\psi). \end{align*} \]

In order to specify an explicit model we need to specify an explicit functional form for this dependence, \(\theta_{2}(\theta_{1}, \psi)\). A deep theoretical understanding of this system might motivate a particular model, but if the interaction is weak enough then we can also consider an approximate linear dependence, \[ \theta_{2}(\theta_{1}, \psi)) = \alpha + \beta \cdot \theta_{1}, \] resulting in the final model, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1, 1}, \ldots, y_{1, N_{1}}, y_{2, 1}, \ldots, y_{2, N_{2}}, \theta_{1}, \psi) &= \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N_{1}} \pi(y_{1, n} \mid \theta_{1}) \right] \pi(\theta_{1}) \\ & \quad \cdot \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N_{2}} \pi(y_{2, n} \mid \alpha + \beta \cdot \theta_{1}) \right] \pi(\alpha) \, \pi(\beta). \end{align*} \]

If this linear approximation is sufficiently accurate then this model may be able to reasonably approximate the true data generating process.

3.2 Intervention Circumvention

Narratively generative structure is particularly useful for comparing and contrasting mathematical models with similar, and hence easily confused, assumptions.

Consider for example an experiment that is made under carefully controlled circumstances quantified by the variables \(x \in X\). If the resulting data generating process is assumed to vary across these circumstances then any compatible observational model for the outcomes \(y \in Y\) will take the form \[ \pi(y, \theta; \tilde{x}). \] Inferences derived from this model are applicable whenever those circumstances can be similarly controlled.

In more chaotic settings, however, the circumstances might not be fixed. If the variables \(x\) also vary with each realized observation then they have to modeled along with the outcomes, \(y\), \[ \pi(y, x, \theta). \] Our previous model is no longer appropriate in these settings.

An appropriate narratively generative model for this system has to quantify how both \(y\) and \(x\) are generated in each observation, which requires a more sophisticated story and more assumptions. For example if the circumstances \(x\) are generated before the nominal measurement outcome \(y\) then the conditional decomposition \[ \pi(y, x, \theta) = \pi(y, x \mid \theta) \, \pi(\theta) = \pi(y \mid x, \theta) \, \pi(x \mid \theta) \, \pi(\theta) \] specifies the natural narratively generative model.

Moreover if the conditional model for \(y\) and \(x\) are parameterized by different model configuration variables then the narratively generative model reduces to \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y, x, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) &= \pi(y \mid x, \theta_{2}) \, \pi(x \mid \theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \\ &= \pi(y \mid x, \theta_{2}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}) \, \pi(x \mid \theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \\ &= \pi(y, \theta_{2} \mid x) \, \pi(x, \theta_{1}). \end{align*} \]

The first term in this particular narratively generative model, \(\pi(y, \theta_{2} \mid x)\), has the same mathematical structure as the model for the controlled experiment, \(\pi(y, \theta; x)\).

Indeed if the \(x\) are modeled with a Dirac distribution that concentrates entirely at \(\tilde{x}\) then the model for the uncontrolled experiment reduces to the model for the controlled experiment, \[ \pi(y, x, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) = \pi(y, \theta_{2} \mid \tilde{x}) \, \delta(x - \tilde{x}) = \pi(y, \theta_{2}; \tilde{x}). \] These narrative assumptions allows us to compare and contrast the appropriate models for the controlled and uncontrolled measurements.

This, however, is far from the only narratively generative model that might be applicable to the uncontrolled setting. For example the conditional models for \(y\) and \(x\) might share a dependence on some of the model configuration variables, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y, x, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) &= \pi(y \mid x, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}) \, \pi(x \mid \theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{2}), \end{align*} \] which prevents the narrative from decomposing into independent stories for how the variables \(x\) and the variables \(y\) are generated.

Alternatively if the measurement process censors certain circumstances \(x\) depending on the outcome \(y\) then we might have to instead consider the conditional decomposition \[ \pi(y, x, \theta) = \pi(y, x \mid \theta), \pi(\theta) = \pi(x \mid y, \theta) \, \pi(y \mid \theta) \, \pi(\theta). \] where \(\pi(x \mid y, \theta)\) models the censoring process.

The mathematical distinction between some of these models can be subtle, but a narratively generative perspective often provides a clarifying interpretation. For example the models \(\pi(y, \theta_{1} \mid x)\) and \(\pi(y, \theta; x)\) might be exactly the same mathematically, but they have different narratively generative interpretations which makes then appropriate for modeling different systems. Sometimes the conditional model \(\pi(y, \theta_{1} \mid x)\) is relevant for modeling uncontrolled experiments but sometimes it is not, and the narratively generative interpretation identifies exactly when.

By incorporating this interpretation from the beginning, narratively generative modeling avoids the mathematical ambiguity entirely which often clarifies the model building process. Once we identify which variables are fixed by the measurement process and which are outcomes of the measurement process, including often neglected variables like the total number of observations, we can use the narratively generative perspective to translate our domain expertise into a joint model over all of the outcomes. Occasionally some of the component models might simplify into common model templates, in which case we can take advantage of that simplified structure. If the component models don't simplify, however, then we know that those templates are inappropriate for the problem at hand.

In causal inference the relationship between the models \(\pi(y, x, \theta_{1})\) and \(\pi(y, \theta_{1} \mid x)\) quantifies the effect of an intervention where the variables \(x\) are, actually or hypothetically, fixed [3]. By examining the narratively generative structure of our model we can analyze these effects without having to consider any tools from causal inference. Indeed these tools can all be reframed as implicit probabilistic modeling assumptions [4, 5].

3.3 Always Be Closing

Now let's consider an example with a little more backstory. In this example we're interested in understanding how often customers who engage with a business will be converted to a sale. For example we may be interested in how likely a customer who enters a physical store is to buy a particular item, or a customer who browses a website is to signup for a subscription to a particular service.

Observations of previous engagements have resulted in binary data coding a failed conversation with \(0\) and a successful conversation with \(1\). If we assume that all customers behave identically then we can model this data with a Bernoulli observational model parameterized by a single probability parameter \(\theta\), \[ \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, \theta) = \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta) \right] \pi(\theta) \]

After implementing this initial analysis we're given a new data set where the binary observations are complemented with demographic information about the observed customers, \(x_{n}\). One way to model how the conversion probability varies with this demographic information is to replace the variable \(\theta\) with a deterministic function parameterized by \(\psi\), \(\theta(x, \psi)\), which results in the \(N\) values \(\theta_{n} = \theta(x_{n}, \psi)\). Our model then takes the form \[ \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, \psi; x_{1}, \ldots, x_{N}) = \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta \, (x_{n}, \psi)) \right] \pi(\psi). \]

Now let's say that when assessing the fit of this model we encounter some odd artifacts that suggest a group of customers whose behavior doesn't seem to be as influenced by the given demographics as the others. Following up with team responsible for collecting the data we learn that indeed the data contained not only observations from new customers but also data from established, high-spending customers internally referred to as very important people, or VIPs. This narrative suggests two observational models: \[ \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta \, (x_{n}, \psi)) \] for the regular customers and \[ \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta^{\text{VIP}}) \] for the VIPs.

The problem is that we don't know to which of these groups each customer in our observed data belongs! In order to account for the possibility that each customer could belong to either group we can appeal to a mixture model with the mixture parameter \(\lambda\) determining the overall proportion of new customers to VIP customers, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, &\psi, \theta^{\text{VIP}}, \lambda; x_{1}, \ldots, x_{N}) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \lambda \cdot \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta \, (x_{n}, \psi)) + (1 - \lambda) \cdot \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta^{\text{VIP}}) \right] \\ & \cdot \pi(\psi) \, \pi(\theta^{\text{VIP}}) \, \pi(\lambda) \end{align*} \]

Unfortunately our ignorance about the customer categorization will dilute how well the observation informs the two component behaviors, and our inferential uncertainties will probably leave much to be desired. That is until one of our colleagues mentions a separate data set consisting of only VIP customers. If we can use these observations to inform \(\theta^{\text{VIP}}\) then the initial observations should be able to better inform \(\lambda\) and \(\psi\).

To do this we can incorporate our initial measurement process and this complementary measurement process into a single narratively generative model that branches at \(\theta^{\text{VIP}}\), \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, &y^{\text{VIP}}_{1}, \ldots, y^{\text{VIP}}_{N^{\text{VIP}}}, \psi, \theta^{\text{VIP}}, \lambda; x_{1}, \ldots, x_{N}) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \lambda \cdot \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta \, (x_{n}, \psi)) + (1 - \lambda) \cdot \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{n} \mid \theta^{\text{VIP}}) \right] \\ & \cdot \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N^{\text{VIP}}} \text{Bernoulli} \,(y^{\text{VIP}}_{n} \mid \theta^{\text{VIP}}) \right] \\ & \cdot \pi(\psi) \, \pi(\theta^{\text{VIP}}) \, \pi(\lambda) \end{align*} \]

By fitting this joint model all of the subtle interactions between the two measurement processes are automatically taken into account and we can be assured that the resulting inferences will be as precise as possible.

3.4 Spectra Incognita

After considering a more business-oriented application let's get a little physical. In this example we're measuring the energies of particles generated by some physical process of interest. The distribution, or spectrum, of these energies is assumed to be well-characterized by a theoretical model \(\pi(E \mid \theta_{S})\).

Unfortunately our observations don't report the actual energy of each incident particle. Instead the output energy values are discretized into a sequence of \(K\) bins, \((b_{1}, \ldots, b_{K + 1})\), and each observation consists of only which bin the incident particle energy falls. In order to model this censoring process we have to integrate the theoretical spectrum over each bin to give bin probabilities \(\rho_{k}\). We can then use those bin probabilities in a multinomial model for the bin counts, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, \theta_{S}; b_{1}, \ldots, b_{K + 1}) &= \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{multinomial}(y_{n} \mid \rho_{1}, \ldots, \rho_{K}) \right] \pi(\theta_{S}) \\ \rho_{k} &= \int_{b_{k}}^{b_{k + 1}} \mathrm{d} E \, \pi(E \mid \theta_{S}). \end{align*} \]

By modeling the actual structure of the measurement we can recover the behavior of the spectral parameters \(\theta_{S}\) as well as possible. Or we would if we didn't realize that the physical process of interest was not alone.

Upon a more careful inspection of the experiment we learn that our measurements are contaminated by particles from a background physical process that we can't completely suppress. In other words each observation could come from the signal process or this background process and unfortunately we don't know which. As in the previous example, however, we can incorporate this ignorance with a mixture model of the incident energy spectrum that incorporates not only the signal spectrum, \(\pi(E \mid \theta_{S})\) but also the background spectrum \(\pi(E \mid \theta_{B})\), \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, &\theta_{S}, \theta_{B}, \lambda; b_{1}, \ldots, b_{K + 1}) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{multinomial}(y_{n} \mid \rho_{1}, \ldots, \rho_{K}) \right] \\ & \cdot \pi(\theta_{S}) \, \pi(\theta_{B}) \, \pi(\lambda) \\ \rho_{k} =& \int_{b_{k}}^{b_{k + 1}} \mathrm{d} E \, \left[ \lambda \cdot \pi(E \mid \theta_{S}) + (1 - \lambda) \cdot \pi(E \mid \theta_{B}) \right]. \end{align*} \]

By explicitly modeling the contamination we are able to not only minimize how much the background process corrupts our inferences about physical system of interest but also infer the relative contribution from the background, \(1 - \lambda\)!

Unfortunately without knowing from which process each observation is generated the observations will be able to inform the behavior of each process only so well. One way to improve our inferences from these contaminated observations is to incorporate new observations that are sensitive to only one process at a time. In particular if we suppress the signal process then we can isolate the background process and generate new observations \(\{ y^{B}_{1}, \ldots, y^{B}_{N^{B}} \}\) whose observational model depends on only \(\theta_{B}\), \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, &y^{B}_{1}, \ldots, y^{B}_{N^{B}}, \theta_{S}, \theta_{B}, \lambda; b_{1}, \ldots, b_{K + 1}) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{multinomial}(y_{n} \mid \rho_{1}, \ldots, \rho_{K}) \right] \\ & \cdot \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N^{B}} \text{multinomial}(y^{B}_{n} \mid \tau_{1}, \ldots, \tau_{K}) \right] \\ & \cdot \pi(\theta_{S}) \, \pi(\theta_{B}) \, \pi(\lambda) \\ \rho_{k} =& \int_{b_{k}}^{b_{k + 1}} \mathrm{d} E \, \left[ \lambda \cdot \pi(E \mid \theta_{S}) + (1 - \lambda) \cdot \pi(E \mid \theta_{B}) \right] \\ \tau_{k} =& \int_{b_{k}}^{b_{k + 1}} \mathrm{d} E \, \pi(E \mid \theta_{B}). \end{align*} \]

This background-only data informs inferences about \(\theta_{B}\) which then allows our initial measurement to better inform \(\lambda\) and \(\theta_{S}\).

With the details of the background contamination incorporated into our full model we can return to the consideration of the signal process. While we've been doing all of this work to better understand the experiment our colleagues have been hard at work expanding the initial theoretical model \(\pi(E \mid \theta_{S})\) into a much more sophisticated model that incorporates many different interacting phenomena, \[ \pi(E \mid \theta_{S}(\psi_{3}, \psi_{4})) \pi(\psi_{4} \mid \psi_{3}, \psi_{2}) \, \pi(\psi_{3} \mid \psi_{1}, \psi_{2}). \]

In order to properly quantify all of the complex, interacting uncertainties between these theoretical model configurations all we have to do is expand our full model of the measurement process to incorporate this more refined theoretical understanding, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{N}, &y^{B}_{1}, \ldots, y^{B}_{N^{B}}, \psi_{1}, \psi_{2}, \psi_{3}, \psi_{4}, \theta_{B}, \lambda; b_{1}, \ldots, b_{K + 1}) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{multinomial}(y_{n} \mid \rho_{1}, \ldots, \rho_{K}) \right] \\ & \cdot \left[ \prod_{n = 1}^{N^{B}} \text{multinomial}(y^{B}_{n} \mid \tau_{1}, \ldots, \tau_{K}) \right] \\ & \cdot \pi(\psi_{4} \mid \psi_{3}, \psi_{2}) \, \pi(\psi_{3} \mid \psi_{1}, \psi_{2}) \, \pi(\psi_{2}) \, \pi(\psi_{1}) \, \pi(\theta_{B}) \, \pi(\lambda) \\ \rho_{k} =& \int_{b_{k}}^{b_{k + 1}} \mathrm{d} E \, \left[ \lambda \cdot \pi(E \mid \theta_{S}(\psi_{3}, \psi_{4})) + (1 - \lambda) \cdot \pi(E \mid \theta_{B}) \right] \\ \tau_{k} =& \int_{b_{k}}^{b_{k + 1}} \mathrm{d} E \, \pi(E \mid \theta_{B}). \end{align*} \]

By working with this single, comprehensive model we completely avoid the need for inconsistent, heuristic methods for "propagating uncertainty" or "adding uncertainties" from the multiple component models.

3.5 The Eyes Have It

For this example we'll go from physics to physiology. Here our interest is in understanding firstly how a drug propagates through a human body and then how that drug effects certain systems in the human body. These two concerns are known as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, respectively.

We begin by modeling the human body as a set of disjoint but interacting compartments. These compartments might for example model individual organs, collections of organs, or even expansive systems like the blood stream. Here we will assume three compartments -- \(C_{1}\) which models the blood stream, \(C_{2}\) which models the blood-brain barrier, and \(C_{3}\) which models the brain. Keep in mind that this is not necessarily meant to be a realistic model, just a demonstrative one.

Our first task is to understand how a drug injected into the blood stream propagates to the brain. We can model this pharmacokinetics process as a system of coupled ordinary differential equations for the concentration of the drug in the blood stream, the blood-brain barrier, and the brain, \[ \begin{align*} \frac{\mathrm{d} C_{1} }{ \mathrm{d} t } &= -k_{12} \, C_{1} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} C_{2} }{ \mathrm{d} t } &= k_{12} \, C_{1} - k_{23} \, C_{2} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} C_{3} }{ \mathrm{d} t } &= k_{23} \, C_{2}. \end{align*} \] Here the drug can flow from the blood to the blood-brain barrier and back, and then from the blood-brain barrier to the brain and back, but it can't flow from the blood to the brain directly. This model also assumes that the total concentration of the drug in all three compartments in conserved over time, \[ \begin{align*} \frac{\mathrm{d} (C_{1} + C_{2} + C_{3}) }{ \mathrm{d} t } &= \frac{\mathrm{d} C_{1} }{ \mathrm{d} t } + \frac{\mathrm{d} C_{2} }{ \mathrm{d} t } + \frac{\mathrm{d} C_{3} }{ \mathrm{d} t } \\ &= -k_{12} \, C_{1} + k_{12} \, C_{1} - k_{23} \, C_{2} + k_{23} \, C_{2} \\ &= (-k_{12} + k_{12}) \, C_{1} + (-k_{23} + k_{23}) \, C_{2} \\ &= 0. \end{align*} \] By modifying the differential equations we can also model how the body might eliminate the total concentration of the drug once it reaches certain systems like the kidneys.

The drug is not present in the body until we inject a known concentration \(C_{0}\) into the blood stream, \[ \begin{align*} C_{1}(t = 0) &= C_{0} \\ C_{2}(t = 0) &= 0 \\ C_{3}(t = 0) &= 0. \end{align*} \] Integrating the system of differential equations forward in time then determines how much of that initial concentration reaches each compartment. In particular we can determine the concentration values \(C_{j, i} = C_{j}(t_{i})\) for any given sequence of times \(\{t_{1}, \ldots, t_{i}, \ldots, t_{I} \}\).

If we could take samples of each compartment over time then we could infer the time-dependent concentrations and, in particular, the pharmacokinetics parameters \(k_{12}\) and \(k_{23}\). Unfortunately this isn't always possible, especially in compartments like the brain where physical sampling would be too intensive and dangerous for the patient.

In some cases, however, we can rely on indirect measurements that are sensitive to these concentrations. For example the pharmacodynamics might influence how well a patient performs on a neurological test, which we can model with item response theory [6]. A 2PL item response theory model assumes that the logit probability a patient answers a question correctly, \[ \text{logit} \, (\theta_{i, n}) = \frac{ \theta_{i, n} }{ 1 - \theta_{i, n} }, \] depends on the difference between a patient's cognitive ability, modeled with the parameter \(\alpha_{i}\), and the difficulty of the question, modeled with the parameter \(\beta_{n}\), \[ \text{logit} \, (\theta_{i, n}) \propto \alpha_{i} - \beta_{n}. \] The constant of proportionality \(\gamma_{n}\) quantifies how sensitive the answers are to this contrast, which is referred to the discrimination of the question, \[ \text{logit} \, (\theta_{i, n}) = \gamma_{n} \left( \alpha_{i} - \beta_{n} \right). \] In other words the probability a patient answers a question correctly is modeled as \[ \begin{align*} \theta_{i, n} &= \text{logit}^{-1}( \text{logit} \, (\theta_{i, n}) ) \\ &\equiv \text{logistic} \, ( \text{logit} \, (\theta_{i, n}) ) \\ &\equiv \text{logistic} \, ( \gamma_{n} \left( \alpha_{i} - \beta_{n} \right) ), \end{align*} \] where the logistic function is the inverse of the logit function.

Altogether our model for the neurological test takes the form \[ \begin{align*} \pi( y_{1, 1}, \ldots, y_{I, N}, &\alpha_{1}, \ldots, \alpha_{I}, \beta_{1}, \ldots, \beta_{N}, \gamma_{1}, \ldots, \gamma_{N} ) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \prod_{i = 1}^{I} \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{Bernoulli} \, (y_{i, n} \mid \text{logistic}( \gamma_{n} ( \alpha_{i} - \beta_{n} ) ) \right] \\ & \cdot \prod_{i = 1}^{I} \pi(\alpha_{i}) \prod_{i = 1}^{N} \pi(\beta_{n}) \, \pi(\gamma_{n}). \end{align*} \]

In order to integrate these two models together we need to specify an explicit pharmacodynamical model for how the drug concentration in each compartment influences this cognitive test. Here we assume that only the concentration in the brain influences the patient's cognitive ability, \[ \alpha_{i} = f(C_{3}(t_{i}), \psi), \] and that this functional dependence is linear, \[ \alpha_{i} = \rho \cdot C_{3}(t_{i}). \]

The integrated model of this indirect measurement then tells a story that progresses from the latent dynamics of the drug concentration through the body all the way to how well the patient performs on the neurological test, \[ \begin{align*} \pi( y_{1, 1}, \ldots, y_{I, N}, &C_{0}, k_{12}, k_{23}, \rho, \beta_{1}, \ldots, \beta_{N}, \gamma_{1}, \ldots, \gamma_{N}; C_{0}, t_{1}, \ldots, t_{I} ) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \prod_{i = 1}^{I} \prod_{n = 1}^{N} \text{Bernoulli} \,(y_{i, n} \mid \text{logistic} \, ( \gamma_{n} ( \rho \cdot C_{3} (C_{0}, k_{12}, k_{23}, t_{i}) - \beta_{n} ) ) \right] \\ & \cdot \pi(k_{12}) \, \pi(k_{23}) \, \pi(\rho) \prod_{i = 1}^{N} \pi(\beta_{n}) \, \pi(\gamma_{n}). \end{align*} \]

While this model is clearly an extreme simplification of the human body its narratively generative structure self-consistently captures emergent, macroscopic behaviors and their interactions that can provide powerful insights into these complex systems.

3.6 Malaria Bacteria Hysteria

Our final example is motivated by an analysis of malaria vaccines in [7]. Here we'll consider a simplified, hypothetical bacterial infection that spreads through mosquitos bites.

To begin we'll outline our hypothetical domain expertise. A hypothetical bacteria is known to mature in the blood of infected mice. Any mosquito that feeds on this blood transfers some of the mature bacteria into its gut where the mature bacteria can reproduce. The resulting immature bacteria then diffuse from the mosquito's gut to its salivary glands where they are injected into a new mouse whenever the mosquito feeds again. In this new mouse the immature bacteria mature, and the cycle beings anew.

In order to recreate this cycle in the lab a mouse is first infected with the bacteria and blood is drawn in order infer the initial bacteria density. A group of mosquitos are then allow to feed on the infected mouse. One of these mosquitos is dissected so that the immature bacteria can be counted and another is allowed to bite a new, uninfected mouse. Finally a blood sample is drawn from this new mouse in order to infer how much bacteria has propagated through the feeding cycle. After the initial feeding the first mouse is then given an experimental treatment and the experiment is run again with fresh mosquitos.

We begin the translation of this domain expertise into an explicit model by modeling the first stage of the experiment, where a sample of blood is drawn from the infected mouse. We'll assume a Poisson model for the sampled bacteria density, with the intensity parameter \(\lambda_{1}\) quantifying the actual bacterial density in the mouse, \[ \pi(y_{1}, \lambda_{1}) = \text{Poisson}(y_{1} \mid \lambda_{1}) \, \pi(\lambda_{1}). \]

The second stage requires a model for how much mature bacteria transfers to the mosquito gut in each bite and then is able to reproduce there. This model could be anything from a complex system of ordinary differential equations or even a heuristic approximation such as a linearized model, depending on our domain expertise and how detailed of a story we need. Here we'll leave that choice open and denote the model with a general deterministic function whose output gives the bacterial density in the mosquitos, \(\lambda_{2}\). The observational model for the observed bacterial density in the sampled mosquito will be given by another Poisson model conditioned on \(\lambda_{2}\), \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, y_{2}^{C}, \lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}) &= \text{Poisson}(y_{2}^{C} \mid \lambda_{2}) \, \text{Poisson}(y_{1} \mid \lambda_{1}) \, \pi(\psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}) \, \pi(\lambda_{1}) \\ \lambda_{2} &= f_{1 \rightarrow 2}(\lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}). \end{align*} \]

Our model for the third stage proceeds the same way. The complex dynamics of how much immature bacteria transfers from a mosquito to the new mouse in the second feeding, and then how effectively that immature bacteria matures, is encapsulated in a function whose output gives the mature bacterial density in the second mouse, \(\lambda_{3}\). Once again the observational model for the blood sample is assumed to be a Poisson model, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, y_{2}^{C}, y_{3}^{C}, \lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}, \psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}) &= \;\; \text{Poisson}(y_{3}^{C} \mid \lambda_{3}) \\ & \quad \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{2}^{C} \mid \lambda_{2}) \\ & \quad \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{1} \mid \lambda_{1}) \\ & \quad \cdot \pi(\psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}) \cdot \pi(\psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}) \cdot \pi(\lambda_{1}) \\ \lambda_{2} &= f_{1 \rightarrow 2}(\lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}) \\ \lambda_{3} &= f_{2 \rightarrow 3}(\lambda_{2}, \psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}). \end{align*} \]

Altogether our model provides a mathematical narrative for how bacteria can propagate from mouse to mosquito and then back to mouse, at least in our relatively controlled laboratory experiment. Conditioning on the observations generated by this experiment yields a posterior distribution which quantifies which of these stories are compatible with those measurements.

At this point we can consider how the treatment might potentially interrupt this infection cycle. The first feature of this hypothetical treatment is that it may be able to prevent the bacteria from reproducing at all, in which case there will no immature bacteria will make it to the mosquito gut. We can incorporate this into our model by mixing the nominal Poisson model with a zero component, \[ \pi(y_{2}^{T} \mid \lambda_{2}, \rho) = \rho \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{2}^{T} \mid \lambda_{2}) + (1 - \rho) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{2}^{T}). \]

The complete model up to the second stage that includes observations for the initial mouse and mosquitos that have fed before and after treatment is then given by \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, y_{2}^{C}, &y_{2}^{T}, \lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}, \rho, \psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \, \rho \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{2}^{T} \mid \lambda_{2}) + (1 - \rho) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{2}^{T}) \right] \\ & \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{2}^{C} \mid \lambda_{2}) \\ & \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{1} \mid \lambda_{1}) \\ & \cdot \pi(\psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}) \cdot \pi(\rho) \cdot \pi(\lambda_{1}) \\ \lambda_{2} =& f_{1 \rightarrow 2}(\lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}). \end{align*} \]

The treatment, however, is not done yet. Even if the bacteria are able to reproduce then there is a chance that the treatment will compromise all of the offspring, rendering them unable to grow to maturity where they can infect a new host. In other words there are two ways to suppress infection in the second mouse entirely: with probability \(\rho\) the treatment can suppress reproduction, and then if reproduction succeeds it can still limit the viability of the offspring with probability \(\sigma\). Combining all of these possibilities results in a zero-inflated mixture model for the bacterial density in the final blood sample, \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{3}^{T} \mid \lambda_{3}, \rho, \sigma) &= \rho \left[ \sigma \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{3}^{T} \mid \lambda_{3}) + (1 - \sigma) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{3}^{T}) \right] + (1 - \rho) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{3}^{T}) \\ &= \rho \cdot \sigma \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{3}^{T} \mid \lambda_{3}) + ( \rho \cdot (1 - \sigma) + (1 - \rho) ) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{3}^{T}) \\ &= \rho \cdot \sigma \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{3}^{T} \mid \lambda_{3}) + ( \rho - \rho \cdot \sigma + 1 - \rho ) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{3}^{T}) \\ &= \rho \cdot \sigma \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{3}^{T} \mid \lambda_{3}) + ( 1 - \rho \cdot \sigma ) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{3}^{T}). \end{align*} \]

Our final model that captures both the treatment and control behavior in all three stages of the experiment is then given by \[ \begin{align*} \pi(y_{1}, y_{2}^{C}, &y_{2}^{T}, y_{3}^{C}, y_{3}^{T}, \lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}, \rho, \psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}, \sigma) \\ =& \;\; \left[ \, \rho \cdot \sigma \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{3}^{T} \mid \lambda_{3}) + ( 1 - \rho \cdot \sigma ) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{3}^{T}) \right] \\ & \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{3}^{C} \mid \lambda_{3}) \\ & \cdot \left[ \, \rho \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{2}^{T} \mid \lambda_{2}) + (1 - \rho) \cdot \delta_{0} (y_{2}^{T}) \right] \\ & \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{2}^{C} \mid \lambda_{2}) \\ & \cdot \text{Poisson}(y_{1} \mid \lambda_{1}) \\ & \cdot \pi(\sigma) \cdot \pi(\psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}) \cdot \pi(\rho) \cdot \pi(\psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}) \cdot \pi(\lambda_{1}) \\ \lambda_{2} &= f_{1 \rightarrow 2}(\lambda_{1}, \psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}) \\ \lambda_{3} &= f_{2 \rightarrow 3}(\lambda_{2}, \psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}). \end{align*} \]

Once we've constructed a joint posterior distribution from all of the data we can push that posterior distribution forward to marginal distributions quantifying our uncertainty about any particular stage, for example the propagation model parameters \(\psi_{1 \rightarrow 2}\) and \(\psi_{2 \rightarrow 3}\) or the treatment efficacy parameters \(\rho\) and \(\sigma\). Although our model captures only a fraction of the true biological complexities it may be sufficiently sophisticated to capture the relevant features well enough to inform epidemiological questions such as if the treatment should be deployed in practice and if so what are the most effective deployment strategies.

4 Conclusion

Narratively generative modeling is a powerful framework for transcribing our implicit domain expertise about a measurement process into an explicit mathematical model through storytelling. The approach is particularly useful when eliciting domain expertise from colleagues with only limited statistical experience; while they may not understand probabilistic modeling they are likely to be experts in the measurement processes being modeled. To paraphrase Brillat-Savarin, "Tell me how your data were generated, and I will tell you what your model is."

The better we understand the relevant measurement processes the more detailed of a story we can tell. In order to faithfully translate those details into a mathematical model, however, we need a correspondingly rich probabilistic vocabulary. Once we become comfortable with probabilistic storytelling the next step is to familiarize ourselves with probabilistic modeling techniques that expand that vocabulary, increasing the sophistication of the models that we can build and the insights we can attain from them.

5 Acknowledgements

I thank Robert Goldman and David Galley for helpful comments.

A very special thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon: Aapeli Nevala, Abhinav Katoch, Adam Bartonicek, Adam Fleischhacker, Adam Golinski, Adan, Alan O'Donnell, Alessandro Varacca, Alex ANDORRA, Alexander Bartik, Alexander Noll, Alfredo Garbuno Iñigo, Anders Valind, Andrea Serafino, Andrew Rouillard, Angus Williams, Annie Chen, Antoine Soubret, Ara Winter, Arya, asif zubair, Austin Carter, Austin Rochford, Austin Rochford, Avraham Adler, Bao Tin Hoang, Ben Matthews, Ben Swallow, Benjamin Phillabaum, Benoit Essiambre, Bertrand Wilden, Bo Schwartz Madsen, Brian Hartley, Bryan Yu, Brynjolfur Gauti Jónsson, Cameron Smith, Canaan Breiss, Cat Shark, Chad Scherrer, Charles Naylor, Chase Dwelle, Chris Jones, Christopher Mehrvarzi, Chuck Carlson, Cole Monnahan, Colin Carroll, Colin McAuliffe, D, Damien Mannion, Damon Bayer, Dan Killian, dan mackinlay, dan muck, Dan W Joyce, Daniel Edward Marthaler, Daniel Hocking, Daniel Rowe, Darshan Pandit, David Burdelski, David Christle, David Humeau, David Pascall, DeLorean Gipson, Derek G Miller, dilsher singh dhillon, Donna Perry, Doug Rivers, Dylan Murphy, Ed Cashin, Eduardo, Elizaveta Semenova, Eric Novik, Erik Banek, Ethan Goan, Eugene, Evan Cater, Fabio Zottele, Federico Carrone, Felipe González, Fergus Chadwick, Filipe Dias, Finn Lindgren, Florian Wellmann, Francesco Corona, Geoff Rollins, George Ho, Georgia S, Granville Matheson, Greg Sutcliffe, Hamed Bastan-Hagh, Haonan Zhu, Henri Wallen, Hugo Botha, Huib Meulenbelt, Hyunji Moon, Ian , Ignacio Vera, Ilaria Prosdocimi, Isaac S, J, J Michael Burgess, Jair Andrade Ortiz, James Doss-Gollin, James McInerney, James Wade, JamesU, Janek Berger, Jason Martin, Jeff Dotson, Jeff Helzner, Jeffrey Arnold, Jeffrey Burnett, Jeffrey Erlich, Jessica Graves, Joel Kronander, John Flournoy, John Zito, Jon , Jonas, Jonathan St-onge, Jonathon Vallejo, Joran Jongerling, Jordi Warmenhoven, Jose Pereira, Josh Weinstock, Joshua Duncan, Joshua Griffith, Joshua Mayer, Justin Bois, Karim Naguib, Karim Osman, Kejia Shi, Kádár András, Lane Harrison, lizzie , Luiz Carvalho, Luiz Pessoa, Marc Dotson, Marc Trunjer Kusk Nielsen, Marco Gorelli, Marek Kwiatkowski, Mario Becerra, Mark Donoghoe, Mark Worrall, Markus P., Martin Modrák, Matthew Hawthorne, Matthew Kay, Matthew Quick, Matthew T Stern, Maurits van der Meer, Maxim Kesin, Melissa Wong, Merlin Noel Heidemanns, Michael Cao, Michael Colaresi, Michael DeWitt, Michael Dillon, Michael Lerner, Michael Redman, Michael Tracy, Mick Cooney, Miguel de la Varga, Mike Lawrence, MisterMentat , Márton Vaitkus, N , Name, Nathaniel Burbank, Nerf-Shepherd , Nicholas Cowie, Nicholas Erskine, Nicholas Ursa, Nick S, Nicolas Frisby, Noah Guzman, Octavio Medina, Ole Rogeberg, Oliver Crook, Olivier Ma, Omri Har Shemesh, Pablo León Villagrá, Patrick Boehnke, Pau Pereira Batlle, Paul Oreto, Peter Smits, Pieter van den Berg , Pintaius Pedilici, ptr, Ramiro Barrantes Reynolds, Ravin Kumar, Raúl Peralta Lozada, Reece Willoughby, Reed Harder, Riccardo Fusaroli, Robert Frost, Robert Goldman, Robert kohn, Robert Mitchell V, Robin Taylor, Rong Lu, Roofwalker, Ryan Grossman, Ryan McMinds, Rémi , S Hong, Scott Block, Scott Brown, Sean Talts, Serena, Seth Axen, Shira , sid phani, Simon Dirmeier, Simon Duane, Simon Lilburn, Srivatsa Srinath, Stephanie Fitzgerald, Stephen Lienhard, Stephen Oates, Steve Bertolani, Stijn , Stone Chen, Sus, Susan Holmes, Svilup, Sören Berg, Tao Ye, tardisinc, Teddy Groves, Teresa Ortiz, Thomas Vladeck, Théo Galy-Fajou, Tiago Cabaço, Tim Howes, Tim Radtke, Tobychev , Tom Knowles, Tom McEwen, Tommy Naugle, Tony Wuersch, Tyrel Stokes, Utku Turk, Vincent Arel-Bundock, Virginia Fisher, vittorio trotta, Vladimir Markov, Wil Yegelwel, Will Dearden, Will Farr, Will Kurt, Will Tudor-Evans, yolhaj , yureq , Z , Zach A, ZAKH , Zhengchen Cai, Zwelithini Tunyiswa.


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The code in this case study is copyrighted by Michael Betancourt and licensed under the new BSD (3-clause) license:

The text and figures in this case study are copyrighted by Michael Betancourt and licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license:

Original Computing Environment

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] compiler_4.0.2  magrittr_1.5    tools_4.0.2     htmltools_0.4.0
 [5] yaml_2.2.1      Rcpp_1.0.4.6    stringi_1.4.6   rmarkdown_2.2  
 [9] knitr_1.29      stringr_1.4.0   xfun_0.16       digest_0.6.25  
[13] rlang_0.4.6     evaluate_0.14